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dds files for raiders?


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Hi everyone!


So I'm just not happy enough playing Fallout 4... I want to get in there with my stick and stir things up. I've been messing around a little bit modifying the Textures/Actors/Character/BaseHumanMale/BaseMaleBody dds files for my character and NPCs.


So far I haven't broken anything (that I wasn't able to fix) and I'd like to mess around with Raiders now. Do they have a set of files like those I listed above? Is it as easy to modify their appearance like it is to modify the dds files for my character and other NPCs?


I've looked high and low and can't find where raiders texture files are located. Can someone let me know where they are?

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It looks like I got it. For anyone who has the same question in the future...


The files are in the same directory: Textures/Actors/Character/BaseHumanMale/

and are named the same with the addition of the word "Dirty". For instance: BaseHumanMaleDirty_d (_n, _s).


I hope this helps someone else.

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