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CTD During "A Blade in the Dark" fight


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I'm getting CTDs during the dragon fight in A Blade in the Dark. I can't quite figure out what's causing it, but the one consistent thing is DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc seems to have some kind of issue every time.


Could anyone take a look at my Papyrus log and mod list and point me in the right direction? Thanks.


Papyrus Log



[03/17/2018 - 09:36:08PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:08PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:08PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 153600 (max total)
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:15PM] Cannot open store for class "DLC1TestPhilAtronach", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:16PM] Cannot open store for class "follower3dnpc", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:18PM] Cannot open store for class "SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:18PM] Cannot open store for class "CellReturn", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:19PM] Cannot open store for class "cellreturnvamp01", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:19PM] Error: Unable to bind script cellreturnvamp01 to (1500A6AD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:19PM] Cannot open store for class "Returntocell", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:19PM] Error: Unable to bind script Returntocell to (1500A6BD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_CWACleanupQuest_0200BC4E", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script QF_CWACleanupQuest_0200BC4E to CWACleanupQuest (2500BC4E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "CWACleanupScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script CWACleanupScript to CWACleanupQuest (2500BC4E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Scr_MnInvisMinersVis", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Scr_MnInvisMinerPickaxe", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Scr_MnInvisMiners2Vis", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_ScrMnDremoraRuneEffect", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Scr_MineDremoraDagger", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Scr_MineDragon", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Scr_MnInvisMiners3Vis", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokFighterBlessingScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokShieldActivatorScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokSwordActivatorScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokClawActivatorScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokBugJarActivatorScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokShacklesActivatorScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokMemorialScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokBridgeButtonScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokPuzzleDoorSCRIPT", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokMannequinButtonScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokStartUpBookScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokBugJarDisplaySCRIPT", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokBattleAxeDisplayScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokStaffDisplaySCRIPT", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokShieldDisplayScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokBowDisplayScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokDoomStoneQueryScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokSpiderScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Scr_MineDragonDie", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Scr_MineFinalBoss", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Scr_MineDremoraGhost", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Scr_MnInvisMiner", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokDefaultRadiantBoss", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF__02078539", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078539 to BalokRadiant06Empire (27078539) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT to BalokConstructionTimer05 (27075F37) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokRecruitSCRIPT", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokRecruit01_01023593", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRecruit01_01023593 to BalokRecruit01 (27023593) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokDefaultTimerAliasSCRIPT", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokDefaultTimerQuestSCRIPT", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerQuestSCRIPT to BalokMoveRecruitGuardsTimer (2702358C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT to BalokConstructionTimerHill (270B5963) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF__02078530", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078530 to BalokRadiant03Stormcloak (27078530) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokPostHelgenFailsa_020E1742", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokPostHelgenFailsa_020E1742 to BalokPostHelgenFailsafe (270E1742) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokHamingQuest_02121118", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokHamingQuest_02121118 to BalokHamingQuest (27121118) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokSetStageTimerSCRIPT", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSetStageTimerSCRIPT to BalokWhoreTimer (270891F8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT to BalokMoveImperialGuardsTimer (2702358A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokMoveImperialGuar_0102358A", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokMoveImperialGuar_0102358A to BalokMoveImperialGuardsTimer (2702358A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokValeriusFuneralQ_020986EA", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokValeriusFuneralQ_020986EA to BalokValeriusFuneralQuest (270986EA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF__02078531", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078531 to BalokRadiant04Stormcloak (27078531) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerQuestSCRIPT to BalokConstructionTimer01 (270317CD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT to BalokFalcoCleanUpTimer (270C9612) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF__020C9612", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__020C9612 to BalokFalcoCleanUpTimer (270C9612) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF__02078537", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078537 to BalokRadiant04Empire (27078537) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF__0207852F", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__0207852F to BalokRadiant02Stormcloak (2707852F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokFalcoKillScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokFalcoVariables", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokFalcoVariables to BalokFalcoQuest (27098CB6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokFalcoQuest_02098CB6", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokFalcoQuest_02098CB6 to BalokFalcoQuest (27098CB6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokHamingQuestCheck", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokHamingQuestCheck to BalokHamingQuestStartup (27122C58) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokHamingQuestStart_02122C58", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokHamingQuestStart_02122C58 to BalokHamingQuestStartup (27122C58) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokTrainingScenesIm_020A4FCB", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokTrainingScenesIm_020A4FCB to BalokTrainingScenesImperial (270A4FCB) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokTrainingDialogVariables", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrainingDialogVariables to BalokTrainingScenesImperial (270A4FCB) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokDefOnDeathScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokConstructionQuestNamesScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokConstructionQuestNamesScript to BalokConstructionQuest (27023589) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokConstructionQues_01023589", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokConstructionQues_01023589 to BalokConstructionQuest (27023589) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerQuestSCRIPT to BalokConstructionTimer02 (27031E72) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokFinalPackages_020C179D", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokFinalPackages_020C179D to BalokFinalPackages (270C179D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokConstructionStag_02062837", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokConstructionStag_02062837 to BalokConstructionStages (27062837) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokRadiant04_01023590", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRadiant04_01023590 to BalokRadiant04 (27023590) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokRadiantRunLapsScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRadiantRunLapsScript to BalokRadiant04 (27023590) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokCiennaFollowConditions", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokCiennaFollowConditions to BalokCiennaQuest (270EA35B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokCiennaQuest_020EA35B", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokCiennaQuest_020EA35B to BalokCiennaQuest (270EA35B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokQuestTimerScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokQuestTimerScript to BalokCiennaQuest (270EA35B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT to BalokConstructionTimer04 (27031E74) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokRecruit04_01023596", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRecruit04_01023596 to BalokRecruit04 (27023596) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokSpiderCountScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokSkeletonCountScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokHauntedMine_021065C3", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokHauntedMine_021065C3 to BalokHauntedMine (271065C3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerQuestSCRIPT to BalokConstructionTimer03 (27031E73) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokRadiantQuestCheckScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRadiantQuestCheckScript to BalokRadiantQuestCheck (27128D72) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokRadiantQuestChec_02128D72", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRadiantQuestChec_02128D72 to BalokRadiantQuestCheck (27128D72) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF__02078536", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078536 to BalokRadiant03Empire (27078536) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokMoveSCGuardsTime_0102358B", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokMoveSCGuardsTime_0102358B to BalokMoveSCGuardsTimer (2702358B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT to BalokMoveSCGuardsTimer (2702358B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF__02078535", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078535 to BalokRadiant02Empire (27078535) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF__02078532", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078532 to BalokRadiant05Stormcloak (27078532) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokCiennaStartupScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokCiennaStartupScript to BalokCiennaStartup (270EF9C6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokMQ101ChechSCRIPT", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokMQ101ChechSCRIPT to BalokMQ101Check (2700BF4A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF__02078533", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078533 to BalokRadiant06Stormcloak (27078533) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrainingDialogVariables to BalokTrainingScenesSons (270A4A68) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF__020A4A68", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__020A4A68 to BalokTrainingScenesSons (270A4A68) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokThalmorGuardsScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokThalmorPrison_01044971", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokThalmorPrison_01044971 to BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokRadiant06_01023592", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRadiant06_01023592 to BalokRadiant06 (27023592) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRadiantRunLapsScript to BalokRadiant06 (27023592) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokCampHandlerStorm_0209F97C", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokCampHandlerStorm_0209F97C to BalokCampHandlerStormcloak (2709F97C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT to BalokCienna24HourTimer (27130B67) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrainingDialogVariables to BalokTrainingScenes (2709F96C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokTrainingScenes_0209F96C", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokTrainingScenes_0209F96C to BalokTrainingScenes (2709F96C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokMarctsTimer24HoursSCRIPT", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokMarctsTimer24HoursSCRIPT to BalokMarcusTimer24Hours (2700CF7B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_BalokHelgen01_010012CA", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script QF_BalokHelgen01_010012CA to BalokHelgen01 (270012CA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokRecruit03_01023595", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRecruit03_01023595 to BalokRecruit03 (27023595) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRadiantRunLapsScript to BalokRadiant05 (27023591) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokRadiant05_01023591", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRadiant05_01023591 to BalokRadiant05 (27023591) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF__02078538", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078538 to BalokRadiant05Empire (27078538) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokJotoDogBossScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokJotoDog_02129DB3", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokJotoDog_02129DB3 to BalokJotoDog (27129DB3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokJotoDogScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokJotoDogScript to BalokJotoDog (27129DB3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF__02078534", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078534 to BalokRadiant01Empire (27078534) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF__0207852E", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__0207852E to BalokRadiant01Stormcloak (2707852E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokCleanupMineScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokCleanupMineScript to BalokHauntedMineCleanupTimer (27130576) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokCampHandlerImper_0209F97D", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokCampHandlerImper_0209F97D to BalokCampHandlerImperial (2709F97D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokRadiant01_0102358D", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRadiant01_0102358D to BalokRadiant01 (2702358D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRadiantRunLapsScript to BalokRadiant01 (2702358D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokRecruit02_01023594", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRecruit02_01023594 to BalokRecruit02 (27023594) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokDefaultTimerSetStage", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerSetStage to BalokBitterWounds3dayTimer (2704E5C5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokRadiant03_0102358F", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRadiant03_0102358F to BalokRadiant03 (2702358F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRadiantRunLapsScript to BalokRadiant03 (2702358F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokCourierTimer_0200BF49", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokCourierTimer_0200BF49 to BalokCourierTimer (2700BF49) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokFuneralPyreTimer_02098CAC", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokFuneralPyreTimer_02098CAC to BalokFuneralPyreTimer (27098CAC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT to BalokFuneralPyreTimer (27098CAC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokRecruit05_01023597", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRecruit05_01023597 to BalokRecruit05 (27023597) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRadiantRunLapsScript to BalokRadiant02 (2702358E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokRadiant02_0102358E", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRadiant02_0102358E to BalokRadiant02 (2702358E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerSetStage to BalokFuneralTimer (270976A9) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokLogLeverScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokThalmorGuards02Script", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokBanditsScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokWhoreConditions", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWhoreConditions to BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokBitterWounds_0104C504", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokBitterWounds_0104C504 to BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokPostFightsQuest_020716C6", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokPostFightsQuest_020716C6 to BalokPostFightsQuest (270716C6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_QF_BalokBalfringForceGre_0104FB57", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokBalfringForceGre_0104FB57 to BalokBalfringForceGreets (2704FB57) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokCleanupTimerWait72HoursSCRIPT", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokCleanupTimerWait72HoursSCRIPT to BalokCleanupTimerWait72Hours (2701A317) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokKorstTrainStartS_020C586A", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokKorstTrainStartS_020C586A to (270C586A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokFuneralCiennaLig_02098C7D", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokFuneralCiennaLig_02098C7D to (27098C7D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokWiglafTravelToRo_020C9B78", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokWiglafTravelToRo_020C9B78 to (270C9B78) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokHannaRunToMark_02120BAE", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokHannaRunToMark_02120BAE to (27120BAE) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokWiglafTravelToRo_0206C995", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokWiglafTravelToRo_0206C995 to (2706C995) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_BalokKindrickToCrateArmor_0209B84E", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF_BalokKindrickToCrateArmor_0209B84E to (2709B84E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokHannaRunToMark02_0212D40C", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokHannaRunToMark02_0212D40C to (2712D40C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokHannaRunToMarkFi_0212D982", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokHannaRunToMarkFi_0212D982 to (2712D982) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokSCCaptStartTrain_020A09B3", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokSCCaptStartTrain_020A09B3 to (270A09B3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokCaptainImpStartT_020A09B2", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokCaptainImpStartT_020A09B2 to (270A09B2) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokKorstTrainStartS_020A09B1", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokKorstTrainStartS_020A09B1 to (270A09B1) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokCaptainImpTraini_020A5ACF", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokCaptainImpTraini_020A5ACF to (270A5ACF) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokCiennaTravelToIn_02130B63", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokCiennaTravelToIn_02130B63 to (27130B63) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokCiennaTravelToDo_02130B37", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokCiennaTravelToDo_02130B37 to (27130B37) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokCiennaTravelToFl_02130B25", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokCiennaTravelToFl_02130B25 to (27130B25) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokCiennaTravelToMe_02130B03", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokCiennaTravelToMe_02130B03 to (27130B03) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokWiglafTravelToMa_0206B35B", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokWiglafTravelToMa_0206B35B to (2706B35B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_PF_BalokAerandilCastSpel_02095607", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokAerandilCastSpel_02095607 to (27095607) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokSexScene01_02088C8A", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokSexScene01_02088C8A to (27088C8A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokCiennaMemorialSc_02130B08", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokCiennaMemorialSc_02130B08 to (27130B08) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokJotoDogSceneVer2_0212DEF5", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokJotoDogSceneVer2_0212DEF5 to (2712DEF5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokKorstReleaseScen_01046F5D", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokKorstReleaseScen_01046F5D to (27046F5D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokGuardsTakePlayer_0203D653", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokGuardsTakePlayer_0203D653 to (2703D653) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokKorstReturnScene_010151EA", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokKorstReturnScene_010151EA to (270151EA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokSonsTrainingScen_020A4FE8", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokSonsTrainingScen_020A4FE8 to (270A4FE8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokPlayerKillsFalco_020C90A8", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokPlayerKillsFalco_020C90A8 to (270C90A8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokRadiant06Lineup_02090D18", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant06Lineup_02090D18 to (27090D18) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokValeriusFalco_0209505B", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokValeriusFalco_0209505B to (2709505B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokOronarHalindilSc_020428D0", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokOronarHalindilSc_020428D0 to (270428D0) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_KorstRecruitScene_0102405F", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_KorstRecruitScene_0102405F to (2702405F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokIntroPrisonScene_020955F2", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokIntroPrisonScene_020955F2 to (270955F2) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokRadiant03SceneBa_02090CCB", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant03SceneBa_02090CCB to (27090CCB) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokCiennaLoveScene_02132125", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokCiennaLoveScene_02132125 to (27132125) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokImperialTraining_020A4FCC", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokImperialTraining_020A4FCC to (270A4FCC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokFightSceneLoop_0206C994", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokFightSceneLoop_0206C994 to (2706C994) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokKorstPostPrisonS_0204E035", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokKorstPostPrisonS_0204E035 to (2704E035) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokOronarTorturerSc_010469E5", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokOronarTorturerSc_010469E5 to (270469E5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokSexScene02_02088C8C", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokSexScene02_02088C8C to (27088C8C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokKorstReleaseScen_01044ED5", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokKorstReleaseScen_01044ED5 to (27044ED5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokRadiant05SceneGo_02090CF5", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant05SceneGo_02090CF5 