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Need a script? Maybe I can help.


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Yes, it is a pain that you can't do something like:


weapon[] weaponarray = new weapon[intVar]


Instead, I think you'll just have to create a form array property and fill it with "None" entries. I think the max size of an array is 128 entries, but I'm not sure. So something like this:


Form[] Property MyArray Auto
{Set elements 0 to 127 to None by default}


Then check out this BethSoft thread for some array functions you can use. I don't really see the point of using a container though.


Example with using those functions:



Form[] Property MyArray Auto
{Set elements 0 to 127 to None by default}

Int property MyArrayLastElement = -1 Auto
{Used to keep track of just how many elements are filled in the array}

Function AddRewardToArray(Form Reward)
if (MyArrayLastElement >= MyArray.Length - 1)
	;failure, the array is already full
elseif (ArrayHasForm(MyArray, Reward) >= 0)
	;duplicate reward, ignore it
	MyArrayLastElement += 1
	MyArray[MyArrayLastElement] = Reward

Function GiveRandomRewardToPlayer()
int index = Utility.RandomInt(0, MyArrayLastElement)
Form Reward = MyArray[index]
MyArray[index] = None
ArraySort(MyArray, index)
MyArrayLastElement -= 1


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Try changing the names of the factions so that they don't begin with numbers.





I don't think there's any way to reduce the delay. I'll try and think of how to use scripting to do what you wanted. The first thing I can think of so far is this:



Scriptname Example extends Actor

Float property MaxAggroDistance = 1024.0 auto
Float property UpdateInterval = 5.0 auto
bool Registered

Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState)
if (Registered) && (some check to see if the actor is not currently a follower)
	Registered = False
elseif (!Registered && some check to see if the actor is currently a follower)
	Registered = True

Event OnUpdate()
Registered = False
if (some check to see if the actor is currently a follower)
	if (GetDistance(Game.GetPlayer()) > MaxAggroDistance)
	Registered = True


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Thank you! I'll try the script out and see how it does. I understand that it just may not be possible to do what I want here. The more I read about it, the less likely it sounds that the game's combat behavior can be modified in this way. Still, I think it's worth a try, and maybe I can at least get something that is an improvement over the current behavior, even if it's not ideal.


I think I should be able to use IsPlayerTeammate() as the follower check. Would I write this as "if (Registered) && (akTarget.IsPlayerTeammate(False))" and "elseif (!Registered) && (akTarget.IsPlayerTeammate())" ? Also, can I use the script on a Reference Alias?

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It would be


if (Registered && !IsPlayerTeammate())




elseif (!Registered && IsPlayerTeammate())


But I'm not sure if that's exactly what you want. It might be better to check for the NPC's faction rank in the CurrentFollowerFaction.





It sucks, but Papyrus doesn't support nested arrays. :(

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You mean the linked lists created by Redwood Elf? Or did you mean something like:


Scriptname MyArrayObjectScript extends ObjectReference

Form[] Property FormArray Auto
{128 element array}

Int Property LastElementPosition = -1 Auto
{The last non-None element in the array}

Int Property NestedArrayCount = 0 Auto
{Just how many layers of arrays do we have?}

Function AddFormToArray(Form akForm)

LastElementPosition += 1
int Position = LastElementPosition - (NestedArrayCount * 128)
Form[] TempArray = FormArray
int Count = 0
while (Count < NestedArrayCount)
	TempArray = (TempArray[127] as MyArrayObjectScript).FormArray
	Count += 1
if (Position == 127)	;the last element in the array
	TempArray[127] = PlaceAtMe(GetBaseObject(), 1, false, true)
	NestedArrayCount += 1
	TempArray[Position] = akForm




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Very new to modding, not totally new to writing code but still I need help. Want to make a mod that would produce different effects in combat based on the timing of a block (like stagger or disarm if you block at a certain time before getting hit), can't figure out how to do it.


Sorry if perhaps there was another place I should have put this instead or something like this has already been brought up, I'm new to the forums as well.

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Very new to modding, not totally new to writing code but still I need help. Want to make a mod that would produce different effects in combat based on the timing of a block (like stagger or disarm if you block at a certain time before getting hit), can't figure out how to do it.


Sorry if perhaps there was another place I should have put this instead or something like this has already been brought up, I'm new to the forums as well.


Well, keep in mind that Papyrus isn't exactly fast. It's not going to be much good for controlling combat. That said, you could try this:



Scriptname Example extends ReferenceAlias

Bool Blocking
Float BlockStartTime

Event OnInit()
RegisterForAnimationEvent(GetActorReference(), "BlockStart")
RegisterForAnimationEvent(GetActorReference(), "BlockStop")

Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, String asEventName)
if (asEventName == "BlockStart")
	BlockStartTime = Utility.GetCurrentRealTime()
	Blocking = True
elseif (asEventName == "BlockStop")
	Blocking = False

Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)
if (akSource as Weapon) && !((akAggressor as Actor).GetEquippedItemType(0) == 7)	;melee weapon
	if (Blocking)
		float BlockTime = Utility.GetCurrentRealTime() - BlockStartTime	;time in menu is counted
		if (BlockTime < 0.25)
			(akAggressor as Actor).UnequipItem(akSource)
			(akAggressor as Actor).DropObject(akSource)
		elseif (BlockTime < 1.0)
			Debug.SendAnimationEvent(akAggressor, "StaggerStart")


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