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Begin GameMode

David Brasher

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How do you say the following in Papyrus?


Begin GameMode
   If Player.GetItemCount  MyItem >= 1
       *Do Stuff*


I am afraid I am not going to like the answer. It looks like the Skyrim scripts to perform checks like this are five times as long and perhaps come in a complex of several interrelated scripts with properties. I cannot figure out what triggers these scripts to fire the function thingy.


Like how are we supposed to code simple quests? ("Bring me one apple.") You could have it be a quiet quest without a lot of quest updates, but what if you want an update in the middle? ("You have found one apple! Return to that quest-giver dude!")


You can't be putting scripts on every apple in the world. That is not nice.

Edited by David Brasher
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That depends on exactly what you want to do... One way to do it would be through a reference alias.


Scriptname ExampleScript extends ReferenceAlias
{Reference alias filled by the player.}

Potion Property FoodApple Auto
{Foods are considered potions...}

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
if (akBaseItem == FoodApple)
	;do stuff

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