to (27090CF5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokFalcoKorstExecut_0209A7F4", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokFalcoKorstExecut_0209A7F4 to (2709A7F4) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokRadiant04SceneBa_02090CD8", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant04SceneBa_02090CD8 to (27090CD8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokValeriusDeathSce_02096BB5", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokValeriusDeathSce_02096BB5 to (27096BB5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokTorturerGoesMad_02046F5E", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokTorturerGoesMad_02046F5E to (27046F5E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokKorstTrainingSce_0209F96E", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokKorstTrainingSce_0209F96E to (2709F96E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokHelgenMarcusAndV_01004359", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokHelgenMarcusAndV_01004359 to (27004359) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokAerandilCaveScen_0209456C", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokAerandilCaveScen_0209456C to (2709456C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokRadiant02SceneBa_02090CA6", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant02SceneBa_02090CA6 to (27090CA6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokAerandilShipSpel_02094AEC", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokAerandilShipSpel_02094AEC to (27094AEC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokRadiant02SceneGo_02090CA7", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant02SceneGo_02090CA7 to (27090CA7) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokRadiant01SceneBa_02090729", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant01SceneBa_02090729 to (27090729) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokRadiant03SceneGo_02090CCA", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant03SceneGo_02090CCA to (27090CCA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokFuneralScene_020986FD", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokFuneralScene_020986FD to (270986FD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokPrisonSceneFavor_010469CA", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokPrisonSceneFavor_010469CA to (270469CA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokFight02Intro_0206B354", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokFight02Intro_0206B354 to (2706B354) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokRadiant04SceneGo_02090CD9", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant04SceneGo_02090CD9 to (27090CD9) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokCiennaWedding_02130B48", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokCiennaWedding_02130B48 to (27130B48) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokRadiant01SceneGo_0209071E", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant01SceneGo_0209071E to (2709071E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokJotoDogSceneVer1_0212EF58", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokJotoDogSceneVer1_0212EF58 to (2712EF58) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokFight01Exit_0206CF8B", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokFight01Exit_0206CF8B to (2706CF8B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokKorstGearUpScene_01044406", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokKorstGearUpScene_01044406 to (27044406) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokFight01Intro_0206B353", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokFight01Intro_0206B353 to (2706B353) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokCiennaHugScene_02130B0A", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokCiennaHugScene_02130B0A to (27130B0A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokCaptainKorstMarc_0207A5FE", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokCaptainKorstMarc_0207A5FE to (2707A5FE) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "Balo_SF_BalokRadiant05SceneBa_02090CF4", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant05SceneBa_02090CF4 to (27090CF4) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:20PM] Cannot open store for class "LHR10QuestPlayerAliasScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:21PM] Cannot open store for class "aaaTKRAliasScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:21PM] Cannot open store for class "aaaTKRMenuScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:21PM] Error: Unable to bind script aaaTKRMenuScript to aaaTKRMenuQuest (3F001D8E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:21PM] Cannot open store for class "CCO_LearningTokenScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:22PM] Cannot open store for class "SAUA_CleanUpQuestScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:22PM] Error: Unable to bind script SAUA_CleanUpQuestScript to SAUA_CleanUpQuest (6903A8B7) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:22PM] Cannot open store for class "CustomINISettingsControllerScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:22PM] Cannot open store for class "INISettingsCtrlPlayerAliasScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:23PM] Cannot open store for class "_sycCCOBookScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:23PM] Cannot open store for class "_Camp_TinderTypeScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:23PM] Cannot open store for class "betterstealthai_main", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:23PM] Error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (9F00C515) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:23PM] Error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (9F00C515) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:23PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:23PM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to (9F017788) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:23PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:23PM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to (9F017201) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:24PM] Cannot open store for class "BloodsbaneEffect", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:26PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokBarrierEffectScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:26PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBarrierEffectScript to (27128D58) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokTrainingDialogeTriggerScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrainingDialogeTriggerScript to (270C329E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokPrisonExitSceneTrigger", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokPrisonExitSceneTrigger to (2704E031) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokDefaultTriggerScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (270E8864) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokArchery01DialogeTriggerScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokArchery01DialogeTriggerScript to (270C3802) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27154416) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2704DAB5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokTrainingLightsScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrainingLightsScript to (270CCD54) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27067B89) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2704DAB6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27130B46) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokMemorialScript to (270C9099) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokKorstGuardsSceneTriggerSCRIPT", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokKorstGuardsSceneTriggerSCRIPT to (2702CB2F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27094AD1) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokArchery02DialogeTriggerScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokArchery02DialogeTriggerScript to (270C3803) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27130B07) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:30PM] Error: Unable to bind script CureDiseaseScript to (155AC549) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:31PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokBarrierDisableTrigger", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:31PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBarrierDisableTrigger to (27128D73) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:31PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokEnterTempleScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:31PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokEnterTempleScript to (2714D76C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:31PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokDragonPriestScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:31PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDragonPriestScript to (27110FB3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:31PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (270B7F34) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:31PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (270B7F35) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script dialoguefollowerscript to (AB04CE7F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2703D670) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2700C4B0) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2707A619) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (270A5569) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBridgeButtonScript to (270EB3A6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2707A61A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokMoveDogScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokMoveDogScript to (2712E9E3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BloodsbaneEffect to (E205CA9D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "TPOS_DOOR_01", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script TPOS_DOOR_01 to (15AD08D8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokTrophyEnablerScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A6A6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A917) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A6A8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704B4AC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704B4A7) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704AF2A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A6A3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704AF36) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A918) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A818) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokDisplayRoomDoorScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDisplayRoomDoorScript to (2705C587) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A6AB) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704AF2B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704AF34) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704B4AD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A6AA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704B4A8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704AF33) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704AF31) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A6AC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704B4A6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A6A2) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDoomStoneQueryScript to (2704A83A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704AF2D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBattleAxeDisplayScript to (27037852) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBowDisplayScript to (2703785D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarActivatorScript to (2703B4E0) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBowDisplayScript to (27037862) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF63) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (270377F0) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429DC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703726B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429E6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF6C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF65) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037262) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBowDisplayScript to (27037857) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037856) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBattleAxeDisplayScript to (27037849) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429E0) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldActivatorScript to (2703727F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldDisplayScript to (2703782B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429F1) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037839) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarActivatorScript to (2703B4D6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037803) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703725A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarDisplaySCRIPT to (2703B4E1) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF58) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarDisplaySCRIPT to (2703B4DE) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037866) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429E9) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703782F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF55) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703726F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037850) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037808) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldActivatorScript to (2703781B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703B4D4) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2714245D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037822) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF6B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703781C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037819) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703780C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (270377E5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037261) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037276) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBattleAxeDisplayScript to (2703784F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429EB) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703780B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037800) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429DA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037831) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldActivatorScript to (2705AFE8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429F6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDoomStoneQueryScript to (2704A947) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703782D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703785A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27038E0B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (270377EE) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703783B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (270377FC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703B4D3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF5E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldActivatorScript to (27037830) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF52) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (270377E4) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703574B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703725E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (2714245E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429DD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF5F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldDisplayScript to (27037835) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF66) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF53) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037806) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703785E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (271429FC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (270377FF) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF64) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldDisplayScript to (2705AFE3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429DF) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703726D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBattleAxeDisplayScript to (2703784C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703574C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27035749) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703727E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037864) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037818) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF5A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703784D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF60) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703780E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429E3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703727C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429EE) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF59) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037837) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDisplayRoomDoorScript to (2705AFEF) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429EC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (270377F1) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDisplayRoomDoorScript to (2705AFED) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037265) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF68) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429F0) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarActivatorScript to (2703B4E3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF69) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (270377F2) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarDisplaySCRIPT to (2703B4E7) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBowDisplayScript to (2703785B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarDisplaySCRIPT to (2703B4E4) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037811) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF5C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037865) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (270377FD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBattleAxeDisplayScript to (2705AFD9) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703725F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldDisplayScript to (2703727D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (271429FE) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldActivatorScript to (2703783A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2705AFD7) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429F7) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429E5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldActivatorScript to (27037826) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037853) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703781A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDisplayRoomDoorScript to (2705AFEB) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429F4) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429F9) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldActivatorScript to (27035748) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBowDisplayScript to (27037861) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037272) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037810) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429E2) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037805) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037823) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429E8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF4E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldDisplayScript to (2703574A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037809) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27035747) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBowDisplayScript to (27037863) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037281) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27038E0A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarActivatorScript to (2703B4DD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (270377E9) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037264) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldDisplayScript to (27037821) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarDisplaySCRIPT to (2703B4D7) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037280) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037825) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldDisplayScript to (27037817) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037827) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (270377EF) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF56) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037273) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037836) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037802) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037275) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703575C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037270) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703782C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarActivatorScript to (2703B4E6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokPuzzleDoorSCRIPT to (2713E2AA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokCompleteClawTriggerScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokCompleteClawTriggerScript to (2714D759) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokKeyholeTriggerScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokKeyholeTriggerScript to (2714D758) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokStaadomaarClawScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokStaadomaarClawScript to (2713E59C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShacklesActivatorScript to (27044ED8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShacklesActivatorScript to (2704440C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (270469E3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (271226EE) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokFighterBlessingScript to (2706EAF9) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokMannequinButtonScript to (2703BFE9) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokTowerTriggerScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTowerTriggerScript to (2704FB54) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDoomStoneQueryScript to (27029348) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27132124) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokCageDoorScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokCageDoorScript to (270B8F73) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokCageDoorScript to (2709507C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (270955F1) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2711D4F8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokEnterPuzzleRoomScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokEnterPuzzleRoomScript to (2714D757) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokEnterStaadomaarTriggerScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokEnterStaadomaarTriggerScript to (2714D76D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27137DEE) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27137DEF) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokOpenDooronDeath", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokOpenDooronDeath to (27110536) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokSlaveDoorScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSlaveDoorScript to (270B8F71) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSlaveDoorScript to (270B2E3E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokStartUpBookScript to (2713C45B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokWhoreBedScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWhoreBedScript to (27088706) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokAerandilMoveTo", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokAerandilMoveTo to (270BFC35) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2712B8DC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokJotoDogTriggerEnabler", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokJotoDogTriggerEnabler to (270FE838) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2712EF57) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokNecroNavCutScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokNecroNavCutScript to (27134D33) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Trig_MineInvisMiners", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Trig_MineInvisMiners to (2710D7CD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2712CEA2) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Scr_MineDremoraTrio", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineDremoraTrio to (2710CCEB) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Scr_MineDremoraBarr", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineDremoraBarr to (2710B1CA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27106B4B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27120620) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Scr_MineFinalBossTrig", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineFinalBossTrig to (2710913E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Scr_MineDremoraFollowers", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineDremoraFollowers to (2711F012) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Trig_MineGhostGirlDragon", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Trig_MineGhostGirlDragon to (27108665) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2712D414) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2712D411) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSpiderScript to (27106B4A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MnInvisMiner to (2710D7C7) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineDragonDie to (27108656) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokSkeleton02Script", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSkeleton02Script to (2712061B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "Balok_Scr_MineDremoraTio", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineDremoraTio to (2710C77E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MnInvisMiner to (2710D7C5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineDremoraTio to (2710C77A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineFinalBoss to (27109140) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MnInvisMiner to (2710D7BF) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Cannot open store for class "BalokSkeletonScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSkeletonScript to (2712061A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:32PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineDremoraTio to (2710C77D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias01 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias02 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias03 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias04 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias05 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias06 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias07 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias08 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias09 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias10 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant06Empire (27078539) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRecruitSCRIPT to alias BalokRecruit01 on quest BalokRecruit01 (27023593) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerAliasSCRIPT to alias NotInHelgen on quest BalokMoveRecruitGuardsTimer (2702358C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant03Stormcloak (27078530) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant04Stormcloak (27078531) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerAliasSCRIPT to alias NotInHelgen on quest BalokConstructionTimer01 (270317CD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant04Empire (27078537) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant02Stormcloak (2707852F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokFalcoKillScript to alias Falco on quest BalokFalcoQuest (27098CB6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefOnDeathScript to alias Fighter01 on quest BalokConstructionQuest (27023589) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefOnDeathScript to alias Fighter02 on quest BalokConstructionQuest (27023589) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefOnDeathScript to alias Fighter03 on quest BalokConstructionQuest (27023589) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefOnDeathScript to alias Fighter04 on quest BalokConstructionQuest (27023589) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefOnDeathScript to alias Fighter05 on quest BalokConstructionQuest (27023589) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefOnDeathScript to alias Fighter06 on quest BalokConstructionQuest (27023589) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerAliasSCRIPT to alias NotInHelgen on quest BalokConstructionTimer02 (27031E72) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant04 (27023590) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRecruitSCRIPT to alias BalokRecruit05 on quest BalokRecruit04 (27023596) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSpiderCountScript to alias SpiderGhost on quest BalokHauntedMine (271065C3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSpiderCountScript to alias SpiderBaby01 on quest BalokHauntedMine (271065C3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSpiderCountScript to alias SpiderBaby02 on quest BalokHauntedMine (271065C3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSpiderCountScript to alias SpiderBaby03 on quest BalokHauntedMine (271065C3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSkeletonCountScript to alias Shade02 on quest BalokHauntedMine (271065C3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSkeletonCountScript to alias Shade01 on quest BalokHauntedMine (271065C3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerAliasSCRIPT to alias NotInHelgen on quest BalokConstructionTimer03 (27031E73) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant03Empire (27078536) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant02Empire (27078535) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant05Stormcloak (27078532) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant06Stormcloak (27078533) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard01 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard02 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard03 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard04 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard05 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard06 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard07 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard08 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard09 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard10 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard11 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard12 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias Oronar on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias Halindil on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias Torturer on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant06 (27023592) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRecruitSCRIPT to alias BalokRecruit03 on quest BalokRecruit03 (27023595) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant05 (27023591) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant05Empire (27078538) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokJotoDogBossScript to alias Boss on quest BalokJotoDog (27129DB3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant01Empire (27078534) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant01Stormcloak (2707852E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant01 (2702358D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRecruitSCRIPT to alias BalokRecruit02 on quest BalokRecruit02 (27023594) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias BanditBoss on quest BalokRadiant03 (2702358F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRecruitSCRIPT to alias BalokRecruit06 on quest BalokRecruit05 (27023597) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant02 (2702358E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokLogLeverScript to alias Lever on quest BalokSawLogsQuest (27062832) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias Aerandil on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard01 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard01BW on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard02 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard02BW on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard03 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard03BW on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard04 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard04BW on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard05 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard05BW on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard06 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard06BW on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit01 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit02 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit03 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit04 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit05 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit06 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit07 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit01INT on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit02INT on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit03INT on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit04INT on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit05INT on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Guunlaug on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script LHR10QuestPlayerAliasScript to alias LHR10QuestPlayerAlias on quest LHR10Quest (3A00183E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script aaaTKRAliasScript to alias aaaTKRPlayerAlias on quest aaaTKRQuest (3F000D62) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script INISettingsCtrlPlayerAliasScript to alias Player on quest CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (793CC095) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script LHR10QuestPlayerAliasScript to alias LHR10QuestPlayerAlias on quest LHR10Quest (9800183E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Unable to bind script AnvilDencheckjusticar to alias Justicar on quest AnvilDenQuest (B101ED3C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8EE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (64002F9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireMarcurio attached to topic info 00104F1D on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8E7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D90C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property animationsPerk on script AnimationsOnCrosshairRefChange attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest AnimationsAliasesCrosshair (17000D63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property HarvestingAnimation2 on script AnimationsOnCrosshairRefChange attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest AnimationsAliasesCrosshair (17000D63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property NoAmmo on script AnimationsOnCrosshairRefChange attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest AnimationsAliasesCrosshair (17000D63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property Rebooting on script AnimationsOnCrosshairRefChange attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest AnimationsAliasesCrosshair (17000D63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property activators on script AnimationsOnCrosshairRefChange attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest AnimationsAliasesCrosshair (17000D63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMscript on script AnimationsOnCrosshairRefChange attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest AnimationsAliasesCrosshair (17000D63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property HarvestingAnimation on script AnimationsOnCrosshairRefChange attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest AnimationsAliasesCrosshair (17000D63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D909) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitErikTheSlayer attached to topic info 000653F1 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8FA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D906) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property a0aDwMessageComponentNoDrop on script a0aDwComponentNoDropScript attached to Item 1 in container (B001F9B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitMarcurio attached to topic info 000BDB4D on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (640117B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (640117B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (640117B4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property RewardAmount on script bqscript attached to BQ04 (000CBA9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8D2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property InteriorIMODList on script INISettingsCtrlQuestScript attached to CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (793CC095) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property ExteriorIMODList on script INISettingsCtrlQuestScript attached to CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (793CC095) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8DA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireVorstag attached to topic info 00104F21 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8C8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitStenvar attached to topic info 000BDFB1 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitJenassa attached to topic info 0001A1CD on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitBelrand attached to topic info 0001A1CF on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8C6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Property CYRFortPalePassMS01LegateLetterOfPermission on script CYR_QF_CYRFortPalePassMS01New_020CE0F1 attached to CYRFortPalePassMS01New (0B0CE0F1) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (0B08ACC2) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Property corpse on script hangedManScript attached to (2500446B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (25004472) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property a0aDwMessageComponentNoDrop on script a0aDwComponentNoDropScript attached to Item 2 in container (B001F9B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property AshSpawnAttachChancePercent on script DLC2AshSpawnAttackChanceScript attached to alias Player on quest DLC2Init (04016E02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6401121C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MaxCount on script PF_OrgFacDruadachRedoubtExtW_060D5E95 attached to (0F0D5E95) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property Ingredient02 on script PF_OrgFacDruadachRedoubtExtW_060D5E95 attached to (0F0D5E95) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property Ingredient01 on script PF_OrgFacDruadachRedoubtExtW_060D5E95 attached to (0F0D5E95) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property NotLoadedIngredientCount on script PF_OrgFacDruadachRedoubtExtW_060D5E95 attached to (0F0D5E95) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property RandMin on script PF_OrgFacDruadachRedoubtExtW_060D5E95 attached to (0F0D5E95) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property RandMax on script PF_OrgFacDruadachRedoubtExtW_060D5E95 attached to (0F0D5E95) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6401121E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6401120C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6401120F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:36PM] Error: Property toSkyrimMapMarker on script CYR_QF_CYRSkyrimBorderGateTop_020D3F2C attached to CYRSkyrimBorderGateTopLevelQuest (0B0D3F2C) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (0B0D79CE) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property a0aDwMessageComponentNoDrop on script a0aDwComponentNoDropScript attached to Item 4 in container (B001F9B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (64011224) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (64011225) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8AC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8A1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8FD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8D6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D90B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D918) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6400F2DF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6400F2DE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6401121D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6401121F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (64002FA1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (640117B2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (640117B0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (64011222) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireErik attached to topic info 00104F1E on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8A5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property TweakOriginalEssentialFaction on script TweakFixBoethiah attached to (00083041) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (64011223) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireJenassa attached to topic info 00104F1F on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0B06505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0B06507B) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property ModName on script vlbm_closemenurandomizerscript attached to VLBM_CloseMenuQuest (70060BC3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (64011221) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMMenu on script _teleportomnisaveloc attached to _teleportOmnipresenceSaveLocQuest (64014D8C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (64011220) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: Property TweakCarryWeight on script tweakfollowerscript attached to TweakFollower (9F0012CE) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: Property pTweakStables on script tweakfollowerscript attached to TweakFollower (9F0012CE) cannot be bound because stables (00068D73) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireStenvar attached to topic info 00104F20 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6400F2E0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: Property pTweakAnimals on script TweakRecruitDog attached to topic info 0009A7A3 on quest DialogueAnimalTrainers (0009A7A6) cannot be bound because DialogueAnimalTrainers (0009A7A6) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitVorstag attached to topic info 000BCC86 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] daymoyl - OnInit
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Thane Weapons Reborn initialising.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [daymoyl_monitormeter <binding_BoundMeter (0D05B4F7)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "CCO - Uninstaller.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (81005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.onBeginState() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 25
[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (81005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.GotoState() - "Alias.psc" Line ?
[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (81005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.OnInit() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 16
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [_WL_SkyUIConfigPanelScript <_WL_MCMConfigQuest (93010163)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [Wearable Lanterns][info] Upgrading MCM script to version 2
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] FNIS aa (load game) started
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [uBG20ConfigMenuQuestScript <UBG20ConfigMenuQuest (D2010546)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "SkyUI.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[TweakMCM (9F06661B)].TweakMCMScript.CheckBools() - "TweakMCMScript.psc" Line 89
[TweakMCM (9F06661B)].TweakMCMScript.OnConfigInit() - "TweakMCMScript.psc" Line 115
[TweakMCM (9F06661B)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 114
[TweakMCM (9F06661B)].TweakMCMScript.OnGameReload() - "TweakMCMScript.psc" Line 7
[TweakMCM (9F06661B)].TweakMCMScript.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [[TWR]] - Did not detect Zim's Immersive Artifacts.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] ------------------------- Lock Overhaul Compatibility check is running -------------------------------
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Don't worry about missing or not loaded Files below this!
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "SkyRe_Main.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias Player on quest _Q2C_PlayerLoadGame_Quest (BB009EF9)]._Q2C_PlayerLoadGame_Script.CompatibilityCheck() - "_Q2C_PlayerLoadGame_Script.psc" Line 43
[alias Player on quest _Q2C_PlayerLoadGame_Quest (BB009EF9)]._Q2C_PlayerLoadGame_Script.OnInit() - "_Q2C_PlayerLoadGame_Script.psc" Line 20
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] ---------------------------- Lock Overhaul Compatibility check is completed! ----------------------------
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] -> Have Fun & Enjoy <-
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [A Quality World Map] Applying map camera constraint settings on load.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [_Q2C_LockRequirement_MCM_base <_Q2C_LockRequirement_MCM (BB000800)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] daymoyl - Registry Init
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] daymoyl -- OnConfigInit()
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [daymoyl_monitorconfig <daymoyl_monitorconfig (0D059A03)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 29
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.OnInit() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 24
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 33
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.OnInit() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 24
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 37
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.OnInit() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 24
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 41
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.OnInit() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 24
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 45
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.OnInit() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 24
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [ski_activeeffectswidget <SKI_ActiveEffectsWidgetInstance (D1000822)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [ski_activeeffectswidget <SKI_ActiveEffectsWidgetInstance (D1000822)>]: Updating to script version 2
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [sFL4_SKSE_Quest <WCT_SKSE_New_Quest (3D053921)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [AnimationsMCM <AnimationsMCM (170022EF)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: INI setting "iMaxDesired:Particles" is not a float
<unknown self>.utility.SetINIFloat() - "<native>" Line ?
[VividWeatherConfig (7907EEDB)].vividweatherdata.VWini() - "VividWeatherData.psc" Line 77
[VividWeatherConfig (7907EEDB)].vividweatherdata.OnInit() - "VividWeatherData.psc" Line 66
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [_wetskyuiconfig <_WetSKConfigQuest (9201BCA8)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [aaaTKDodgeMCMScript <aaaTKDodgeQuest (18000D62)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] ===============================[DAYMOYL: Ignore all Warnings start]================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] daymoyl - SkyUI_SE.esp found
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] daymoyl - Dawnguard.esm found
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] daymoyl - AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp found
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] ================================[DAYMOYL: Ignore all Warnings end]=================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [TweakMCMScript <TweakMCM (9F06661B)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "SkyUI.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[TweakMCM (9F06661B)].TweakMCMScript.CheckBools() - "TweakMCMScript.psc" Line 89
[TweakMCM (9F06661B)].TweakMCMScript.OnConfigInit() - "TweakMCMScript.psc" Line 115
[TweakMCM (9F06661B)].TweakMCMScript.OnGameReload() - "TweakMCMScript.psc" Line 11
[TweakMCM (9F06661B)].TweakMCMScript.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [A Quality World Map] Settings applied.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [iHUDSkyUIConfigMenuScript <iHUDConfigQuest (CC005E3D)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] APOC 7 DEBUG: Initialising Populate Lists script...
