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Deleting saved games


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I am playing Skyrim via Steam (I have no other choice) and would like to cancel most of the saved files. At the moment Steam shows me some 600+ saved files and I want to start a new character with a blank sheet. I have started new characters before, and my achievements with the old ones still count.


How can I begin absolutely from scratch ??????


Thanks for any advice.

Edited by homasho
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I am playing Skyrim via Steam (I have no other choice) and would like to cancel most of the saved files. At the moment Steam shows me some 600+ saved files and I want to start a new character with a blank sheet. I have started new characters before, and my achievements with the old ones still count.


How can I begin absolutely from scratch ??????


Thanks for any advice.


I think your steam achievements are bound to your steam account not Skyrim saved games, you cannot get rid of those, Skyrim doesn't know about steam achievements, it is indipendent. You could ask on steam forums anyway, maybe they know something i don't

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