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Nif Edit Crashing Creation Kit?

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How can I stop a NifSkope edit from crashing the Creation kit?

If someone could also go through the steps of adding a gun mod to another gun to help me understand what I could be doing wrong that would help a lot.

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You are using wrong type of node for the weapon meshes. The one you used, "BSSubIndexTriShape" are meant for characters and armor. The one you want is called BSTriShape.

To convert them:

Right click the node > Block > Convert > Bethesda > BSTriShape

You have "BSSKin::Instance" nodes inside the mesh nodes which are leftovers from when you imported through Outfit Studio. Select them and Ctrl + Delete.

Your four mesh nodes are all outside of the root node, WEAPON.

For reference:

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A lot of weapons (or at least in this case the flamer) do not use animation skinning. So any animation skins should be removed. However you originally added the shapes to your starting file did so with the intention that the model would be used as a skin and skeleton animated object like armor. It also created it with the SubIndex system which is used for dismemberment.So as ehtyeci noted previously. The node type needs to be converted to non SubIndex, and the skins removed. The steps ehtyeci outlined are incomplete.


You are using wrong type of node for the weapon meshes. The one you used, "BSSubIndexTriShape" are meant for characters and armor. The one you want is called BSTriShape.
To convert them:
Right click the node > Block > Convert > Bethesda > BSTriShape
You have "BSSKin::Instance" nodes inside the mesh nodes which are leftovers from when you imported through Outfit Studio. Select them and Ctrl + Delete.
Your four mesh nodes are all outside of the root node, WEAPON.


This is all true except that after removing the BSSkin::Instance nodes, you also need to remove the skin flag from the BSTriShape. The image I posted in the spoiler above shows the line you need to change the flag on.


Now a crude quick and dirty explanation of animation skins:

  • In animation you have a skeleton.
  • Models then have a skin created/wrapped around that skeleton. Think virtual skin wrapped around it.
  • Each vertex on a model mesh is then weighted with reference to one or more of the bones in the skeleton. This creates a movement "influence" on the vertex in relation to the bones being moved in general animation. In the case of FO4 there is a maximum of 4 bone influences per vertex.
  • This weight data is stored in the skin.

If you're trying to make a static object, to place as clutter, or for load screen art. You do not want animation skins on the model. It's also worth noting if you're making load screen art you probably want to remove the collision data from any nodes that have it. This might cause problems as well.

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Skinning =/= animation. You can animate static objects just fine. Skinning refers to assigning vertices to bones for the purpose of deformation, like actual deformation. A weapon usually does not deform - it only gets moved or rotated. It doesn't need skinning because a weapon part either moves entirely or it it doesn't move at all.

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