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Could use some help and issues with some tools


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With the mod you mentioned, you'd need to check to see if the additional corresponding files are in your data folder (you should have two .bsa files alongside the .esp) However, looking at that particular mod's page, it appears the last update for it was back in September 2016, which also coincides with the last time that the mod author interacted in the comments section; not to mention that there are ten bug reports that don't appear to have been resolved (this includes two that mention missing/invisible meshes)

The mod author appears to still be active on the Nexus, but isn't responding to any comments, so looks like they are no longer supporting the mod, even though it appears that a lot of users are having problems with it. I've got an hour spare so I'll have a look at the files... no promises though.

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Okay, I just checked the FN and Snap'n Build, turns out NMM didn't toss those files into data, so I'm going to have to go through the active list and toss those bsa files in.


Odd as NMM has the archive file and it has them in there, so I wonder what went wrong, because as I said I deleted the mod totally, grabbed it again from Nexus and activated it in NMM.

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Well, if it helps I may have figured out what was going on with all my mods. Apparently NMM has lost track of the virtual links it makes to my main Fallout 4 data folder, and that's why textures and menu items weren't working, so I went through the big pile that is my mod list and added the missing files into my Fallout 4 directly. I was hoping that would get the manager to fix itself, but at least the mods are downloaded in one place so I don't have to hunt all over for them. Had to drop Sparky's controller and pick it up again, but that fixed his key activation so I can store and remove stuff again, even got MCM working with a batch of the other mods, too; so I don't need the holotapes for those quite so much. Still gonna keep'em 'round (no weight and the items sorting mod has them mostly labeled), just in case. As to if Vortex will be where I go next, that's going to wait a while (let them get a few more bugs squashed, just to be safe, I'm on DSL, so it takes a while to grab some mods). I'll have to see what else may need fixing yet, but at least I'm on a lot better footing.

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