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [_DSAConfigMenuScript <_DSAConfigMenuQuest (91017614)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [DragonPerkMenuScript <ae_dragonperkmcm (8A000D62)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [_wl_pollenmeter <_WL_PollenMeterQuest (9301B953)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [CustomizableCamera <001CustomizableCamera (CB000D62)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [WB_MCMQuest_Script <WB_SkyUI_Quest (B204013A)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] ASGThreadLock - Trapper Array created
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "AncientDraugr.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[backshields (7E0022F1)].backshieldcustomshields.Load_Custom_Items() - "BackshieldCustomShields.psc" Line 9
[backshields (7E0022F1)].backshieldquestscript.Gameload() - "BackshieldQuestScript.psc" Line 140
[backshields (7E0022F1)].backshieldquestscript.OnInit() - "BackshieldQuestScript.psc" Line 135
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "DandelionBarbarian_CBBE.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[backshields (7E0022F1)].backshieldcustomshields.Load_Custom_Items() - "BackshieldCustomShields.psc" Line 11
[backshields (7E0022F1)].backshieldquestscript.Gameload() - "BackshieldQuestScript.psc" Line 140
[backshields (7E0022F1)].backshieldquestscript.OnInit() - "BackshieldQuestScript.psc" Line 135
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (D1000820)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (D1000820)>]: Updating to script version 2
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [sKI_FavoritesManager <SKI_FavoritesManagerInstance (D100082A)>]: Updating to script version 2
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [sKI_FavoritesManager <SKI_FavoritesManagerInstance (D100082A)>]: Updating to script version 3
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (D1000820)>]: Updating to script version 3
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (D1000820)>]: Updating to script version 4
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Animted Eating Quest Preparing
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "Ineed.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias FZ_PlayerREF on quest FZ_PlayerFunctionQuest (419F51A4)].FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.OnInit() - "FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.psc" Line 189
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "Ineed.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias FZ_PlayerREF on quest FZ_PlayerFunctionQuest (419F51A4)].FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.OnInit() - "FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.psc" Line 190
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "Ineed.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias FZ_PlayerREF on quest FZ_PlayerFunctionQuest (419F51A4)].FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.OnInit() - "FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.psc" Line 191
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias FZ_PlayerREF on quest FZ_PlayerFunctionQuest (419F51A4)].FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.OnInit() - "FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.psc" Line 193
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias FZ_PlayerREF on quest FZ_PlayerFunctionQuest (419F51A4)].FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.OnInit() - "FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.psc" Line 194
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias FZ_PlayerREF on quest FZ_PlayerFunctionQuest (419F51A4)].FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.OnInit() - "FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.psc" Line 195
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias FZ_PlayerREF on quest FZ_PlayerFunctionQuest (419F51A4)].FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.OnInit() - "FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.psc" Line 196
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias FZ_PlayerREF on quest FZ_PlayerFunctionQuest (419F51A4)].FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.OnInit() - "FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.psc" Line 197
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias FZ_PlayerREF on quest FZ_PlayerFunctionQuest (419F51A4)].FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.OnInit() - "FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.psc" Line 198
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias FZ_PlayerREF on quest FZ_PlayerFunctionQuest (419F51A4)].FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.OnInit() - "FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.psc" Line 199
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias FZ_PlayerREF on quest FZ_PlayerFunctionQuest (419F51A4)].FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.OnInit() - "FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.psc" Line 200
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias FZ_PlayerREF on quest FZ_PlayerFunctionQuest (419F51A4)].FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.OnInit() - "FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.psc" Line 201
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias FZ_PlayerREF on quest FZ_PlayerFunctionQuest (419F51A4)].FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.OnInit() - "FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.psc" Line 202
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias FZ_PlayerREF on quest FZ_PlayerFunctionQuest (419F51A4)].FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.OnInit() - "FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.psc" Line 203
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias FZ_PlayerREF on quest FZ_PlayerFunctionQuest (419F51A4)].FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.OnInit() - "FZ_PlayerFunctionScript.psc" Line 204
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript OnInit
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [AMOTSymbolQuestScript <AMOTSymbol2Quest (C9002DB6)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (D1000820)>]: Updating to script version 5
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (D1000820)>]: Updating to script version 6
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (D1000820)>]: Updating to script version 7
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (D1000820)>]: Updating to script version 8
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [AMOTInGameClockQuestScript <AMOTInGameClockQuest (C90022EC)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (D1000820)>]: Updating to script version 9
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "fiss.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
<unknown self>.fissfactory.getFISS() - "FISSFactory.psc" Line 18
[accm_Quest (28E90017)].accm_MCMenuDDC3Script.OnGameReload() - "accm_MCMenuDDC3Script.psc" Line 112
[accm_Quest (28E90017)].accm_MCMenuDDC3Script.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "fiss.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
<unknown self>.fissfactory.getFISS() - "FISSFactory.psc" Line 18
[accm_Quest (28E90017)].accm_MCMenuDDC3Script.OnConfigInit() - "accm_MCMenuDDC3Script.psc" Line 63
[accm_Quest (28E90017)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 114
[accm_Quest (28E90017)].accm_MCMenuDDC3Script.OnGameReload() - "accm_MCMenuDDC3Script.psc" Line 116
[accm_Quest (28E90017)].accm_MCMenuDDC3Script.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [ORD_SKSE_Script <ORD_SKSE_Quest (3E17C1CC)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [daymoyl_monitormeter <daymoyl_monitormeter (0D02619E)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [VividWeatherMCM <VividWeathers (7924B2F7)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [QK_MCM <QKspellquestMCM (9600CA58)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "MintyLightningMod.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[MintyLightningQuest (74000D62)].MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.AddBadWeathers() - "MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.psc" Line 486
[MintyLightningQuest (74000D62)].MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.OnConfigInit() - "MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.psc" Line 56
[MintyLightningQuest (74000D62)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 114
[MintyLightningQuest (74000D62)].MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.OnGameReload() - "MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.psc" Line 68
[MintyLightningQuest (74000D62)].MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [MintyMcmPatchQuestScript <MintyLightningQuest (74000D62)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Minty Lightning : Updating to version 23
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "MintyLightningMod.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[MintyLightningQuest (74000D62)].MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.AddBadWeathers() - "MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.psc" Line 486
[MintyLightningQuest (74000D62)].MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.OnConfigInit() - "MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.psc" Line 56
[MintyLightningQuest (74000D62)].MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.OnVersionUpdate() - "MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.psc" Line 63
[MintyLightningQuest (74000D62)].MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17
[MintyLightningQuest (74000D62)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122
[MintyLightningQuest (74000D62)].MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.OnGameReload() - "MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.psc" Line 68
[MintyLightningQuest (74000D62)].MintyMcmPatchQuestScript.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "SkyUI.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[iAAdminQuest (3A014836)].IAStartupQuestScript.OnInit() - "iastartupquestscript.psc" Line 98
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] =======================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod: Start ]========================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] VioLens is now performing a compatibility check. Papyrus warnings about missing or
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] unloaded files may follow. This is normal and should be ignored.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] =======================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod: Start ]========================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Cannot open store for class "JContainers", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: Unable to obtain function call information - returning None
[alias Player on quest VL_Player (6F023F14)].VL_Player.VLLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 41
[alias Player on quest VL_Player (6F023F14)].VL_Player.OnInit() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 21
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"
[alias Player on quest VL_Player (6F023F14)].VL_Player.VLLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 41
[alias Player on quest VL_Player (6F023F14)].VL_Player.OnInit() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 21
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] ===========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod ]===========================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] JContainers Not Installed.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] ===========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod ]===========================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Error: File "CombatDramaOverhaul.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias Player on quest VL_Player (6F023F14)].VL_Player.VLLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 59
[alias Player on quest VL_Player (6F023F14)].VL_Player.OnInit() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 21
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] ===========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod ]===========================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] Combat Drama Overhaul Not Installed.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] ===========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod ]===========================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [ahzconfigmenu <AHZConfigMenu02 (CE010FDC)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [AMOTRealLifeDateQuestScript <AMOTRealLifeDateQuest (C90022EF)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [AMOTInGameDateQuestScript <AMOTInGameDateQuest (C90022EE)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [OBIS_McMenu <OBIS_McMenu (3208F0AA)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] [AMOTRealLifeClockQuestScript <AMOTRealLifeClockQuest (C90022ED)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:37PM] ASGBookGiver loaded, waiting 1 second before giving book.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [RRR_SKSEQuest_Script <RRR_SKSE2_Quest (DD8682FD)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (210C4C3A)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (210C4C3A)>]: Updating script to version 18
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [AMOTSymbolQuestScript <AMOTSymbol1Quest (C90022F0)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] Setting pet and player relationship to ally
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] ASGM MCM Menu initialized - ASGMSettings:56 International:TRUE AllowRemove:TRUE OnlyBlack:TRUE OnlyFull:False SilenceSuccess:False SilenceFail:False LossyCapture:False
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [ASGQuest <ASGQuest (93000D62)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [VL_ConfigMenu <VL_ConfigMenu (6F005901)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [daymoyl_monitorconfig <daymoyl_monitorconfig (0D059A03)>]: Registered Death Alternative at MCM.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] ========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod: End ]=========================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] VioLens compatibility check complete.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] ========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod: End ]=========================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [ARTH_RFYL_ConfigMenu <ARTHRFYLMCMQuest (5401265A)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [_wl_oilmeter <_WL_OilMeterQuest (9301AE8A)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] Error: File "SkyUI.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[TweakFollower (9F0012CE)].tweakfollowerscript.OnInit() - "TweakFollowerScript.psc" Line 372
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] Error: File "fiss.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
<unknown self>.fissfactory.getFISS() - "FISSFactory.psc" Line 18
[accm_Quest (2640620C)].accm_MCMenuBoTScript.OnGameReload() - "accm_MCMenuBoTScript.psc" Line 112
[accm_Quest (2640620C)].accm_MCMenuBoTScript.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] Error: File "fiss.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
<unknown self>.fissfactory.getFISS() - "FISSFactory.psc" Line 18
[accm_Quest (2640620C)].accm_MCMenuBoTScript.OnConfigInit() - "accm_MCMenuBoTScript.psc" Line 63
[accm_Quest (2640620C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 114
[accm_Quest (2640620C)].accm_MCMenuBoTScript.OnGameReload() - "accm_MCMenuBoTScript.psc" Line 116
[accm_Quest (2640620C)].accm_MCMenuBoTScript.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] ==== LAL: Mod support check - Ignore errors about missing files. ====
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] Error: File "Chesko_Frostfall.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (E4049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 59
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (E4049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.OnInit() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 113
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] Error: File "Frostfall.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (E4049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 64
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (E4049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.OnInit() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 113
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] Error: File "teg_returntohelgen.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (E4049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 84
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (E4049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.OnInit() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 113
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] Error: File "Keld-Nar.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (E4049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 92
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (E4049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.OnInit() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 113
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] Error: File "ShezriesOldHroldan.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (E4049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 101
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (E4049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.OnInit() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 113
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] Error: File "ShezrieOldHroldanVer2.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (E4049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 101
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (E4049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.OnInit() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 113
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] ==== LAL: Mod support check - Done. ====
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (D1000820)>]: Registered SKY UI at MCM.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [AMOTMenuQuestScript <AMOTMenuQuest (C9002DB5)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [AMOTMenuQuestScript <AMOTMenuQuest (C9002DB5)>]: Updating script to version 2
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [AMOTMenuQuestScript <AMOTMenuQuest (C9002DB5)>]: Updating script to version 3
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [AMOTMenuQuestScript <AMOTMenuQuest (C9002DB5)>]: Updating script to version 4
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [AnimationsMCM <AnimationsMCM (170022EF)>]: Registered Animations at MCM.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [_holidayskyuiconfig <_WetHolidaySKConfigQuest (2C058A0E)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [aaaTKDodgeMCMScript <aaaTKDodgeQuest (18000D62)>]: Registered TK Dodge at MCM.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:38PM] [sFL4_SKSE_Quest <WCT_SKSE_New_Quest (3D053921)>]: Registered Wildcat Combat at MCM.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:39PM] [DragonPerkMenuScript <ae_dragonperkmcm (8A000D62)>]: Registered Aleios Soul Exchange at MCM.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:39PM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (210C4C3A)>]: Loaded user settings.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:39PM] [_DSAConfigMenuScript <_DSAConfigMenuQuest (91017614)>]: Registered Dragon Souls To Attributes at MCM.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:39PM] [_wetskyuiconfig <_WetSKConfigQuest (9201BCA8)>]: Registered $Wet and Cold at MCM.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:39PM] [_WL_SkyUIConfigPanelScript <_WL_MCMConfigQuest (93010163)>]: Registered Wearable Lanterns at MCM.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:40PM] [TweakMCMScript <TweakMCM (9F06661B)>]: Registered Immersive AFT at MCM.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:40PM] [WB_MCMQuest_Script <WB_SkyUI_Quest (B204013A)>]: Registered Apocalypse Spells at MCM.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:40PM] [Ecks_IAConfigMenu <IAAdminQuest (3A014836)>] INITIALIZED
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:40PM] [_Q2C_LockRequirement_MCM_base <_Q2C_LockRequirement_MCM (BB000800)>]: Registered Lock Overhaul at MCM.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:40PM] [iHUDSkyUIConfigMenuScript <iHUDConfigQuest (CC005E3D)>]: Registered Immersive HUD at MCM.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:40PM] [uBG20ConfigMenuQuestScript <UBG20ConfigMenuQuest (D2010546)>]: Registered Unread Books Glow at MCM.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:41PM] [CustomizableCamera <001CustomizableCamera (CB000D62)>]: Registered Customizable Camera at MCM.
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] VM is freezing...
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] VM is frozen
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Reverting game...
