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Double Barrel Shotgun That Fires Both Barrels Simaltaniously (AKA Super Shotgun)


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Ever since day 1, I was extremely disapointed that the double barrel shotgun in fallout 4 can't fire both barrels at the same time unlike fallout 3 and new vegas. It also doesn't help that the weapon gets outclassed by the combat shotgun. I'm basically asking for a mod that makes the double barrel shotgun fire both barrels at the same time (aka fire 14 pellets with one click at the cost of 2 ammo). You can either have it so you can attach a mod to the weapon to make it happen or rework the weapon entirely. It should be simple to do. I'm not sure because I'm no modding expert. Yes, I'm aware of other mods but they make it so only 1 shell in consumed per shot instead of 2 as well as not firing 14 pellets per shot. I'm basically asking for a true fire both barrel double shotgun mod.

Edited by CrusaderTheFirst
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