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mods have broken game completely


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Hi guys,


Im a long term Elder Scrolls fan and have been with the series since TES 3 Morrowind.


Anyway I recently began playing Skyrim and decided to upload a bunch of mods to enhance the game. I also discovered and started running NMM. I downloaded the following mods which all worked fine, apart from a few minor bugs.



Better Horses

Frostfall 1_5_1

Imps More Complex Needs

Realistic wildlife loots

Cooking Expanded

Better Quest Objectives

Lost Art of Blacksmith

Quality world Map Installer


I also ran the Skyrim Script Extender v1.4.15 and the script extender working with steam at this link



Ok, so everything was running fine and dandy with this set of mods.


I then downloaded and installed the following mods in one hit. Normally I install mods one by one so I can narrow down any conflicts (years of experience with MW and OB mods). Stupidly I didnt do this on this particular occasion.


Faster Horses Sprint v 1_5943



KillMove Plus



Cowardly Horses



Dragon Souls to Perk Points



I also d/l and installed (I think correctly but im thinking this could be the problem) Script Dragon




So here is the problem as best as I can explain it.


Game splash screen is as normal. Game will load opening screen fine as well. If you try to load a save game (any save game ive got- tried them all so its not one particular corrupt file) it will load for a couple of seconds (showing the random bit of trivia on the load screen) before crashing back to desktop.


I figured this could be a corrupt file/save. I deleted the mods above and still got the CTD. I tried starting a new game, thinking all the files were somehow corrupted.


I get this error message


[WETriggerScript<(01099883)>] WARNING: OnInit() myHoldLocation property has not been set. This will result in errors


I then only get the 'ok' option before the next error message comes up. All the same execpt for which trigger script it refers too


The three numbers are








These error messages only come up when trying to start a new game. If I try to load an old one- CTD.


Ive tried removing the offending mods. Same problem


Ive tried reinstalling Skyrim. No joy


Ive tried uninstalling skyrim, deleting all previous mods as well, uninstalling NMM... everything.


Problem is clearly im not doing a complete uninstall because my saved games are still there on the reinstall. I just am now at a loss of what to do. Id be happy doing a complete wipe of all skyrim files, loosing my save games if necessary just so I could start again and play it.


Even just running an uninstall/ reinstall and just running vanilla skyrim I get the same error messages.


Im totally stumped as to how to continue.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Papa Mike

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Hi guys,


Im a long term Elder Scrolls fan and have been with the series since TES 3 Morrowind.


Anyway I recently began playing Skyrim and decided to upload a bunch of mods to enhance the game. I also discovered and started running NMM. I downloaded the following mods which all worked fine, apart from a few minor bugs.



Better Horses

Frostfall 1_5_1

Imps More Complex Needs

Realistic wildlife loots

Cooking Expanded

Better Quest Objectives

Lost Art of Blacksmith

Quality world Map Installer


I also ran the Skyrim Script Extender v1.4.15 and the script extender working with steam at this link



Ok, so everything was running fine and dandy with this set of mods.


I then downloaded and installed the following mods in one hit. Normally I install mods one by one so I can narrow down any conflicts (years of experience with MW and OB mods). Stupidly I didnt do this on this particular occasion.


Faster Horses Sprint v 1_5943



KillMove Plus



Cowardly Horses



Dragon Souls to Perk Points



I also d/l and installed (I think correctly but im thinking this could be the problem) Script Dragon




So here is the problem as best as I can explain it.


Game splash screen is as normal. Game will load opening screen fine as well. If you try to load a save game (any save game ive got- tried them all so its not one particular corrupt file) it will load for a couple of seconds (showing the random bit of trivia on the load screen) before crashing back to desktop.


I figured this could be a corrupt file/save. I deleted the mods above and still got the CTD. I tried starting a new game, thinking all the files were somehow corrupted.


I get this error message


[WETriggerScript<(01099883)>] WARNING: OnInit() myHoldLocation property has not been set. This will result in errors


I then only get the 'ok' option before the next error message comes up. All the same execpt for which trigger script it refers too


The three numbers are








These error messages only come up when trying to start a new game. If I try to load an old one- CTD.


