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Hello there

Today I started using mods and I downloaded this favorites mode that changed favoritesmenu.cfg. I didn't like the mode so I deleted the file - Then remembered I didn't backup it!

Now I don't have the file on my computer and I can't open the favorites menu at all... :|

Can anyone please upload or give me a link to download the original favoritesmenu.cfg file? It's supposed to be in C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Interface.

*C:\Program Files (x86) = The folder where Skyrim was installed in,



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favoritesmenu.cfg. would be in one of the original bsa's, so deleting the one that came with the mod and uninstalling the mod "should" be enough to work properly, from my understanding of how Skyrim's file system works, or is supposed to work. I checked my backup of Skyrim, and in Skyrim\Data\Interface (loose files only, not the bsa's) there's only a text document named "Translate_ENGLISH". Try this and if you have a save game from before you installed the mod load it just to see if the favorites menu works. However I could be way wrong so anyone feel free to correct me where I'm wrong.
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"Skyrim - Interface.bsa" does not have a favoritesmenu.cfg either. It does have a favoritesmenu.swf though. Loss of the swf file would cause the menu to not show up but it would have to be deliberately removed from the bsa file.
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