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Vanilla companion dismissal


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I'm working on a new mod that combines companion sandbox with unlimited companions and adds vanilla companion teleporters. I've looked at how some of the current unlimited companion mods handle the vanilla dismissal after waiting 7 days. One of them simply sets the wait delay to 999 game days, another adds a variable for each follower. It seems, to me, the simple solution would be to do away with the fire companion after waiting thing all together. Before I do that I would really like to hear from some more experienced modders. I'm just not seeing how having the companions wait at their home base instead of where I tell them to makes a lot of difference unless having companions hired is a much heavier load on the engine that it seems to be.


Thanks for any advice on this subject.

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Thanks for the reply Quetzlsacatanango, the teleporter, I already have working, takes care of the "know where to find them" problem. I do see your point about companions not wanting to wait on me all their life. I may assign a wait variable to each follower yet. If so it'll probably be more like 20 or 30 game days or possible give the mod user a choice.
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