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[LE] Need help with script / Set global variable on death.

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This script is placed on a actor scripts.

Scriptname IllumbrisDeathAddGlobal extends Actor

GlobalVariable Property IllumbrisGlobalStoryKilles Auto

auto STATE waiting

EVENT onDeath(actor killer)





I want to make it so on enemy death it will adds 1 point to the global variable This script will be added on a actor kind of like the on death set stage script but I want on death add +1 on 'IllumbrisGlobalStoryKilles' global variable oh and this script does not work?

So what iv done on the quest stages I have this script Int IllumbrisFarmerHelpStage1GV = 4 and once the enemy's die 4 times it will go past this and do the next script which is setstage 10 on Quest stages.

and i'm not sure if IllumbrisFarmerHelpStage1GV = 4 will work in till I can get the actor script to work.

Please help!

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I'm not sure why you seem to expect (or maybe I've misunderstood you) "Int IlumbrisFarmerHelpStage1GV = 4" to do "Wait until this global has a value of four, when it has continue running". What that code does is define a new variable of type integer called IlumbrisFarmerHelpStage1GV and give it a value of 4, then this variable is never used, it is not cheching the global variable at all, you'd need a property to the global for that.


The actual code that would do what you want would be:


* Go to scripts and add a property to the fragment script of type GlobalVariable and pointing to IlumbrisFarmerHelpStage1GV, for simplicity call it IlumbrisFarmerHelpStage1GV and autofill it. Then the he fragment would be:

While IlumbrisFarmerHelpStage1GV.GetValue() < 4 ;self explanatory, while that condition checks run the code inside over and over.
    Wait (1.0) ; wait some amount, once waited it checks the condition again, if still true, repeats.
Setstage (20)

But this would be a horrible way to handle this, do not do this, just wanted to point out what would do what you said.

Something like this would be better:

Scriptname IllumbrisDeathAddGlobal extends Actor 
GlobalVariable Property MyGlobal Auto ;point to the global
Quest Property MyQuest Auto ; point to the quest in question
EVENT onDeath(actor killer)
   MyGlobal Mod(1)
   If MyGlobal.GetValue() > 4

If there is the possibility of multiple of these dying at roughly the same time you might want to do some more complicated like what is explained here: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Safely_increment_variable_from_multiple_scripts

Edited by FrankFamily
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Ill try this but what i was saying is like the points will increase on the same IlumbrisFarmerHelpStage1GV and when it gets to 4 deaths next stage 10, then when it gets to 8 deaths next stage 20. sorry if it seems like i don't know what i'm talking about with global as I don't know much about it. ama give this script a go. Edit- I was also hoping this to work with multiple quest if possible?

Edited by Illumbris
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