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How to move interactable objects from one plugin to another


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I've found some modders' resources that I want to use in my own mod but I'm having trouble copying objects from them into my plugin.

I've found instructions on how to move static objects but I can't figure out how to copy interactable objects like containers and doors while keeping all their data. I've tried merging plugins, which works for some, but not for ones that change the world in ways I don't want.

The only way I can see to do this is to make a basic interactable object and then manually edit it to use the same textures and data as the modded object, which would take an absolute age. I'm hoping someone has a better solution?

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If it were me, I'd just make new activator/chest/door/etc. entries that point to the meshes you want to use. It really doesn't take that long. And once you do one, you can duplicate it and change what you need to.


I suppose you could try coping the entries over in tes5edit, or opening both plugins in the CK at the same time and duplicating the entries so that they're saved in your new plugin. But, in my experience, short cuts can sometimes cost you more time than just doing it the normal way.

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The particular plugin I'm trying to copy over has dozens.. or maybe hundreds of assets with different weights, values, etc so even duplicating them like that will take a long time. I can do that but if there were a faster way that would be much nicer!


I tried opening both plugins and duplicating, which *almost* worked but when I loaded my plugin without the other one the texture had reverted to the vanilla version, so that's a no-go (unless I did something wrong). Might look into doing it with tes5edit.


Thanks for the tips :)

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