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Skyrim CTD when going to Rift Imperial Camp


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Hi everyone, the problem I'm having is that there is no mod incompatibility since I started a new game and went to the Imperial Camp with COC and nothing happened.

I then, tried to clean the save because I thought maybe it was bloated or corrupted with the Save Tool, but no scripts were found orphan nor nothing bad was detected/removed.

Then I tried to COC with the old save and no crash happened, so I thought: Hmm maybe the problem has solved himself? But no, I loaded back once again and went walking instead of teleporting with COC and bang! CTD right in my face. And It's always the same zone where it crashes. Any ideas of what might be happening? Thank you all beforehand :D.


------ I've tried new things: ------


I started a new game and I teleported to Ivarstead instead of imperial camp and I went walking as I do in the old save and It does not crash. I think that maybe the save is bloated after all but I don't know how to fix it.

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