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703781A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2712B8DC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2704DAB6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokJotoDogSceneVer2_0212DEF5 to (2712DEF5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokCaptainImpTraini_020A5ACF to (270A5ACF) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBarrierEffectScript to (27128D58) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrainingLightsScript to (270CCD54) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704B4A7) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokCleanupMineScript to BalokHauntedMineCleanupTimer (27130576) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704B4A6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2704DAB5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokEnterStaadomaarTriggerScript to (2714D76D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokEnterTempleScript to (2714D76C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokCaptainKorstMarc_0207A5FE to (2707A5FE) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script TPOS_DOOR_01 to (15AD08D8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (9F00C515) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (9F00C515) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokConstructionStag_02062837 to BalokConstructionStages (27062837) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Returntocell to (1500A6BD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrainingDialogeTriggerScript to (270C329E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant02SceneGo_02090CA7 to (27090CA7) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704B4A8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant02SceneBa_02090CA6 to (27090CA6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldDisplayScript to (27037817) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokPostFightsQuest_020716C6 to BalokPostFightsQuest (270716C6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script QF_BalokHelgen01_010012CA to BalokHelgen01 (270012CA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script SAUA_CleanUpQuestScript to SAUA_CleanUpQuest (6903A8B7) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokBalfringForceGre_0104FB57 to BalokBalfringForceGreets (2704FB57) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704B4AC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704B4AD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037811) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineDremoraFollowers to (2711F012) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037810) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to (9F017788) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokThalmorPrison_01044971 to BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037805) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037806) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokCourierTimer_0200BF49 to BalokCourierTimer (2700BF49) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037803) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A917) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037800) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27130B46) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSetStageTimerSCRIPT to BalokWhoreTimer (270891F8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703780B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSlaveDoorScript to (270B2E3E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27120620) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037809) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27137DEF) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27137DEE) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2711D4F8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703780C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2707A61A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MnInvisMiner to (2710D7BF) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSlaveDoorScript to (270B8F71) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT to BalokConstructionTimerHill (270B5963) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27154416) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokAerandilMoveTo to (270BFC35) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokCiennaWedding_02130B48 to (27130B48) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokCageDoorScript to (270B8F73) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWhoreConditions to BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokBitterWounds_0104C504 to BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2707A619) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27038E0B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27038E0A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script cellreturnvamp01 to (1500A6AD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A918) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037825) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokFightSceneLoop_0206C994 to (2706C994) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokWiglafTravelToRo_0206C995 to (2706C995) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerQuestSCRIPT to BalokConstructionTimer01 (270317CD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerSetStage to BalokBitterWounds3dayTimer (2704E5C5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__0207852F to BalokRadiant02Stormcloak (2707852F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokAerandilCastSpel_02095607 to (27095607) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokIntroPrisonScene_020955F2 to (270955F2) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldActivatorScript to (27037826) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokEnterPuzzleRoomScript to (2714D757) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (270377F0) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (270377F1) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (270377F2) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokFuneralScene_020986FD to (270986FD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2712EF57) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokValeriusDeathSce_02096BB5 to (27096BB5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRecruit03_01023595 to BalokRecruit03 (27023595) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokHannaRunToMark02_0212D40C to (2712D40C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRecruit02_01023594 to BalokRecruit02 (27023594) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDoomStoneQueryScript to (2704A83A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldDisplayScript to (2703782B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokKeyholeTriggerScript to (2714D758) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokCompleteClawTriggerScript to (2714D759) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokFight01Exit_0206CF8B to (2706CF8B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BloodsbaneEffect to (E205CA9D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704AF2D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRecruit04_01023596 to BalokRecruit04 (27023596) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokKorstReleaseScen_01046F5D to (27046F5D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (271226EE) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRadiant06_01023592 to BalokRadiant06 (27023592) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRadiantRunLapsScript to BalokRadiant06 (27023592) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRecruit01_01023593 to BalokRecruit01 (27023593) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrainingDialogVariables to BalokTrainingScenes (2709F96C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokTrainingScenes_0209F96C to BalokTrainingScenes (2709F96C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703782D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (270377FC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokJotoDogSceneVer1_0212EF58 to (2712EF58) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (270377FD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704AF2A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704AF2B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokTorturerGoesMad_02046F5E to (27046F5E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078533 to BalokRadiant06Stormcloak (27078533) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078532 to BalokRadiant05Stormcloak (27078532) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703783B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (270377E9) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokOpenDooronDeath to (27110536) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037839) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2712CEA2) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script QF_CWACleanupQuest_0200BC4E to CWACleanupQuest (2500BC4E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script CWACleanupScript to CWACleanupQuest (2500BC4E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokFalcoKorstExecut_0209A7F4 to (2709A7F4) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script CureDiseaseScript to (155AC549) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078534 to BalokRadiant01Empire (27078534) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078535 to BalokRadiant02Empire (27078535) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (270377EE) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (270377EF) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokCampHandlerStorm_0209F97C to BalokCampHandlerStormcloak (2709F97C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokCampHandlerImper_0209F97D to BalokCampHandlerImperial (2709F97D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDisplayRoomDoorScript to (2705C587) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078536 to BalokRadiant03Empire (27078536) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldDisplayScript to (27037835) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokKorstTrainStartS_020A09B1 to (270A09B1) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokGuardsTakePlayer_0203D653 to (2703D653) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrainingDialogVariables to BalokTrainingScenesSons (270A4A68) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__020A4A68 to BalokTrainingScenesSons (270A4A68) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokMoveSCGuardsTime_0102358B to BalokMoveSCGuardsTimer (2702358B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT to BalokMoveSCGuardsTimer (2702358B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT to BalokMoveImperialGuardsTimer (2702358A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokMoveImperialGuar_0102358A to BalokMoveImperialGuardsTimer (2702358A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokConstructionQuestNamesScript to BalokConstructionQuest (27023589) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokConstructionQues_01023589 to BalokConstructionQuest (27023589) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT to BalokFalcoCleanUpTimer (270C9612) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__020C9612 to BalokFalcoCleanUpTimer (270C9612) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2712D411) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (270377E5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokCaptainImpStartT_020A09B2 to (270A09B2) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokPrisonExitSceneTrigger to (2704E031) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokSCCaptStartTrain_020A09B3 to (270A09B3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037837) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script aaaTKRMenuScript to aaaTKRMenuQuest (3F001D8E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokKorstPostPrisonS_0204E035 to (2704E035) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2714245D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2712D414) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSkeletonScript to (2712061A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRadiant01_0102358D to BalokRadiant01 (2702358D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRadiantRunLapsScript to BalokRadiant01 (2702358D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078538 to BalokRadiant05Empire (27078538) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineFinalBoss to (27109140) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRadiantRunLapsScript to BalokRadiant02 (2702358E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRadiant02_0102358E to BalokRadiant02 (2702358E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRadiant03_0102358F to BalokRadiant03 (2702358F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRadiantRunLapsScript to BalokRadiant03 (2702358F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (2714245E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037831) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldActivatorScript to (27037830) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRadiantQuestCheckScript to BalokRadiantQuestCheck (27128D72) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRadiantQuestChec_02128D72 to BalokRadiantQuestCheck (27128D72) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBarrierDisableTrigger to (27128D73) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokAerandilCaveScen_0209456C to (2709456C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703575C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokFight01Intro_0206B353 to (2706B353) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037865) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037864) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A6A3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A6A2) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokCiennaFollowConditions to BalokCiennaQuest (270EA35B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokCiennaQuest_020EA35B to BalokCiennaQuest (270EA35B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokQuestTimerScript to BalokCiennaQuest (270EA35B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerSetStage to BalokFuneralTimer (270976A9) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokCiennaTravelToFl_02130B25 to (27130B25) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokFight02Intro_0206B354 to (2706B354) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBowDisplayScript to (27037862) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBowDisplayScript to (27037863) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokAerandilShipSpel_02094AEC to (27094AEC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A6A6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2705AFD7) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBowDisplayScript to (27037861) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703725F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokValeriusFalco_0209505B to (2709505B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant04SceneBa_02090CD8 to (27090CD8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429DA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant04SceneGo_02090CD9 to (27090CD9) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A6AC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokWiglafTravelToMa_0206B35B to (2706B35B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A6A8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703725A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBattleAxeDisplayScript to (2705AFD9) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A6AA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A6AB) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429DC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWhoreBedScript to (27088706) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (270A5569) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant03SceneGo_02090CCA to (27090CCA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:49PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant03SceneBa_02090CCB to (27090CCB) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokMarctsTimer24HoursSCRIPT to BalokMarcusTimer24Hours (2700CF7B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokJotoDog_02129DB3 to BalokJotoDog (27129DB3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokJotoDogScript to BalokJotoDog (27129DB3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokHannaRunToMarkFi_0212D982 to (2712D982) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarDisplaySCRIPT to (2703B4D7) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarActivatorScript to (2703B4D6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokWiglafTravelToRo_020C9B78 to (270C9B78) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703B4D3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2700C4B0) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27035747) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429DD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDragonPriestScript to (27110FB3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Trig_MineGhostGirlDragon to (27108665) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokMannequinButtonScript to (2703BFE9) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703574C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokImperialTraining_020A4FCC to (270A4FCC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script dialoguefollowerscript to (AB04CE7F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MnInvisMiner to (2710D7C5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MnInvisMiner to (2710D7C7) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSpiderScript to (27106B4A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703574B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBattleAxeDisplayScript to (2703784C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDoomStoneQueryScript to (27029348) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokFighterBlessingScript to (2706EAF9) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703782C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037836) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldDisplayScript to (27037821) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037264) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037281) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldDisplayScript to (2703574A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF4E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037823) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429E2) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429E5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF5C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarDisplaySCRIPT to (2703B4E4) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF69) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429EE) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF60) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF5A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037818) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429DF) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF64) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (271429FC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF53) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF66) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703725E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (270377E4) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429F6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037261) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037819) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037822) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703B4D4) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703726F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF58) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703782F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBattleAxeDisplayScript to (27037849) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawDisplaySCRIPT to (2703AF6C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBowDisplayScript to (2703785D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarActivatorScript to (2703B4DD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRecruit05_01023597 to BalokRecruit05 (27023597) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarDisplaySCRIPT to (2703B4DE) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokTrainingScenesIm_020A4FCB to BalokTrainingScenesImperial (270A4FCB) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrainingDialogVariables to BalokTrainingScenesImperial (270A4FCB) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokFuneralCiennaLig_02098C7D to (27098C7D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27035749) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldActivatorScript to (27035748) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerQuestSCRIPT to BalokConstructionTimer03 (27031E73) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBowDisplayScript to (2703785B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerQuestSCRIPT to BalokConstructionTimer02 (27031E72) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703785A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429E8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokHannaRunToMark_02120BAE to (27120BAE) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokKorstGuardsSceneTriggerSCRIPT to (2702CB2F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDisplayRoomDoorScript to (2705AFEF) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429EB) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShacklesActivatorScript to (2704440C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokPostHelgenFailsa_020E1742 to BalokPostHelgenFailsafe (270E1742) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (2703726D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineDremoraTio to (2710C77E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokKorstReturnScene_010151EA to (270151EA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDisplayRoomDoorScript to (2705AFEB) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokValeriusFuneralQ_020986EA to BalokValeriusFuneralQuest (270986EA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokNecroNavCutScript to (27134D33) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT to BalokConstructionTimer04 (27031E74) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (270B7F35) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27094AD1) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429EC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704A818) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldActivatorScript to (2705AFE8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokFalcoVariables to BalokFalcoQuest (27098CB6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokFalcoQuest_02098CB6 to BalokFalcoQuest (27098CB6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429E9) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (270377FF) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429E6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldDisplayScript to (2705AFE3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokPrisonSceneFavor_010469CA to (270469CA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokOronarHalindilSc_020428D0 to (270428D0) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704AF34) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant01SceneBa_02090729 to (27090729) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBowDisplayScript to (27037857) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (270469E3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078539 to BalokRadiant06Empire (27078539) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037856) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokMemorialScript to (270C9099) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokHamingQuestCheck to BalokHamingQuestStartup (27122C58) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokHamingQuestStart_02122C58 to BalokHamingQuestStartup (27122C58) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokSonsTrainingScen_020A4FE8 to (270A4FE8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBattleAxeDisplayScript to (27037852) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSkeleton02Script to (2712061B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037853) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant06Lineup_02090D18 to (27090D18) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokKorstGearUpScene_01044406 to (27044406) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineDremoraBarr to (2710B1CA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037850) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDoomStoneQueryScript to (2704A947) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429E3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant05SceneBa_02090CF4 to (27090CF4) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokHauntedMine_021065C3 to BalokHauntedMine (271065C3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShacklesActivatorScript to (27044ED8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429F7) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant05SceneGo_02090CF5 to (27090CF5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704AF31) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokJotoDogTriggerEnabler to (270FE838) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokCiennaTravelToMe_02130B03 to (27130B03) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokFuneralPyreTimer_02098CAC to BalokFuneralPyreTimer (27098CAC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT to BalokFuneralPyreTimer (27098CAC) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037270) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokCleanupTimerWait72HoursSCRIPT to BalokCleanupTimerWait72Hours (2701A317) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429E0) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037272) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037273) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037265) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokStartUpBookScript to (2713C45B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineDragonDie to (27108656) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTowerTriggerScript to (2704FB54) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineDremoraTio to (2710C77D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokCiennaTravelToDo_02130B37 to (27130B37) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerQuestSCRIPT to BalokMoveRecruitGuardsTimer (2702358C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429F4) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703781C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703726B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037827) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037866) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429F1) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (271429F0) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF56) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037276) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078530 to BalokRadiant03Stormcloak (27078530) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704AF36) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokTrophyEnablerScript to (2704AF33) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF63) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF52) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037802) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037808) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldActivatorScript to (2703783A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF65) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldActivatorScript to (2703781B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703780E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703785E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF6B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF68) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDisplayRoomDoorScript to (2705AFED) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokStaadomaarClawScript to (2713E59C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27130B07) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (270B7F34) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (270955F1) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (2703D670) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBridgeButtonScript to (270EB3A6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Trig_MineInvisMiners to (2710D7CD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT to BalokConstructionTimer05 (27075F37) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078531 to BalokRadiant04Stormcloak (27078531) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__02078537 to BalokRadiant04Empire (27078537) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokFinalPackages_020C179D to BalokFinalPackages (270C179D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRadiant04_01023590 to BalokRadiant04 (27023590) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRadiantRunLapsScript to BalokRadiant04 (27023590) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokArchery01DialogeTriggerScript to (270C3802) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokCiennaStartupScript to BalokCiennaStartup (270EF9C6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokMQ101ChechSCRIPT to BalokMQ101Check (2700BF4A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerNoAliasSCRIPT to BalokCienna24HourTimer (27130B67) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRadiantRunLapsScript to BalokRadiant05 (27023591) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokRadiant05_01023591 to BalokRadiant05 (27023591) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037275) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokKorstTrainStartS_020C586A to (270C586A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF_BalokKindrickToCrateArmor_0209B84E to (2709B84E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_PF_BalokCiennaTravelToIn_02130B63 to (27130B63) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokPlayerKillsFalco_020C90A8 to (270C90A8) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokOronarTorturerSc_010469E5 to (270469E5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF55) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokRadiant01SceneGo_0209071E to (2709071E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokArchery02DialogeTriggerScript to (270C3803) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokKorstTrainingSce_0209F96E to (2709F96E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF_BalokHamingQuest_02121118 to BalokHamingQuest (27121118) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27067B89) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokCiennaLoveScene_02132125 to (27132125) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27132124) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineDremoraTio to (2710C77A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokSexScene01_02088C8A to (27088C8A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703727E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF5F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldActivatorScript to (2703727F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF5E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (27037262) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokWeaponDisplayAllSCRIPT to (271429F9) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokSexScene02_02088C8C to (27088C8C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_KorstRecruitScene_0102405F to (2702405F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarDisplaySCRIPT to (2703B4E7) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarActivatorScript to (2703B4E6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokKorstReleaseScen_01044ED5 to (27044ED5) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to (9F017201) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703727C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokHelgenMarcusAndV_01004359 to (27004359) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokShieldDisplayScript to (2703727D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_QF__0207852E to BalokRadiant01Stormcloak (2707852E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordDisplaySCRIPT to (27037280) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (2703AF59) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokCiennaHugScene_02130B0A to (27130B0A) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarActivatorScript to (2703B4E3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSwordActivatorScript to (2703784D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (27106B4B) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokClawActivatorScript to (271429FE) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTriggerScript to (270E8864) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineDremoraTrio to (2710CCEB) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokPuzzleDoorSCRIPT to (2713E2AA) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarActivatorScript to (2703B4E0) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokMoveDogScript to (2712E9E3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokCageDoorScript to (2709507C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBattleAxeDisplayScript to (2703784F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBugJarDisplaySCRIPT to (2703B4E1) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balo_SF_BalokCiennaMemorialSc_02130B08 to (27130B08) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:36:50PM] Error: Unable to bind script Balok_Scr_MineFinalBossTrig to (2710913E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Loading game...
