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FOV constantly reset by world map. Help?


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As the title suggests, EVERY time I open the f***ing map in SSE, my FOV (which has been set via all of the ini tweaks in SkyrimPrefs.ini and Skyrim.ini as well as BethINI) changes back to default from the 106 that I've set. Like I said, I have tried ALL of the ini tweaks and cfg trick where you name a .cfg file after one of your .esp's to get the desired FOV. But, to no avail..


I DO load with the 106 FOV on all of my saves now, so the ini changes are taking effect, but when the world map is opened, poof.. There goes the FOV back into the god awful 65-70 default. It's really frustrating, and I just want it to NOT change when I have to open the map to find out where I'm going... Somebody has to have a fix for this on SE, I know I'm not the only one dealing with it.


Thanks in advance.

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