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[LE] Re-using vanilla voice assets/lines for custom NPC follower?

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Hey guys, I've been having trouble with this for a while. I'm trying to add more idle dialogue for my custom NPC follower. I already edited the files and lines that I want.


Now comes the matter of putting it into my custom NPC's dialogue topics in the dialogue view. Thing is, I'm really confused on how to work with the CK to pull this off. Tutorials I've looked up only ended up confusing me more, as what I want to do is use the already existing vanilla voice lines for the NPC, not record my own. (Similar to what Vanilla voice expansion and RDO have done)



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You need to unpack the voices.bsa with an bsa unpacker (use the search function on nexus, there are several programs available). Then you need Unfuzer to unpack the fuz-files: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19242

Use the fitting wav files for your character. Your character needs a custom voice. Record for each line an empty file with the ck and replace the extracted filenames with those the ck set in the dialogue. This tutorial tells you how to do it:



Please be aware that fuzing the files again will compress them again and causes significant quality loss. So if you do it once, it seems to be okay, but in case you need to correct something and unfuz and fuz the files a second time, they will be damaged.

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