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Stormcloak Armor Pants Removal.


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I really liked the concept armor as seen here- http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111107010015/elderscrolls/images/6/6a/563px-Stormcloack_Armor.jpg, but when I got into te game the Stormcloaks had these lame brown pants! I realise it's cold in Skyrim, so pants would probably be smart, but I still don't like them.


So this should be fairly simple, I even tried myself (having no experience with mesh editing, I followed as many tutorials as I could but still to no avail) but couldn't get blender to function correctly, and since the default armor has no thigh mesh underneath the pants and I couldn't add one in, I failed. So this is just a humble request for a removal of the pants of the Stormcloak armor.

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