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRecruitSCRIPT to alias BalokRecruit05 on quest BalokRecruit04 (27023596) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit02 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard01 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias05 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit04INT on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSpiderCountScript to alias SpiderGhost on quest BalokHauntedMine (271065C3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script AnvilDencheckjusticar to alias Justicar on quest AnvilDenQuest (B101ED3C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias04 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit03INT on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard07 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard04BW on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias BanditBoss on quest BalokRadiant03 (2702358F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit02INT on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias03 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSpiderCountScript to alias SpiderBaby03 on quest BalokHauntedMine (271065C3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerAliasSCRIPT to alias NotInHelgen on quest BalokMoveRecruitGuardsTimer (2702358C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard08 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefOnDeathScript to alias Fighter01 on quest BalokConstructionQuest (27023589) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard03BW on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokJotoDogBossScript to alias Boss on quest BalokJotoDog (27129DB3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard05 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script INISettingsCtrlPlayerAliasScript to alias Player on quest CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (793CC095) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard01 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRecruitSCRIPT to alias BalokRecruit03 on quest BalokRecruit03 (27023595) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRecruitSCRIPT to alias BalokRecruit02 on quest BalokRecruit02 (27023594) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRecruitSCRIPT to alias BalokRecruit06 on quest BalokRecruit05 (27023597) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit01 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokRecruitSCRIPT to alias BalokRecruit01 on quest BalokRecruit01 (27023593) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard02 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefOnDeathScript to alias Fighter03 on quest BalokConstructionQuest (27023589) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard02 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit05INT on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias06 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSpiderCountScript to alias SpiderBaby02 on quest BalokHauntedMine (271065C3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard01BW on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefOnDeathScript to alias Fighter06 on quest BalokConstructionQuest (27023589) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard10 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit07 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard03 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit06 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias Aerandil on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard05BW on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias09 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias Oronar on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerAliasSCRIPT to alias NotInHelgen on quest BalokConstructionTimer03 (27031E73) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias08 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSpiderCountScript to alias SpiderBaby01 on quest BalokHauntedMine (271065C3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard04 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefOnDeathScript to alias Fighter05 on quest BalokConstructionQuest (27023589) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard11 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant05 (27023591) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant04 (27023590) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant06 (27023592) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias10 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias02 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias Halindil on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard03 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias07 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Guunlaug on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard12 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefOnDeathScript to alias Fighter04 on quest BalokConstructionQuest (27023589) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant02Stormcloak (2707852F) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script SneakToolsLightSourceAliasScript to alias SneakToolsLightSourceAlias01 on quest SneakToolsAliasesQuest (1307232C) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard05 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant05Empire (27078538) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerAliasSCRIPT to alias NotInHelgen on quest BalokConstructionTimer01 (270317CD) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit01INT on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant01 (2702358D) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard02BW on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant02 (2702358E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant01Stormcloak (2707852E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard06 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSkeletonCountScript to alias Shade01 on quest BalokHauntedMine (271065C3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias Torturer on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script aaaTKRAliasScript to alias aaaTKRPlayerAlias on quest aaaTKRQuest (3F000D62) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant06Empire (27078539) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant03Stormcloak (27078530) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard09 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokLogLeverScript to alias Lever on quest BalokSawLogsQuest (27062832) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard06 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit03 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuardsScript to alias ThalmorGuard04 on quest BalokThalmorPrison (27044971) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultTimerAliasSCRIPT to alias NotInHelgen on quest BalokConstructionTimer02 (27031E72) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant04Empire (27078537) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit04 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant03Empire (27078536) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant02Empire (27078535) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script LHR10QuestPlayerAliasScript to alias LHR10QuestPlayerAlias on quest LHR10Quest (3A00183E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant01Empire (27078534) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokThalmorGuards02Script to alias ThalmorGuard06BW on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant04Stormcloak (27078531) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokSkeletonCountScript to alias Shade02 on quest BalokHauntedMine (271065C3) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant05Stormcloak (27078532) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokFalcoKillScript to alias Falco on quest BalokFalcoQuest (27098CB6) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefaultRadiantBoss to alias Boss on quest BalokRadiant06Stormcloak (27078533) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokBanditsScript to alias Bandit05 on quest BalokBitterWounds (2704C504) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script LHR10QuestPlayerAliasScript to alias LHR10QuestPlayerAlias on quest LHR10Quest (9800183E) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script BalokDefOnDeathScript to alias Fighter02 on quest BalokConstructionQuest (27023589) because their base types do not match
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8EE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (64002F9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireMarcurio attached to topic info 00104F1D on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8E7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireErik attached to topic info 00104F1E on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireJenassa attached to topic info 00104F1F on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D90C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property animationsPerk on script AnimationsOnCrosshairRefChange attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest AnimationsAliasesCrosshair (17000D63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property HarvestingAnimation2 on script AnimationsOnCrosshairRefChange attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest AnimationsAliasesCrosshair (17000D63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property NoAmmo on script AnimationsOnCrosshairRefChange attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest AnimationsAliasesCrosshair (17000D63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property Rebooting on script AnimationsOnCrosshairRefChange attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest AnimationsAliasesCrosshair (17000D63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property activators on script AnimationsOnCrosshairRefChange attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest AnimationsAliasesCrosshair (17000D63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMscript on script AnimationsOnCrosshairRefChange attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest AnimationsAliasesCrosshair (17000D63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property HarvestingAnimation on script AnimationsOnCrosshairRefChange attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest AnimationsAliasesCrosshair (17000D63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D909) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8FA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D906) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property a0aDwMessageComponentNoDrop on script a0aDwComponentNoDropScript attached to Item 1 in container (B001F9B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitMarcurio attached to topic info 000BDB4D on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (640117B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (640117B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (640117B4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property RewardAmount on script bqscript attached to BQ04 (000CBA9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (64002FA1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8D2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property InteriorIMODList on script INISettingsCtrlQuestScript attached to CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (793CC095) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property ExteriorIMODList on script INISettingsCtrlQuestScript attached to CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (793CC095) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8DA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireStenvar attached to topic info 00104F20 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireVorstag attached to topic info 00104F21 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8C8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitStenvar attached to topic info 000BDFB1 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitJenassa attached to topic info 0001A1CD on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitBelrand attached to topic info 0001A1CF on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8C6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property CYRFortPalePassMS01LegateLetterOfPermission on script CYR_QF_CYRFortPalePassMS01New_020CE0F1 attached to CYRFortPalePassMS01New (0B0CE0F1) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (0B08ACC2) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property corpse on script hangedManScript attached to (2500446B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (25004472) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property a0aDwMessageComponentNoDrop on script a0aDwComponentNoDropScript attached to Item 2 in container (B001F9B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6401121D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6401121C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6401121F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MaxCount on script PF_OrgFacDruadachRedoubtExtW_060D5E95 attached to (0F0D5E95) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property Ingredient02 on script PF_OrgFacDruadachRedoubtExtW_060D5E95 attached to (0F0D5E95) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property Ingredient01 on script PF_OrgFacDruadachRedoubtExtW_060D5E95 attached to (0F0D5E95) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property NotLoadedIngredientCount on script PF_OrgFacDruadachRedoubtExtW_060D5E95 attached to (0F0D5E95) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property RandMin on script PF_OrgFacDruadachRedoubtExtW_060D5E95 attached to (0F0D5E95) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property RandMax on script PF_OrgFacDruadachRedoubtExtW_060D5E95 attached to (0F0D5E95) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6401121E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6401120C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6400F2DF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6401120F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property toSkyrimMapMarker on script CYR_QF_CYRSkyrimBorderGateTop_020D3F2C attached to CYRSkyrimBorderGateTopLevelQuest (0B0D3F2C) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (0B0D79CE) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMMenu on script _teleportomnisaveloc attached to _teleportOmnipresenceSaveLocQuest (64014D8C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property a0aDwMessageComponentNoDrop on script a0aDwComponentNoDropScript attached to Item 4 in container (B001F9B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (64011224) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (64011225) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property AshSpawnAttachChancePercent on script DLC2AshSpawnAttackChanceScript attached to alias Player on quest DLC2Init (04016E02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8A5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property TweakOriginalEssentialFaction on script TweakFixBoethiah attached to (00083041) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (64011223) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8FD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8D6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D90B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D918) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6400F2DE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (640117B2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (640117B0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (64011222) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (64011221) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (64011220) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0B06505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0B06507B) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property pTweakAnimals on script TweakRecruitDog attached to topic info 0009A7A3 on quest DialogueAnimalTrainers (0009A7A6) cannot be bound because DialogueAnimalTrainers (0009A7A6) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property TweakCarryWeight on script tweakfollowerscript attached to TweakFollower (9F0012CE) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property pTweakStables on script tweakfollowerscript attached to TweakFollower (9F0012CE) cannot be bound because stables (00068D73) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitVorstag attached to topic info 000BCC86 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8AC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6400F2E0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (6405D8A1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitErikTheSlayer attached to topic info 000653F1 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Property ModName on script vlbm_closemenurandomizerscript attached to VLBM_CloseMenuQuest (70060BC3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_Fishbiter", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_Fishbiter referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "eogeomquestlockonscript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type eogeomquestlockonscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_WalkingDangers3_SOT", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF_WalkingDangers3_SOT referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_Menu2", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_Menu2 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_themanlyman", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_themanlyman referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_removedarkjourneymanrobes", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_removedarkjourneymanrobes referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_pebblemultimenu", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_pebblemultimenu referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_hatchdragon", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_hatchdragon referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_marapunishes", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_marapunishes referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "MephalaNPC", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type MephalaNPC referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_bluejournrobofmagika", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_bluejournrobofmagika referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_removdarkmastrrobemagik", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_removdarkmastrrobemagik referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_Wolf", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_Wolf referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_RaiseNPC", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_RaiseNPC referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_defaultonenterdamsel", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_defaultonenterdamsel referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_NPCDied2", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_NPCDied2 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_maragemshadegreen", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_maragemshadegreen referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_bleakfallschest", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_bleakfallschest referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_SpiritCheck", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_SpiritCheck referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_removdarkjournrobemagika", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_removdarkjournrobemagika referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_sleadervmpcheck", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_sleadervmpcheck referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_purplemasterrobedestruct", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_purplemasterrobedestruct referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_RewardQuest_050DB176", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF_RewardQuest_050DB176 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_summonguardian", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_summonguardian referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOTdefaultOnEnter", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOTdefaultOnEnter referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_CrossbowDragonRemove", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_CrossbowDragonRemove referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_summonflameatronach", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_summonflameatronach referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_bluemastroberesitance", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_bluemastroberesitance referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_bluemstrrobmagika", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_bluemstrrobmagika referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "INI__QF_InigoSkyrimComp_020E5812", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type INI__QF_InigoSkyrimComp_020E5812 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_SaarthalTrap", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_SaarthalTrap referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "INI__QF_InigoNpcChatMain_02095D76", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type INI__QF_InigoNpcChatMain_02095D76 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_darkjourneroberesitance", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_darkjourneroberesitance referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "ks_ModConfigurationMenuScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type ks_ModConfigurationMenuScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_RemoveJourneymanRobes", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_RemoveJourneymanRobes referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_HaemarPop", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_HaemarPop referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "summonsandman", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type summonsandman referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_Levelerunder15", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_Levelerunder15 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_Oils", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_Oils referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_BonemanVanilla", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_BonemanVanilla referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF__04303741", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF__04303741 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_summonwitchheads", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_summonwitchheads referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "INI__QF_InigoSkyrimMQ_02082641", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type INI__QF_InigoSkyrimMQ_02082641 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_SpiritCheck2", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_SpiritCheck2 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_removebluemasterrobesdest", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_removebluemasterrobesdest referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_MoreChests", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_MoreChests referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_MoreSpawns_030EE8ED", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF_MoreSpawns_030EE8ED referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_Draugr2", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_Draugr2 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_PotionCourier_04005901", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF_PotionCourier_04005901 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "WalkingDangers49", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type WalkingDangers49 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_DefaultonEnter4", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_DefaultonEnter4 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_FirstRedPill", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_FirstRedPill referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "DCCleanupMagicEffectScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type DCCleanupMagicEffectScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_DeadMenfinalS", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_DeadMenfinalS referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_usteng2chest2", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_usteng2chest2 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_SkelBoss", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_SkelBoss referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_startcomabtactor", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_startcomabtactor referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "INI__QF_InigoPlayerJourney_0206CB85", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type INI__QF_InigoPlayerJourney_0206CB85 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_SummonwihtActivator", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_SummonwihtActivator referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_triggerdlc2saerings", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_triggerdlc2saerings referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "VolSpiderTrap", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type VolSpiderTrap referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_FightMe", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_FightMe referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_Arise", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_Arise referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_smoon2ndwave", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_smoon2ndwave referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_releasefourghosts", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_releasefourghosts referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "eogeomquestlightningorderscript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type eogeomquestlightningorderscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_Karthspire", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_Karthspire referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_testcmcm", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_testcmcm referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "InigofollowerDialogue", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type InigofollowerDialogue referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "DCApplyingEffectScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type DCApplyingEffectScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "INI__QF_InigoFollowerDragon_020295F4", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type INI__QF_InigoFollowerDragon_020295F4 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_WaitingDangers_01024096", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF_WaitingDangers_01024096 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_UstengravChest", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_UstengravChest referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_Ustengrav2ndChest", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_Ustengrav2ndChest referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_DeadMenEnter1", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_DeadMenEnter1 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_purplemasterobesresistance", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_purplemasterobesresistance referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_ondeathpoisongas", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_ondeathpoisongas referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "ks_DragonActorScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type ks_DragonActorScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_SpidersVanilla", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_SpidersVanilla referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "KnifePointPopulatedtrigger1", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type KnifePointPopulatedtrigger1 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF__042B76AF", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF__042B76AF referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sotfunctionslib", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sotfunctionslib referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "DCAbEnemyMagicEffect", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type DCAbEnemyMagicEffect referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOTAngarTreasTrap", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOTAngarTreasTrap referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_DCInitQuest_01001ACF", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF_DCInitQuest_01001ACF referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_redmasterroberesitance", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_redmasterroberesitance referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF__0434A614", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF__0434A614 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_SLMakeInvis", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_SLMakeInvis referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOTFX", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOTFX referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_gman", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_gman referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_Assassins_042A32A4", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF_Assassins_042A32A4 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_ustengrav2chest1", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_ustengrav2chest1 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_bluejournroberesitance", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_bluejournroberesitance referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_avengeAkatosh", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_avengeAkatosh referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_RedEagle", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_RedEagle referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_startapocalypse", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_startapocalypse referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_FAlmers", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_FAlmers referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_VanSpidersRef", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_VanSpidersRef referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_purplejournrobedestruct", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_purplejournrobedestruct referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_ChameleonPrep", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_ChameleonPrep referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_Skeleton2", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_Skeleton2 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type aaaTKRAliasScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "OnCombatExit", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type OnCombatExit referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "eogeomquesttriggerscript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type eogeomquesttriggerscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "dcinitquestscript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type dcinitquestscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_redjourneyroberesitance", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_redjourneyroberesitance referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_PlayerisPoisoned", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_PlayerisPoisoned referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "killme", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type killme referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_chesttrapvamp", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_chesttrapvamp referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_Assassins", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_Assassins referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_SOT_Sneak_03185ABA", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF_SOT_Sneak_03185ABA referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_reanimatedraugr", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_reanimatedraugr referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_MistWatchTrigger", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_MistWatchTrigger referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_NPCDied4", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_NPCDied4 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sotRainDraugr", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sotRainDraugr referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "dcplayerscriptversiontwo", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type dcplayerscriptversiontwo referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_DefaultonEnterCham", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_DefaultonEnterCham referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_whitmastrroberesitance", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_whitmastrroberesitance referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "Wilderness1Encounter", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type Wilderness1Encounter referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_ChameleonPrepMplaced", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_ChameleonPrepMplaced referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_TriggerEnterSaarthal", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_TriggerEnterSaarthal referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_SOTActivatorSpawner_030568D9", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF_SOTActivatorSpawner_030568D9 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_chesttrap", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_chesttrap referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_Bones", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_Bones referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_BurnMe", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_BurnMe referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_AttackifEnemy2_0511CD18", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type PF_AttackifEnemy2_0511CD18 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_NearbyNPCSRethink_07508043", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF_NearbyNPCSRethink_07508043 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_GetOnPlayer", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_GetOnPlayer referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_DeadlyWeaponsB_01029391", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF_DeadlyWeaponsB_01029391 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_triggerinvisquadleader", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_triggerinvisquadleader referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "weaponsdeadly", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type weaponsdeadly referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_NPCDied1", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_NPCDied1 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_GiveWailShout", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_GiveWailShout referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "wbbcfaliasscript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type wbbcfaliasscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "givering", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type givering referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "BurningSensation", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type BurningSensation referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_whitejourneyroberesistance", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_whitejourneyroberesistance referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_AvengeChestAkatosh", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_AvengeChestAkatosh referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "INI__QF_InigoMapMarker_020632D2", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type INI__QF_InigoMapMarker_020632D2 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_GoveMEDRagonStone", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_GoveMEDRagonStone referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_RagnvaldIntTrap1", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_RagnvaldIntTrap1 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_PlanB", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_PlanB referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_RumiiruaQuest_0505BB9E", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF_RumiiruaQuest_0505BB9E referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_giveortakeinvuln", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_giveortakeinvuln referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOTAvengeMarkarth", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOTAvengeMarkarth referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_MimicScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_MimicScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOTGraveLord", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOTGraveLord referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "inigoradarquestscript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type inigoradarquestscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_AttackifEnemy_0511CD13", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type PF_AttackifEnemy_0511CD13 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_LoadGame", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_LoadGame referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_Hatchling_030B0A1A", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type PF_Hatchling_030B0A1A referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOTFortSnowTreasureTrap", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOTFortSnowTreasureTrap referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "IronTrap", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type IronTrap referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "RewardQuestScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type RewardQuestScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOTLeaderInvScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOTLeaderInvScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_darkmasterroberesitance", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_darkmasterroberesitance referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_brandon", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_brandon referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_KnifePointTrigger", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_KnifePointTrigger referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "INI__QF_InigoLangley_0205F27D", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type INI__QF_InigoLangley_0205F27D referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_AttackPlayer_0549693D", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type PF_AttackPlayer_0549693D referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF__060383CD", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF__060383CD referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_PlayerPoisonedWilder", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_PlayerPoisonedWilder referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_BonemanDefilerShield", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_BonemanDefilerShield referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "INI__QF_InigoBadVibrations_020695C5", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type INI__QF_InigoBadVibrations_020695C5 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_PLayerMonitorQuest", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_PLayerMonitorQuest referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_removeredmasterrobes", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_removeredmasterrobes referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_Devourer", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_Devourer referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_SOT_DamselFolow_050D0F3E", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type PF_SOT_DamselFolow_050D0F3E referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_DeleteIfEmpty", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_DeleteIfEmpty referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_removedarkmasterrobes", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_removedarkmasterrobes referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "InigoStatusQuestScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type InigoStatusQuestScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOTArkayRevenge", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOTArkayRevenge referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_SummonActivSkeletons", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_SummonActivSkeletons referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "wbBCFLightScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type wbBCFLightScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_MovarthChestTrap", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_MovarthChestTrap referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "FortSnowTreasureOpen", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type FortSnowTreasureOpen referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_evaluateai", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_evaluateai referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_Defaultonenter2", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_Defaultonenter2 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_stealobject", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_stealobject referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_ADDPOTIONSAlias", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_ADDPOTIONSAlias referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_FTraveSendEvent", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_FTraveSendEvent referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_addpotions", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_addpotions referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_DamselChest", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_DamselChest referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_TriggerBox", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_TriggerBox referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_RemoveMasterRobes", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_RemoveMasterRobes referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_NPCDied3", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_NPCDied3 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_foundvanqsword", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_foundvanqsword referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_removemastterrobemagika", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_removemastterrobemagika referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_removebluejourneyrobesdest", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_removebluejourneyrobesdest referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "inigostatusinigoscript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type inigostatusinigoscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_SOT_Eat_050DB174", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type PF_SOT_Eat_050DB174 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_removeredjourneymanrobes", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_removeredjourneymanrobes referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_removeredjournrobemagika", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_removeredjournrobemagika referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_Removewhitemasterrobemagka", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_Removewhitemasterrobemagka referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_removewhitejourneyrobemagika", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_removewhitejourneyrobemagika referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_medresi2", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_medresi2 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_BleakBoss", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_BleakBoss referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_purlejournroberesitance", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_purlejournroberesitance referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "InigoStatusSteedScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type InigoStatusSteedScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_NoMagic", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_NoMagic referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_AddtoSacks", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_AddtoSacks referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_ChestHamvirtrapped", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_ChestHamvirtrapped referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "killfast", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type killfast referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_FleshBoss", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_FleshBoss referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_EscortEndQuest1", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_EscortEndQuest1 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_manlyaliasref", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_manlyaliasref referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_DefaultOnEnter3", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_DefaultOnEnter3 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_purplemastrobemagika", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_purplemastrobemagika referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_TriggeerboxRagnVald", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_TriggeerboxRagnVald referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF__04303742", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF__04303742 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_enableRab", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_enableRab referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_ChaosSword", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_ChaosSword referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "InigoStatusPlayerScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type InigoStatusPlayerScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_ONLOADALIAS", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_ONLOADALIAS referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "eogeomQuestSlashScript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type eogeomQuestSlashScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_stealdeadproperty", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_stealdeadproperty referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "waiting12", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type waiting12 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_vampattack", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_vampattack referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_RagnvChestTrap", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_RagnvChestTrap referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOTRats", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOTRats referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_PlayerMonitorEvents", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_PlayerMonitorEvents referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_BanditVanilla", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_BanditVanilla referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "ReviveMe", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type ReviveMe referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_nearbyqstresetprtct", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_nearbyqstresetprtct referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "wbbcfscript", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type wbbcfscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type aaaTKRMenuScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sotglobalbank", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sotglobalbank referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_Raab", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_Raab referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "InigoFollowerControl", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type InigoFollowerControl referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF__042E50DB", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF__042E50DB referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_SpartanDiploma_0434A617", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type QF_SpartanDiploma_0434A617 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "SOT_TestLag", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type SOT_TestLag referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Cannot open store for class "sot_orcsattack", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:48PM] Warning: Unable to get type sot_orcsattack referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCApplyingEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_whitejourneyroberesistance in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type aaaTKRAliasScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_RaiseNPC in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_GetOnPlayer in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_EscortEndQuest1 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SLMakeInvis in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_PlayerMonitorEvents in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_ADDPOTIONSAlias in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_ONLOADALIAS in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type InigoStatusPlayerScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_LoadGame in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_NoMagic in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_themanlyman in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type dcplayerscriptversiontwo in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_UstengravChest in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCApplyingEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_removdarkmastrrobemagik in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_ADDPOTIONSAlias in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type killme in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SLMakeInvis in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_ADDPOTIONSAlias in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SLMakeInvis in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SLMakeInvis in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCApplyingEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTArkayRevenge in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCApplyingEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Wolf in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_ADDPOTIONSAlias in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SLMakeInvis in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_GiveWailShout in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_addpotions in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_avengeAkatosh in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_PlayerisPoisoned in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_PlayerPoisonedWilder in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_NPCDied4 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTArkayRevenge in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type killme in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_chesttrapvamp in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Wolf in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_removemastterrobemagika in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_ustengrav2chest1 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_avengeAkatosh in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_removdarkjournrobemagika in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_bleakfallschest in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_triggerdlc2saerings in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SLMakeInvis in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTArkayRevenge in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF_DCInitQuest_01001ACF in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type dcinitquestscript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_DefaultonEnter4 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ReviveMe in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Levelerunder15 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_foundvanqsword in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_ChameleonPrep in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanDefilerShield in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FleshBoss in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTFX in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_startcomabtactor in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type eogeomquestlightningorderscript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_vampattack in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MimicScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_ondeathpoisongas in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type killme in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MistWatchTrigger in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTdefaultOnEnter in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_summonwitchheads in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type eogeomquesttriggerscript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type summonsandman in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Fishbiter in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type OnCombatExit in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_GiveWailShout in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_RagnvaldIntTrap1 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SummonwihtActivator in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_orcsattack in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type PF_AttackPlayer_0549693D in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type killfast in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_manlyaliasref in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_giveortakeinvuln in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF_RumiiruaQuest_0505BB9E in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpiritCheck in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Arise in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_GoveMEDRagonStone in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type PF_SOT_DamselFolow_050D0F3E in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MovarthChestTrap in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_VanSpidersRef in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type weaponsdeadly in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF_DeadlyWeaponsB_01029391 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_reanimatedraugr in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FirstRedPill in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTArkayRevenge in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpiritCheck2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SummonActivSkeletons in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type RewardQuestScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF_RewardQuest_050DB176 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type VolSpiderTrap in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_chesttrap in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_DeleteIfEmpty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF__060383CD in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_summonguardian in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type FortSnowTreasureOpen in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FightMe in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_startapocalypse in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sotRainDraugr in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_evaluateai in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_TestLag in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sotfunctionslib in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF_MoreSpawns_030EE8ED in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_sleadervmpcheck in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Devourer in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_avengeAkatosh in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AvengeChestAkatosh in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_defaultonenterdamsel in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF__042B76AF in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF__04303741 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_brandon in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF_PotionCourier_04005901 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF__04303742 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type eogeomquestlockonscript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_marapunishes in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_ChameleonPrepMplaced in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_DefaultonEnterCham in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTFortSnowTreasureTrap in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type WalkingDangers49 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF_WalkingDangers3_SOT in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type PF_Hatchling_030B0A1A in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_CrossbowDragonRemove in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF_SpartanDiploma_0434A617 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF__042E50DB in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type INI__QF_InigoSkyrimMQ_02082641 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type INI__QF_InigoLangley_0205F27D in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type INI__QF_InigoMapMarker_020632D2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type INI__QF_InigoBadVibrations_020695C5 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type INI__QF_InigoFollowerDragon_020295F4 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type InigoStatusQuestScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type INI__QF_InigoNpcChatMain_02095D76 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type InigoFollowerControl in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type INI__QF_InigoSkyrimComp_020E5812 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type InigofollowerDialogue in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type INI__QF_InigoPlayerJourney_0206CB85 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type inigoradarquestscript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_TriggerBox in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type IronTrap in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF_WaitingDangers_01024096 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type waiting12 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type PF_AttackifEnemy2_0511CD18 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTRats in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF_SOTActivatorSpawner_030568D9 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type PF_AttackifEnemy_0511CD13 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTGraveLord in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Oils in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SkelBoss in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_nearbyqstresetprtct