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Karthspire CTD


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My install instantly CTD's when I save a game. It started after I downloaded Esbern sound files, so I'm thinking it has something to do with the sounds in Skyrim.

Do you have any mods on? Going near important areas in the game used to CTD me when I had my mods on (only a dozen cosmetic ones at that), and I'd turn them off and the area would load. This is the first time I've seen this happen through a total wipe.


I really hope my saves don't have something in them that's causing the CTD. I don't wanna go through 90 hours and 200+ quests again...

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My install instantly CTD's when I save a game. It started after I downloaded Esbern sound files, so I'm thinking it has something to do with the sounds in Skyrim.

Do you have any mods on? Going near important areas in the game used to CTD me when I had my mods on (only a dozen cosmetic ones at that), and I'd turn them off and the area would load. This is the first time I've seen this happen through a total wipe.


I really hope my saves don't have something in them that's causing the CTD. I don't wanna go through 90 hours and 200+ quests again...


Yea. But Riverwood has worked before I installed the sound files for Esbern. I just did a clean install of Skyrim, hopefully it will work now.

EDIT: Fresh install confirmed. Works fine now. Didn't lose my previous saves, nor mods. I guess it was because I had a pirated version and copied over to the steam install folder when I bought it that crashed the game somehow.

Edited by Nireq
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Careful using the p-word. That's one-strike-worthy stuff right there.


I haven't found a way to get around whatever's happened. I tried every save right back to the first save outside of Helgen - every one CTDs at the cell Karthspire is in. Which I find odd, seeing as I've been to Old Hroldan and Soljund's Sinkhole. Can't fast-travel to them or Karthspire Camp now.


And of course, Bethsoft's answer is uninstall, reinstall, wait for the next patch.


EDIT: Tinker time:

TLL: No - disable LOD, reload cleansave, FTT to Old Hroldan, proceed toward Karthspire cell, CTD

COC: No - coc karthspirecamp gets me to the camp, but the moment I get to where I discover Karthspire proper, CTD

COC KarthspireCamp + TLL: no

coc karthspirereboubtexterior: no

coc karthspireredoubtstart (inside of the cave) and walk outside to continue the quest: no

above+ setstage + port esbern and delphine in: no, they don't talk about the quest

above - setstage: no, they freeze, CTD

any of these + TAI (just a wild guess): no


Just got the Creation Kit. Dicked around in it for a bit to try and see if I could mod the Karthspire experience so it would work. No dice.


Downgrade to 12.1 ATI drivers, upgrade to 21.4 - nope, neither

Edited by SmilingAhab
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  • 4 months later...

Whenever I go near the cell Karthspire is in, I CTD. Period. I just did a clean save, wiped my skyrim directory and reinstalled and updated, and loaded my clean save. And it still CTDs in the Karthspire cell. WTF.


Anyone else have this problem?


SIR!!! I have the same damn problem, are you still playing skyrim? what mods do you have? please reply.

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  • 2 months later...
im experiencing the same issue. i decided to start a new game recently, using the mods i have had for some time (no issues before). therefore i dont think mods are an issue. it may be a bug with the main quest line - in particular "alduins wall", because i have visited this place before in my current playthrough (ive spent most of my time doing side/guild quests etc). im able to fast travel to surrounding landmarks but not karthspire. even if i walk to karthspire, and set foot in the camp from any direction it just CTDs. i know this hasnt been of any help to you whatsoever, but it seems like there are a few of us in this pickle. lets hope we get some answers, because i know i dont want to start my game AGAIN.....
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  • 2 weeks later...

i have the same damn problem nobody knows a way to fix this issue?


I am also having this issue. I deactivated all mods and dlc's- still crashing. It's the entire cell as I keep getting "Skyrim has stopped working" error throughout it.


I don't have this issue outside of it- possibly it is quest related? I've tried just about everything to get it to work but can't.

Edited by lsinsocal
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  • 2 months later...

What i did to get past the karthspire ctd i fast traveled to skyhaven temple it takes you to the door that need opened by blood but, you won't be able to open it until you turn around and run back down to the pillers that you have to turn to drop the bridges. turn them untill they the bridge drops then go across to the room where you pull the chainand pull it esburn should then just up and apear you then can go to the door talk to esburn activate the blood dial door opens then you can enter sky haven temple take what you what in there they ill talk about the wall then they tell you to talk to the greybeards,leave through sky haven courtyard and go talk to graybeards. Hope this helps everyone.

Edited by kinleyfm
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