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"Auto-exposure?" gets extremely dark


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I don't often ask for help as you might see I've been modding for 4 years and usually find the problem online but I'm stuck here. Id rather not turn off "auto exposure"" or "eye adaptation" whatever its called. I actually like that effect, and i've read that there is values for these but I'm not sure where they are.

In certain areas the lighting will go extremely dark

So dark not even torches help me see

I don't think i have any mods that effect lighting, so Ill avoid posting my load order

Using grim and somber(Jyggalag) enb

and this is a new game


also excuse the brightness i was trying to adjust the enb settings but those didn't seem to work

Basically turned up all the settings with the word "interior"

edit: so it turns out its an "HDR" effect or something like that, i can disable it but that seems to disable the enb and completely turns off the auto exposure which i do like. so i still need some way around this

Edited by ModTheGame
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