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I Would really really love to get a stage coach, like a Victorian style carriage thing? 'm sure it could work well with Skyrim, or at least the Mod I am making presently (hush hush)

I hope there's someone out there who could manage this?

Also, I really like Indian Sari, and I think it would be an asset to any sort of desert/hammerfell/Elswyr styled mods. Male equivalents would of course be welcomed, presently beyond the standard robes and hoods and Hammerfell garb there's not a lot in the way of Sari, or even other central asian styled looks. Kyrgyzstan has some really beautiful headdresses that I'd like to have included. I'd do it myself, but I don't know how?

I've been afraid to ask this for a while, because of the social implications, but I think if it's oky to have a million mods that have the girls running about in nex to nothing then it should be okay to have them dressed in some beautiful eastern outfits. (also would greatly improve my mod hint hint nudge nudge)


so.... Victorian style Coach? Sari's and Mens suits? Other central asian styled robes and headwear? Anyone?



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