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Death hounds sound like common wolves?


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Hey all


So currently making a canine companion, was hoping to make it sound like a death hound and can't get it to. Spawned in a bunch of vanilla death hounds and noticed their attacks and general breathing sounds like regular wolves too. Has this always been the case? Or is this a bug of some sort? Because looking through the CK sound descriptors, death hounds have a full set of sound fx for all their attacks etc, but don't seem to be using them in my game.


Edit: Watched some YT vids, seems to vary a bit but for the most part yes the death hounds in my game make the wrong sounds. Their attacks sound like wolf attacks instead of using their actual sound fx.


Solved: Found the source of the issue, was the animation files generated by the FNIS creature pack. Not sure if there's a way to have these and not break the deathhound sounds but in my case it doesn't matter since I don't actually need the creature pack, must've just installed it without thinking.


In case anyone else also finds this to be a problem, the files are located under meshes/actors/canine/animations. Simply remove the attack animations and it should fix it.

Edited by Drazhar753
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