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Changing one track of Vanilla radio station


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How easy of an edit is it to simply swap one song in for another ? In particular I'd like to swap in Mozart's req. for one of the other tracks that make up the classical station.


Is this as simple as opening the .bsa, finding what the name for one track is, then adding to the folder structure my audio track with that filename ? Does length of track matter ? Ie. is there some limit on radio stations in terms of track length or overall station length ?


And file format ? 44.1 16 mono wav ? or ?

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The only limitation I know about is the length of 15 minutes for a music track / sound file.


Can't say for sure if you need mono here, because NPC dialogues are indeed in mono, but the music is in stereo. Though, the radio station runs not music tracks but scene in quest. The only way to make it clear is to extract any radio song, convert it back to wav and take a look at Audacity / Sound Forge / Audition or any piece of software alike.

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I looked at what it would take to add tracks and the Quest Scene (thanks for the tip to locate this) is far more complex than the ones I've dealt with. So looks like this will be a replacer (no .esp is the upside). Thanks a lot.

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Hehe. Mod got nuked due to not being able to show the 35+ year old recording wasn't public domain. Guess it will remain private use. Either way, it was a good introductory tutorial for me in replacer mods.

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