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Ya know, I'd really like to make Skyrim hardcore as my current set up is boring. Seems like Requiem or the ERSO approaches are the best, however, both require a LOT of install time. I had Requiem a couple of years back but uninstalled, now I just don't want to go through all the hassle of setting it up again, particularly as I've forgotten how and will need to chart the learning curve all over again. Same with the ERSO approach to some extent, particularly as my comp probably won't handle all the recommended mods...there are a LOT of them if one goes whole hog. Are there any suggestions as to creating a really challenging SKYRIM w/o going overboard?


Forget it. I gave up and went for Requiem, Frostfall, etc. Requiem's a lot easier to install these days, what with the step by step guide and all. Thing is, the AI tells me that one of my mods is probably preventing Requiem from tweaking the initial carry weight to 100. Now I've got to troubleshoot that and I've got a lot of mods. Oh well, so it goes in mod land.


Found the conflict. Neutralized it.

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