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skyrim shuts down at main meny when I have mods.


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do I need to have data files in skyrim launcher enabled? Because I had it enabled and then I turned it of and then it works but I dont know if I have any mods cuz in nexus mod manager the plugins is disabled when I had enabled them before.

excuse if my english is bad.

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-Disable all mods

-load your game

-Exit the game




-Enable mods

-Move them around in your load order to where you want them. This is essential. Make sure to move each one even just one place.

-Move mods back to where you want them

-Load your game


This has worked for me on numerous occasions with this bug. Hope it helps you.




I strongly suspect, but no of no way to confirm this, that the game sees you have mods, but does not know in what order you want them loaded, until and unless you manually move them around. I suspect the moving them confirms your load order and lets the game load properly. Wish Bethesda would offer a statement on this.

Edited by BlackCompany
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