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I can not enter any major cities.


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for me, is because of mods.


or there are problem between mods (conflict, load order etc.)


or you have a bugged mod (the most of the time bugs show themselves immediately and so the guilty is the latest mod you put in; in some rare cases may occur some times...very rare cases really, to occur this you had to be very unlucky, so you can almost exclude this)


or installing some mods your game result partially corrupted.


in first two case reorder mods or find the guilty and disable it


in the last one you have to uninstall all mods and skyrim too, reinstall skyrim, load your saved game and make a clean save, recharge mods.


anyway post your mods list, maybe someone will notice something. Good luck

Edited by Jodi79
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What happens when you enter cites? Instant CTD? Indefinite loading screen? etc.?


Also, I second that you should post your load order, along with any other mods not included in your load order (Texture replacers, ENB, SKSE, etc.), what version of the game you're running, and your rigs specs (CPU (Overclocked?), RAM, GPU, OS(64 bit?))...

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