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Fallout 4, Trump, and game violence


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The same entitlement mentality that reinforces the Snowflake is the same one that fuels the actions of school shooters. Self absorption, unable to take criticism without complete mental collapse or just plain losing at something. The ability for youth to endure any setback or challenge seems to lessen every new generation that is vomited onto the world.


When your mother told you you can have, be and do anything you want, she was lying. She should have told you that you can try to have, be and do anything you want, but you will fail much of the time and that is normal.

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Hillary tried that BS before and failed. con don is no different. And usa has far more gun violence than any country on the planet, even some countries AT WAR. Might want to think about that for awhile.


Already proven games do NOT make people violent. Again other countries prove that point. And there are countries that allow guns but bothered with gun regulations, almost ZERO shootings.

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