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Attaching Objects to the player

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Hi everyone! I'm trying to attach an object to the player character so that it stays in the same place wrt the player. I tried doing this with:

	ObjectReference object = akActor.PlaceAtMe(objectbase)

but all this does is attach it to the ground, making it immovable. Am I missing something?

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It depends what the object is. If it is worn like a piece of clothing, you can load the player head/body into Outfit Studio as a reference, and then copy the weights over from the object to the reference shape (head/body). This will only work if the object is a static object, however.

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It depends what the object is. If it is worn like a piece of clothing, you can load the player head/body into Outfit Studio as a reference, and then copy the weights over from the object to the reference shape (head/body). This will only work if the object is a static object, however.

well the main thing i'm trying to attach is something that can be activated to run a script

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