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Wierd problem with mystic elf race


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I have seen this problem many times myself with costom races. You should make sure that you put all the mesh and texture files in the rights spots. here is a step by step instruction to geting the files in the right place.


1. When you download the archive from the site save it in a folder that is seperete from your oblivion data folder, such as oblivion mods.


2. Next extract all of the files in the archive to your oblivion data folder C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data.


3. If you get a pop-up asking if you want to overwrite say yes.


4. If for some reason the files from the archive are not in your Meshes/Textures folders you will have to put them in manualy by cuting and pasting.


That should fix the problem, enjoy the mystic elf race :)

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I have seen this problem many times myself with costom races. You should make sure that you put all the mesh and texture files in the rights spots. here is a step by step instruction to geting the files in the right place.


1. When you download the archive from the site save it in a folder that is seperete from your oblivion data folder, such as oblivion mods.


2. Next extract all of the files in the archive to your oblivion data folder C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data.


3. If you get a pop-up asking if you want to overwrite say yes.


4. If for some reason the files from the archive are not in your Meshes/Textures folders you will have to put them in manualy by cuting and pasting.


That should fix the problem, enjoy the mystic elf race :)


I followed those steps to a T, and I'm STILL getting the purple alien...

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It definitely sounds like missing textures or meshes. A few things you may wish to check:


You may wish to check that the archive is not corrupt, if it is missing those files due to a corrupt download it may be causing your problems.


When you extract the addrace archive it should have the file "_ren_beutypack_full.esp"

that goes into your data directory which may be in a different location depending on where you installed oblivion.


Your textures should then go into the textures\characters\ren directory with 3 directories added there. (Eyes, ren_mysticelf , etc.) The files that are in each of those directories should be .dds files.


It should be similar with the meshes directory that has a characters directory and a ren directory under it too, with 2 direcotries under it. Each of those should contain .nif files.



A long shot is that it could be an archiveinvalidation issue. Load oblivion with the "Oblvion Mod Manager" a seperate program that can be downloaded at another site to solve any problems like that.


PM me if you have any questions about the above.


- Winged Warrior.

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