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Skyrim UnknownLocation. ( save )


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This just started this AM. ( Wed. 03/14/2018 )


Same game, nothing changed .. * NO * updates of Mods or anything.


Started my game, and suddenly* my game is saving: UNKNOWNLOCATION. (save )


But this only happens outside in Skyrim Generic. Inside homes, walled cities and such, they are all saved with the right name / location.


* This did not happen yesterday or prior days in this current game. : |


But once outside gates and/or doors - the Location is UNKNOWN.


The games load just fine, there is no corruption and such. Just suddenly the saves in Skyrim Generic are UNKNOWNLOCATIONS.


Yes, I did Google and searched and tried a few things: INI stuff - start the game over and reload my existing saves afterwards and such ... NADA ....


I have no viruses and such, triple checked that .. all is clean and good.


Any thoughts would be great! :)



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