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[LE] Mining animation still at old spot after moving ore

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In the Creation Kit, I moved a couple of ore veins a short distance from their original location. I also moved the animation marker (a blue stick figure sitting) that was by each ore vein. When I mine the ore in-game, however, it's jumping back to the old location of the ore.


I double-checked in the CK and there is absolutely nothing showing up at the old location in the render window (other than terrain). Has anyone run into this before?

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It has to do with how persistence is baked into the save file. If you start a new game it will reflect your changes. I'd have to go re-check but I believe the animation marker is referenced via script which causes it to fall under Level 5 as described by this post by Arthmoor https://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/4250-skyrim-levels-of-persistence/


And to pre-emptively answer your next question "How to do I make it reflect in my current save?" The simple answer is you don't. The complicated one is that you can use script or console commands to move the marker ref and set position+rotation. That however is beyond the scope of what I can advise on.

Edited by BigAndFlabby
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It has to do with how persistence is baked into the save file. If you start a new game it will reflect your changes. I'd have to go re-check but I believe the animation marker is referenced via script which causes it to fall under Level 5 as described by this post by Arthmoor https://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/4250-skyrim-levels-of-persistence/


And to pre-emptively answer your next question "How to do I make it reflect in my current save?" The simple answer is you don't. The complicated one is that you can use script or console commands to move the marker ref and set position+rotation. That however is beyond the scope of what I can advise on.

Ah, ok - gotcha. It's not really an issue for my own save game, I just wanted to fix it on the off-chance that I ever release the thing. Thanks for the quick answer!

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  • 3 years later...

You can "Force-Update" your MineOrexxxx and your PickaxeMiningxxxxxMarker.
Select both (Hold down CTRL), copy both, delete them, and put down the new copy.

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All editing should be tested on a save that had nothing to do with the mod created. Run over to the spot you will be editing and set a fresh clean save (as in no play of any type).

Add your mod to the mix on restart. Than only use that save to test the mod from then on, never resaving. Until you're done creating the mod. Best and only real way to go about this.

If you still wish to play Skyrim as you create a mod for it. Remove the mod from the mix temporarily and use a different save.
For me, all playing stops till the mod is done ... I really don't even play Skyrim that much. But, I do play let's mod Skyrim all the time.

Edited by NexusComa2
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