Ive tried removing the offending mods. Same problem


Ive tried reinstalling Skyrim. No joy


Ive tried uninstalling skyrim, deleting all previous mods as well, uninstalling NMM... everything.


Problem is clearly im not doing a complete uninstall because my saved games are still there on the reinstall. I just am now at a loss of what to do. Id be happy doing a complete wipe of all skyrim files, loosing my save games if necessary just so I could start again and play it.


Even just running an uninstall/ reinstall and just running vanilla skyrim I get the same error messages.


Im totally stumped as to how to continue.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Papa Mike



Did you delete the ini.file before you reinstalled? think it somwhere in the "mydoucuments" folder where your saved games are for Skyrim....

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I would bet its Script Dragon. Did you install the latest version of that ( Aside from that, there's a good thread on the CTD issues here: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3449279&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=31


As for reinstalling, if you have steam cloud services on, when you uninstall/reinstall, it will happily help you out by reverting back to your cloud profile which means that your offending mods will be reinstalled even if you turned them off. Patch 1.5 broke a few mods - as patches usually do, and CTD's have been going around because of it. When you reinstall, make sure that steam won't kindly apply the mods automatically.

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@ Mrlosesafer


No I didnt even know there was an ini file there. Will delete and see if that was the issue

*** Update*** I did find my saves and two config files, named skyrim and skyrimpref. There was also a txt file called Renderinfo.


Would it be wise/safe to delete these files?

I take it these were the ini files you mentioned as they were mentioned in another thread too.






Yeah I figured it might have been a new patch causing conflicts as I did cross check to make sure there wouldnt be a conflict with the mods. Oh well.


Also will look at the steam cloud issue. Ive never been a big fan of steam tbh. Would you know how I can delete and/or stop steam cloud from saving my preferences and possible mod issues?

Edited by papamike
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OK might have a result,


here is a link to a forum in which my exact issue is listed.



Essentially the missing files are somewhere in the creation kit. I dont know which mod altered the need for these files but if anyone else has had this issue hopefully this thread will be a good starting point for their fix.


Once I confirm the fix works ill update the OP

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Problem still there.


So bloody frustrating :(


Can anyone point me to a thread on how to wipe out ALL files even remotely associated with Skyrim. Would I have to uninstall steam as well?


A friend of mine suggested making a new steam account but I want to see if I can simply eliminate ALL skyrim data first and start afresh.

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To start over. Uninstall CK and Skyrim normally. Follow up by deleting everything in ...steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/ and c:/user name/documents/skyrim and %localappdata%\Skyrim\


Before all that you can try reading your %localappdata%\Skyrim\plugins.txt to see if everything is in order.

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I'm having this exact same problem and have tried the remedies listed here, including patching and using the Creation Kit. Nada. Going to try wiping it completely and re-installing, booting up vanilla with no mods, and see if it is the mods or the game. I have seen online where people are having this same issue who have not installed ANY mods, so it may be an instability in Skyrim itself.


As an aside, I had a bootleg copy of it while overseas (it's legal over there, can buy bootlegs everywhere) that cut out Steam entirely to try Skyrim out, and it worked just fine, so it's something to do with the retail/Steam version.

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Ok bit of an update....


So I tried to remove all skyrim data and ran CCleaner to hopefully remove all content from my pc. I successfully got the vanilla version reinstalled and working. I then went through systematically to try to figure out where the conflict was coming from.


I had thought I stumbled upon the answer when I realised there was a conflict issue between Better Horses and Faster Horses mods. Duh. Facepalm.


So I got everything running peachy last night and logged off thinking id solved the problem.


Today when I attempted to open up NMM I had an update prompt for a new BOSS list. I figured it was just a NMM update so I updated it.


When I opened skyrim I found that the problem had reappeared, same as before.


Note that I didnt install any new mods, so either Steam updated and/or NMM updated and 'rebroke' skyrim again.


I can get the vanilla game to work but if I attempt to reinstall mods it tweeks out again.

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