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right click on the folder , choose properties

in the bottom of the opened menu , there should be written attributes , next to it should be a checkbox with 'hidden' , and another with 'read only'

make sure the 'read only' one isn't checked

if it is , uncheck it and apply

Which folder?

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Usually your Skyrim.ini folder in Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition. When you first try to access a game with NMM and that ini file is set to read only NMM will often tell you that and ask if you want to change that.


If you have not launched the game from the Steam launcher to create the Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini you will get that message. If those two files are there then do as WastelandAssassin said and that should fix your problem.


If that does not fix your problem then I guess you will just have to search for the files or folders which are set to read only.

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