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Script Question : How to Setting Spell Interval Time?

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I'm not from English-speaker world. please understand my broken english :)


I've made a script that intend to restore health when player's HP falls below 50%, 30%. (Less Hp, More Heal)


the script is as follow



Scn WolfHeartRestore


Float CurrentHealth

Float BaseHealthLv01

Float BaseHealthLV02

Short Source

Short Target


Begin Gamemode

set CurrentHealth to Player.GetAv Health

set BaseHealthLV01 to GetBaseAv Health * 0.5

set BaseHealthLV02 to GetBaseAv Health * 0.3


if Player.GetItemCount (Item) >= 1 && BaseHealthLv01 >= CurrentHealth

Source.moveto PlayerRef

Source.Cast (Heal Spell Lv01) PlayerRef




if Player.GetitemCount (item) >= 1 && BaseHealthLv02 > CurrentHealth

Source.Moveto PlayerRef

Source.Caset (Heal Spell Lv02) PlayerRef






There are two problem.


first, If Hp falls below 50%, Ref 'Source' Cast Heal spell repeatly without any Interval time. So Player never die :(


Second, when Hp falls below 30%, Ref Cast both Heal Spell 01 and 02. It's not intended :(


I would like to asking if i can make interval time of casting and if i can make only 1 spell working.


thx :)

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a suggestion

scn WolfHeartRestore

float interval
float pcHpFrag
ref Source ;what is this for ?

Begin Gamemode
	if interval > 0
		Let interval -= GetSecondsPassed
	elseif Player.GetItemCount (item)
		Let pcHpFrag := Player.GetAV Health / Player.GetMaxAV Health
		;'I would like only 1 spell working.'
		if pcHpFrag < 0.3 ;'restore health when pc HP falls below 30%. PRIORITY (Less Hp, More Heal)'
			Source.MoveTo PlayerRef
			Source.Cast (healStrong) PlayerRef
			;'I would like interval time of casting'
			Let interval := 10 ;10 seconds
		elseif pcHpFrag < 0.5 ;'restore health when pc HP falls below 50%'
			Source.MoveTo PlayerRef
			Source.Cast (healWeak) PlayerRef
			;'I would like interval time of casting'
			Let interval := 5 ;5 seconds
Edited by lubronbrons
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Glad it worked! Your welcome, happy to help. Great! You noticed I preferred to be called L :wink:
Maybe there is double reference assignment in your edit?
How you assign that variable 'Source' ? I need to know how you did it, maybe the problem is there
(that's why I wrote 'what is this for' in the code)


EDIT : I have another suggestion, I've revised the code (see below). Now it should prevent double cast even if there is two or more references (I think)

scn WolfHeartRestore

float interval
float pcHpFrag
ref Source ;what is this for ?

Begin Gamemode
	if interval > 0
		Let interval -= GetSecondsPassed
	elseif Player.GetItemCount (item) == 0
	elseif Player.IsSpellTarget (healStrong) || Player.IsSpellTarget (healWeak)
	Let pcHpFrag := Player.GetAV Health / Player.GetMaxAV Health
	;'I would like only 1 spell working.'
	if pcHpFrag < 0.3 ;'restore health when pc HP falls below 30%. PRIORITY (Less Hp, More Heal)'
		Source.MoveTo PlayerRef
		Source.Cast (healStrong) PlayerRef
		;'I would like interval time of casting'
		Let interval := 10 ;10 seconds
	elseif pcHpFrag < 0.5 ;'restore health when pc HP falls below 50%'
		Source.MoveTo PlayerRef
		Source.Cast (healWeak) PlayerRef
		;'I would like interval time of casting'
		Let interval := 5 ;5 seconds
Edited by lubronbrons
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'Source' is Reference Editor ID of Activator.


I placed 'Source' in cell and check 'persistent reference' and 'initially disabled'.


