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Trouble with weapon scrapping mod


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I'm working on a mod that gives scrap for weapons that is more realistic, both in quantity and in the types of components.


Unfortunately, I'm only getting half of the quantity of scrap for the various components that I specify in the Constructible Object recipe.


The simple solution would be to double the amounts, but I'd much rather figure out why I'm not getting the full amount.


Moreover, why do I get more springs and screws when I set the Object/Component to c_Screws_scrap or c_Springs_scrap than when I set it to c_Screws or c_Springs?


And why are some some other components not affected by this issue? e.g. I get the same amount of c_Steel as c_Steel_scrap...



Again, I realize that the simple solution is to double the amounts, but I have fifty or so Constructible Object recipes to mess with, and I want to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Edited by Jambo11
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I'm finding that how much I get back from any attached mods is negatively affected.


Unfortunately, no one in this community seems to be willing to help out someone who is obviously new to modding.

Edited by Jambo11
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