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NPC Quest help


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I am creating the Mystery of the Dwemer and I am running into a little snag. I have created a NPC to help start the quest. I need the NPC to come into the game dead, so the Player can loot the body of a Journal to start the quest line. The quest, NPC, and Journal are created,but, I cannot get the NPC to spawn dead. Can someone please help me out with this?





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You can create a quest stage before the player reaches the place of the corpse (like when the player activates the a door to reach it, or talks with another).


Then, on that quest stage fragment, call the script command kill() on that NPC.


Or, if you don't want a custom NPC, i think there are some corpses as objects in the CK.

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Thanks, but I figured it out. It was quite simple really. After you drag the NPC into the editor window, double click on them and the Objects dialog box will appear. there is a check box at the bottom that says "Starts Dead". I just checked it, and that solved the problem. Thanks for the help.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,


I am in the middle of creating the Mystery of the Dwelmer quest, but I have no scripting experience at all. I was wondering if any of you quest guru's would give me a crash course one on one, so I can get this up and running quickly. I have experience with all sorts of gaming editors, so navigation and familiarization of the creation engine will not be a problem. Please help.





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Post what you need the scripts to do and if possible i'll help you

K, I am in the middle of generating a quest map so I know more about what exactly I need. I will post it here as soon as I get it done. It will probably be tomorrow evening because of work. Thanks gasti89.

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