Unfortunately, this guy 'Source' still cast twice


I resolved it by change spell type to Ability and use 'IsSpellTarget == 0' command.


thank for your help. you save a noob from frustration :smile:


ps. Your mod 'Instant Kill' Series looks like good data for script study for my mod. thx again XD

Edited by wolfdol
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Sorry about the late post, but I was wondering how/whether it would work to have a constant healing effect on the player (for example as an ability) and then adjust the magnitude of the healing effect on the spell using scripts to make it dynamic. I have not tested that, and obviously checking player health percentage every n frames might or might not affect performance. As an idea, maybe something like this (untested, but just to illustrate the idea):

scriptname WolfHeartRestoreSpellScript

short UpdateCounter
float HealEffectMagnitude

begin _ScriptEffectUpdate

    if ( UpdateCounter < 60 ) ; update every 61 frames or somesuch
        let UpdateCounter += 1

    let UpdateCounter := 0

    ; magnitude scaled in range [0, 100] in a linear fashion depending on actor health,
    ; with the effect being of magnitude 0 at full health and 100 at no health,
    ; probably not the best choice but should do as an example

    let HealEffectMagnitude :=  100 * ( 1 - ( ( GetAV Health ) / ( GetMaxAV Health ) ) )

    ; using the SetNthEffectItemMagnitude, I cannot remember how to use it exactly,
    ; I think it should accept a float (or not), and a spell (I think?) and that
    ; the first effect might be located at index 0 but I am not sure,
    ; needs someone to test maybe...

    ; SetNthEffectItemMagnitude [nuMagnitude:int] [magicItem:ref] [whichEffect:int]
    SetNthEffectItemMagnitude HealEffectMagnitude WolfHeartRestoreSpell 0


I can try testing it later if I find the time, but maybe something like that could also be an option? It would also remove the need to use any activators to cast the spell and the like, allowing the entire dynamic healing spell mechanism to be packed into one spell and one spell effect script. It would also work on actors other than the player, as well, because by running the script as a spell effect, the actor value checks could be run on the target actor.


Edit: Fixed the block name to ScriptEffectUpdate instead of GameMode. :blush:

Edited by Contrathetix
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Sorry about late reply


I wrote a new Script for testing your sugguestion althought I can't write in same way because of kind of item used - Misitem(can't use scripteffectupdate as far as i know)


anyway, my script not worked. Magnitude didn't change regardless of Health rate :sad:


can you know what problem is?


This is my script



SCN wolfHeartRestore02


short UpdateCount

Float HealMagnitude


Begin Gamemode

If UpdateCount < 60

Set Updatecount to Updatecount + 1




if Player.GetEquipped WolfHeart(MisItem) == 0

Player.RemoveSpell WolfHeartPassiveLeveled(Heal, Abillity)



Player.Addspell WolfHeartPassiveLeveled(Heal, Abillity)

set UpdateCount to 0

set HealMagnitude to 100 * (1 - ((GetAv Health) / (GetMaxAv Health)))

SetNthEffectItemMagnutude Healmagnitude WolfHeartPassiveLeveled 0




Edited by wolfdol
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, also apologies for the late reply, I have been busy with other things. :blush: I did some testing last weekend or a week ago, and dynamically scaling healing spell is possible to implement, even as a single ability with a single script effect and also a single healing effect. Based on some testing, however, I can say the script I posted above does not work, unfortunately, because it modifies the spell effet item itself and has no effect on current active effects, apparently. So to be able to adjust the magnitude of an effect on a character, it is necessary to either re-apply the effect after each update or manipulate the currently applied active spell effect on the character. OBSE offers the necessary commands for listing and filtering the effects with scripts to find the correct active effect to set the magnitude for.


I have created a concept test that works, that scales the spell magnitude. When I have sorted out some stuff, I will upload it for you somewhere so you can check how it works. I do not know how a misc item would work, exactly, but I found a spell/ability to be a lot cleaner. The concept test also works on every character or creature, it does not have to be player.

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  • 1 month later...

Apologies for the delay again. The concept test mod should be available here if it helps. The spell (an ability) has a script effect and a healing effect. The script effect uses OBSE functions to find the current active healing effect (from the ability) and then adjusts the active effect magnitude based on the current health percentage of the actor the abiltity has been applied to. It should work also on actors other than the player, but I have not tested it.


Hopefully that helps a bit. :thumbsup:

Edited by Contrathetix
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