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Keeping Player sitting during dialogue


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Can I addscriptpackage to player to keep the PC sitting during conversation?


OR.....do I set player restrained on a scripted furniture item?


I'm trying to orchestrate a "dinner" scene between player and NPC.


The NPC sits fine.


The player gets up after every "goodbye.'

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You could try "disableplayercontrols" and add it in the dialogue script.


Why do you need 'goodbyes' until the end of the scene? is the player interacting with multiple npc's? If that's the case, you can add the 'startconversation' function in a dialogue line's result script, so it immediately goes to the next character's greeting after the goodbye, which might bypass the 'getting up' anim. make sure you use disableplayercontrols for this, with the 'force 1st person' option, so it doesn't look weird.

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