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Best way to test mods?


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So I'm trying to merge a bunch of mods and just sort my load order out overall. But I'm struggling to test some of these mods. InsanitySorrows weapon mod, more weapons please and expanded weaponry for example, how can I test it? I've tried making sure everything is in my leveled list and I've gone and spawned a few dragons some necromages, storm mages, bandits and chiefs but most have the same stuff, and none seem to be dropping the weapons I'm looking for. I managed to get a dodgy bow from insanity pack when I merged it, I know it was that because it didn't show up.


I've doing "help insanity" to no avail.


So what do you guys do to test, are the some specific enemy ID's you use specifically for this purpose? Is there a mod out there that makes this easier and I've just not found it?

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One way to stress test your modded game.


console- player.setav speedmult 1500 TCL and then fly around for about 5 or so minutes.


After re-reading your post I realize that is not you are looking for. Evidently you want to find out if those mods which add unique weapons and armors to the game are actually doing so.


Only way I know to find out is to play the game, keeping in mind that many of those items will probably not show up until you reach a certain level.

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After you've merged your mods, open them up in the CK and take some notes on which items/things you need to test -- write down any form ID's you need to.


When you're dealing with leveled lists, make sure you know what items are being distributed to what lists, where those lists are being distributed and what levels various NPCs/items are appearing. Again, keep note of form ID's.


Also make sure you rebuild your bashed patch any time you make changes.

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Thanks for the replies.


Yeah... I was aware of those methods @BloodyStigmata mentioned but I was looking for something to speed things up and save me the time I'd need to invest learning/messing with CK etc. plus, that would quickly become pretty inefficient when mods are adding tons of items and I need to check dozens of items to see if textures and meshes are working correctly.


Also, I was pretty curious if there was a way to do it all in game and what everyone else was doing.


In case anyone else ever stumbles on this looking for an answer though:


I ended up using AddItems2 (which needs a bit of fiddling to make work for SSE, easy enough), made life waaay easier. Doesn't help with testing the levelled lists but I'll trust MatorSmash/WryeBash to handle those for me. I spawned some Frost giants which seemed to have the most varied mod added loot and enough was being distributed that I trust it was working correctly.


Also, I plan on using SkyAI eventually, which although not adding to the enemy leveled lists it does distribute everything into the game.


Those two things in combination make for a much quicker, easier and more streamlined means of testing.

Edited by piperman123
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