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FpS drops on old save, new one works fine?


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first of all my setup:




16 GB RAM,

Windows 10.


I have a big variety of mods installed.

Now: I experienced FpS problems in my newer save in front of Riverwood. It drops to about ~48 FpS.

If I take a new save (with same mods) I have about ~58 - 59 FpS.


The taskmanager doesn't confirm that there is a bottleneck. My resources are about ~70% in GPU, ~55% in CPU and about ~60% in RAM used.


I thought scripts could be the cause but even after I cleaned the save I have the same problem still.


I'd really love some help here.


Thank you!

Edited by Dultus
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Your CPU usage is a little high. For a four core you want average usage to be around 24%. The higher your usage the lower the frame rate.


My 4 core i7 6700k averages 23%. My 6 core 8700k averages 13%.


NPCs & clutter mods(meshes) are what drive your frame rate down.


The drops in the game are 90% CPU. My old i7 2600k would drop into the 30s. My i7 6700k drops into the 40s. My i7 8700k drops to the high 50s. Your drop is about right for your CPU. The game will run perfectly in the low 40s, so your drops should not be an issue.


Your GPU usage is ok if you are at 1440 with Reshade/ENB or 1080 with heavy DoF. Use a Reshade that you can tweak in-game to keep frame rate up.


Use your GPU to make your game pretty. Improve objects with textures, not meshes.


Also check your temps while playing. My modded games put more heat into my computers than running stress tests.



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Hmm. I'll try to disable all NPCs in that area for testing. Because as I said I have no problems in a new save. I did disable every script in my old save to ensure that wouldn't be the reason. Because that's my main problem. I honestly doubt that a few guards and 2 dead cultists could be the reason for a that huge FPS drop.
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Hmm. I'll try to disable all NPCs in that area for testing. Because as I said I have no problems in a new save. I did disable every script in my old save to ensure that wouldn't be the reason. Because that's my main problem. I honestly doubt that a few guards and 2 dead cultists could be the reason for a that huge FPS drop.




Check your CPU usage on your new game. If it is a lot lower you will know that one or more mods are to blame.


I use Skyrim Performance Monitor to see what the game is doing. The graphs it generates are good for analyzing hardware drops, CTDs & low fps.


Good Luck

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Well, In Rifton I get about 40 FPS with a CPU usage of 36%, 27% RAM and 42% GPU. That's really strange tbh. It should be way higher. I used to have about 60 in Rifton. :/ In a new save I have about 4% higher FPS usage and due to VSync 59 FPS.

Edited by Dultus
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