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Trouble with equipped items


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Recently I started to make a script that would prevent player from running (don't ask why, it's complicated:happy:). The idea was to force player walking by making running impossible via "pushactoraway" - when player wants to run, game will throw him/her on ground. This effect should be attached to ebony boots (for example), so when player equips it, the effect is added until unequipped. This is the code I have currently made:

Scriptname EbonyBootsWalk extends ObjectReference

Actor Property PlayerREF Auto
Armor Property EbonyBoots Auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
	if akActor == Game.GetPlayer()
		if (PlayerREF.IsEquipped(EbonyBoots) == 1) && (PlayerREF.IsRunning() == True)
				PlayerREF.PushActorAway(PlayerREF, 0.1)

It is not working at all and I don't know why. Need some help, please. Thank You.

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Just some advice on cleaning that script up a bit.

First, You have already gotten a PlayerRef property, so there is no need to call Game.GetPlayer() in your script:

if akActor == Game.GetPlayer()

Can instead just use:

if akActor == PlayerRef

Secondly, when you are checking the return value of a boolean, you dont need to use == 1 if you are just checking it is true.


if (PlayerREF.IsEquipped(EbonyBoots) == 1) && (PlayerREF.IsRunning() == True)

Would be better written as:

if (PlayerREF.IsEquipped(EbonyBoots)) && (PlayerREF.IsRunning())    

;I also don't think they need to be filly encapsulated in parenthesis but it doesn't hurt.

Similarly, if you were checking that a boolean was false you can use the NOT operator, in Papyrus it is a !
so to check that the player IS NOT running:

if !PlayerRef.IsRunning()

That said, what was the issue and what was the solution? Just for curiosities sake?

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That said, what was the issue and what was the solution? Just for curiosities sake?


Thank you for advices, I will use them in future.


The problem was actually split in two halves:

(1) There was two scripts in one boots and they didn't work together. So I integrated one to another (this one into bigger script).

(2) Second script used RegisterForSingleUpdate() and worked only on update, so I needed to make first script work on update too.


I omitted entire code (it is very big), the result of added first script looks like this:

Event OnUpdate()
  Actor akActor = GetTargetActor();
  If akActor.IsRunning() || akActor.IsSprinting()
        akActor.PushActorAway(akActor, 0)

Utility.Wait() was added for character to stand up after falling, otherwise there will be endless loop of PushActorAway().

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