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Origin of the Mages Guild - quest not beginning


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I installed Origin of the Mages Guild, and all the new locations and NPCs are added. I've gotten new dialogues from a few NPCs like Tar-Meena, but the required quest to start off everything isn't happening. I became Arch-Mage a few days after installing it, and now several days later, I'm still not getting anything out of Raminus Polus about recruiting or restoring the council, which is necessary to get to the part I downloaded the mod for in the first place -- rebuilding the Bruma guild. What exactly needs to happen before I get the recruitment quest?


I tried examining the file in the construction set, but I can't figure out what's supposed to trigger it to begin. On a temporary save, I tried manually getting the quest started with the console, and got the popup telling me to speak to Raminus, but he still had no dialogue options for it.


Any ideas, or should I just scrap this one and download a more straightforward "Bruma guild restored" mod?


Edit: This has been resolved. The quest trigger seems to be on a very long countdown. The quest appeared spontaneously while I was doing something unrelated. Completion of the main quest is not necessary for this quest to appear.

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