in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF_NearbyNPCSRethink_07508043 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTLeaderInvScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type PF_SOT_Eat_050DB174 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Raab in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_TriggerEnterSaarthal in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Bones in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_releasefourghosts in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sotglobalbank in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_DeadMenEnter1 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_triggerinvisquadleader in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF_SOT_Sneak_03185ABA in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_PLayerMonitorQuest in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_DeadMenfinalS in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type Wilderness1Encounter in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Karthspire in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_testcmcm in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_DefaultOnEnter3 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Menu2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Assassins in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF_Assassins_042A32A4 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type eogeomQuestSlashScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_TriggeerboxRagnVald in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type givering in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_pebblemultimenu in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Defaultonenter2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type QF__0434A614 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type BurningSensation in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BurnMe in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_DamselChest in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_addpotions in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_RedEagle in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_maragemshadegreen in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type aaaTKRMenuScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_ModConfigurationMenuScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_bluejournrobofmagika in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_GiveWailShout in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_GetOnPlayer in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_purplejournrobedestruct in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCApplyingEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_addpotions in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_avengeAkatosh in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type wbbcfaliasscript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_HaemarPop in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type wbbcfscript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_bluemastroberesitance in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_GetOnPlayer in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type MephalaNPC in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type KnifePointPopulatedtrigger1 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_bluemstrrobmagika in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_removedarkmasterrobes in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_avengeAkatosh in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type aaaTKRMenuScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCCleanupMagicEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCCleanupMagicEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_avengeAkatosh in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_addpotions in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_darkjourneroberesitance in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCApplyingEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_RemoveMasterRobes in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_purplemastrobemagika in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_GetOnPlayer in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type MephalaNPC in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAngarTreasTrap in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_GiveWailShout in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_RagnvChestTrap in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_addpotions in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_avengeAkatosh in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCApplyingEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_GetOnPlayer in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_purplemasterrobedestruct in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_addpotions in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_smoon2ndwave in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type aaaTKRAliasScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_NPCDied3 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SaarthalTrap in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_avengeAkatosh in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type killme in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCCleanupMagicEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTArkayRevenge in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type killme in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_purplemasterobesresistance in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCApplyingEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_GiveWailShout in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_hatchdragon in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_ChaosSword in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_enableRab in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_removeredmasterrobes in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCApplyingEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_PlanB in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type wbBCFLightScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Ustengrav2ndChest in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type wbBCFLightScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_bluejournroberesitance in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_addpotions in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_NPCDied2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type MephalaNPC in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type KnifePointPopulatedtrigger1 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_addpotions in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_summonflameatronach in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_avengeAkatosh in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_avengeAkatosh in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type wbBCFLightScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_purplejournrobedestruct in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type MephalaNPC in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_GetOnPlayer in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCCleanupMagicEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_avengeAkatosh in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_addpotions in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type wbBCFLightScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCApplyingEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_whitmastrroberesitance in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCAbEnemyMagicEffect in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCAbEnemyMagicEffect in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_ChestHamvirtrapped in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_addpotions in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type InigoStatusSteedScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_gman in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_redjourneyroberesitance in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_addpotions in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type wbBCFLightScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_ADDPOTIONSAlias in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SLMakeInvis in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTArkayRevenge in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_ADDPOTIONSAlias in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCApplyingEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_ADDPOTIONSAlias in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_darkmasterroberesitance in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Wolf in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type MephalaNPC in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_GetOnPlayer in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_purlejournroberesitance in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_usteng2chest2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_RemoveJourneymanRobes in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_GetOnPlayer in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_addpotions in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type killme in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Wolf in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTArkayRevenge in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCApplyingEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_removebluejourneyrobesdest in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_BleakBoss in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Levelerunder15 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTArkayRevenge in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_addpotions in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_redmasterroberesitance in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_triggerdlc2saerings in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_medresi2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCApplyingEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTArkayRevenge in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTArkayRevenge in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type wbbcfaliasscript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_KnifePointTrigger in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_GiveWailShout in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_removewhitejourneyrobemagika in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_avengeAkatosh in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Removewhitemasterrobemagka in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_avengeAkatosh in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_avengeAkatosh in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTArkayRevenge in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_removeredjournrobemagika in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_addpotions in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Wolf in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SLMakeInvis in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FAlmers in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type DCApplyingEffectScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SLMakeInvis in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_addpotions in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_removedarkjourneymanrobes in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BonemanVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Wolf in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Wolf in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_AddtoSacks in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SLMakeInvis in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealdeadproperty in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Skeleton2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_BanditVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Wolf in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_removebluemasterrobesdest in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_MoreChests in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_removeredjourneymanrobes in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type ks_DragonActorScript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_FTraveSendEvent in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_NPCDied1 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type inigostatusinigoscript in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_SpidersVanilla in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type sot_stealobject in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOTAvengeMarkarth in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Warning: Could not find type SOT_Draugr2 in the type table in save
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] warning: Replacing native function DebugTrace on unlinked object tkplugin.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] warning: Replacing native function GetAnalogStickDirection on unlinked object tkplugin.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] warning: Replacing native function GetAnalogStickAxisX on unlinked object tkplugin.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] warning: Replacing native function GetAnalogStickAxisY on unlinked object tkplugin.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] VM is thawing...
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] =====Wet and Cold is refreshing itself and searching for addons. Any errors below are harmless.=====
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] [[TWR]] - Did not detect Zim's Immersive Artifacts.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Error: Cannot call OnGameReload() on a None object, aborting function call
[alias aaaTKRMenuPlayerAlias on quest aaaTKRMenuQuest (3F001D8E)].ski_playerloadgamealias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] FNIS AA started (load)
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] [A Quality World Map] Applying map camera constraint settings on load.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] [Wearable Lanterns]=============================================================================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] [Wearable Lanterns] Wearable Lanterns is now performing compatibility checks.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] [Wearable Lanterns] Errors related to missing files may follow. These are NORMAL and should be ignored.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] [Wearable Lanterns]=============================================================================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] [Wearable Lanterns] Detected SKSE version 2.000600 (expected 1.070300 or newer, success!)
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] error: Native static function SetRawPathValue could find no matching static function on linked type JsonUtil. Function will not be bound.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] error: Native static function FindPathFormElement could find no matching static function on linked type JsonUtil. Function will not be bound.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] error: Native static function FindPathStringElement could find no matching static function on linked type JsonUtil. Function will not be bound.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] error: Native static function FindPathFloatElement could find no matching static function on linked type JsonUtil. Function will not be bound.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] error: Native static function FindPathIntElement could find no matching static function on linked type JsonUtil. Function will not be bound.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] error: Native static function SetPathFormArray could find no matching static function on linked type JsonUtil. Function will not be bound.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] error: Native static function SetPathStringArray could find no matching static function on linked type JsonUtil. Function will not be bound.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] error: Native static function SetPathFloatArray could find no matching static function on linked type JsonUtil. Function will not be bound.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] error: Native static function SetPathIntArray could find no matching static function on linked type JsonUtil. Function will not be bound.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] error: Native static function ClearPath could find no matching static function on linked type JsonUtil. Function will not be bound.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] ------------------------- Lock Overhaul Compatibility check is running -------------------------------
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Don't worry about missing or not loaded Files below this!
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Error: File "SkyRe_Main.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias Player on quest _Q2C_PlayerLoadGame_Quest (BB009EF9)]._Q2C_PlayerLoadGame_Script.CompatibilityCheck() - "_Q2C_PlayerLoadGame_Script.psc" Line 43
[alias Player on quest _Q2C_PlayerLoadGame_Quest (BB009EF9)]._Q2C_PlayerLoadGame_Script.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_Q2C_PlayerLoadGame_Script.psc" Line 24
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] ---------------------------- Lock Overhaul Compatibility check is completed! ----------------------------
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] -> Have Fun & Enjoy <-
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] [immersive Citizens] Immersive Citizens is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] [immersive Citizens] unloaded files may follow. This is NORMAL and can be ignored.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Error: File "ClimatesOfTamriel.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (DEF10B52)].npco_update.IsPluginLoaded() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 155
[alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (DEF10B52)].npco_update.Compatibility() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 140
[alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (DEF10B52)].npco_update.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 102
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] [immersive Citizens] Immersive Citizens compatibility check complete.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Error: File "CCO - Uninstaller.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (81005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.onBeginState() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 25
[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (81005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.GotoState() - "Alias.psc" Line ?
[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (81005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 20
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Error: File "CCO - Oblivion Carry Weights.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_sycMainQuest (810012C4)]._sycmainquestscript.ToggleModules() - "_sycMainQuestScript.psc" Line 2398
[_sycMainQuest (810012C4)]._sycmainquestscript.VersionControl() - "_sycMainQuestScript.psc" Line 2330
[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (81005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.onBeginState() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 28
[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (81005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.GotoState() - "Alias.psc" Line ?
[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (81005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 20
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Error: File "CCO - Permanent Birthsigns.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_sycMainQuest (810012C4)]._sycmainquestscript.ToggleModules() - "_sycMainQuestScript.psc" Line 2404
[_sycMainQuest (810012C4)]._sycmainquestscript.VersionControl() - "_sycMainQuestScript.psc" Line 2330
[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (81005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.onBeginState() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 28
[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (81005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.GotoState() - "Alias.psc" Line ?
[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (81005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 20
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript OnPlayerLoadGame
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript Maintenance
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] UBG20MaintQuestPlayerAliasScript SKSE installed, release 55
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 29
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 33
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Error: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 37
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Error: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 41
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Error: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 45
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Error: File "AncientDraugr.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[backshields (7E0022F1)].backshieldcustomshields.Load_Custom_Items() - "BackshieldCustomShields.psc" Line 9
[backshields (7E0022F1)].backshieldquestscript.Gameload() - "BackshieldQuestScript.psc" Line 140
[Active effect 12 on (00000014)].BackshieldEffectScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "BackshieldEffectScript.psc" Line 27
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:49PM] Error: File "DandelionBarbarian_CBBE.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[backshields (7E0022F1)].backshieldcustomshields.Load_Custom_Items() - "BackshieldCustomShields.psc" Line 11
[backshields (7E0022F1)].backshieldquestscript.Gameload() - "BackshieldQuestScript.psc" Line 140
[Active effect 12 on (00000014)].BackshieldEffectScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "BackshieldEffectScript.psc" Line 27
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: INI setting "iMaxDesired:Particles" is not a float
<unknown self>.utility.SetINIFloat() - "<native>" Line ?
[VividWeatherConfig (7907EEDB)].vividweatherdata.VWini() - "VividWeatherData.psc" Line 77
[alias Player on quest VividWeatherConfig (7907EEDB)].VividWeatherPlayerAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "VividWeatherPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line 43
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: File "Wyrmstooth.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (92000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 544
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (92000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: File "Chesko_Frostfall.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (92000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 552
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (92000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: File "Campfire.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (92000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 562
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (92000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: File "Ineed.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (92000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 569
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (92000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] =======================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod: Start ]========================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] VioLens is now performing a compatibility check. Papyrus warnings about missing or
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: File "getSnowy.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (92000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 574
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (92000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] unloaded files may follow. This is normal and should be ignored.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] =======================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod: Start ]========================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: File "EFFCore.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[_WetQuest (92000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 598
[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (92000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Static function isInstalled not found on object JContainers. Aborting call and returning None
[alias Player on quest VL_Player (6F023F14)].VL_Player.VLLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 41
[alias Player on quest VL_Player (6F023F14)].VL_Player.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 25
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"
[alias Player on quest VL_Player (6F023F14)].VL_Player.VLLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 41
[alias Player on quest VL_Player (6F023F14)].VL_Player.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 25
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] ===========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod ]===========================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] JContainers Not Installed.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] ===========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod ]===========================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: File "CombatDramaOverhaul.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[alias Player on quest VL_Player (6F023F14)].VL_Player.VLLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 59
[alias Player on quest VL_Player (6F023F14)].VL_Player.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 25
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] ===========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod ]===========================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Combat Drama Overhaul Not Installed.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] ===========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod ]===========================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] [Wearable Lanterns] Loaded: Dawnguard.esm
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] [Wearable Lanterns] Loaded: Dragonborn.esm
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Cannot call SetActive() on a None object, aborting function call
[AnvilMoonpathQuest (B106A8CA)].QF_AnvilMoonpathQuest_0106A8CA.Fragment_13() - "QF_AnvilMoonpathQuest_0106A8CA.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] ===============================[DAYMOYL: Ignore all Warnings start]================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Cannot call Enable() on a None object, aborting function call
[AnvilMoonpathQuest (B106A8CA)].QF_AnvilMoonpathQuest_0106A8CA.Fragment_13() - "QF_AnvilMoonpathQuest_0106A8CA.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Cannot call Enable() on a None object, aborting function call
[AnvilMoonpathQuest (B106A8CA)].QF_AnvilMoonpathQuest_0106A8CA.Fragment_13() - "QF_AnvilMoonpathQuest_0106A8CA.psc" Line 66
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] daymoyl - SkyUI_SE.esp found
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] daymoyl - Dawnguard.esm found
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] daymoyl - AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp found
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] ================================[DAYMOYL: Ignore all Warnings end]=================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] [A Quality World Map] Settings applied.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] [Wearable Lanterns]=============================================================================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] [Wearable Lanterns] Compatibility check complete.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] [Wearable Lanterns]=============================================================================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: File "fiss.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
<unknown self>.fissfactory.getFISS() - "FISSFactory.psc" Line 18
[accm_Quest (28E90017)].accm_MCMenuDDC3Script.OnGameReload() - "accm_MCMenuDDC3Script.psc" Line 112
[alias PlayerAlias on quest accm_Quest (28E90017)].ski_playerloadgamealias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Cannot open store for class "frostutil", missing file?
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to obtain function call information - returning None
[alias Player on quest VividWeatherConfig (7907EEDB)].VividWeathersFrostfallCompatibility.OnUpdate() - "VividWeathersFrostfallCompatibility.psc" Line 18
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp0"
[alias Player on quest VividWeatherConfig (7907EEDB)].VividWeathersFrostfallCompatibility.OnUpdate() - "VividWeathersFrostfallCompatibility.psc" Line 18
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] [Vivid Weathers] : Frostfall Not installed. Errors above are harmless.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] ========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod: End ]=========================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] VioLens compatibility check complete.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] ========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod: End ]=========================================
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: File "fiss.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
<unknown self>.fissfactory.getFISS() - "FISSFactory.psc" Line 18
[accm_Quest (2640620C)].accm_MCMenuBoTScript.OnGameReload() - "accm_MCMenuBoTScript.psc" Line 112
[alias PlayerAlias on quest accm_Quest (2640620C)].ski_playerloadgamealias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] InitWidgetLoader()
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Cannot call GetRef() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].qf_daymoyl_worstdayofyourlif_0200335e.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_WorstDayOfYourLif_0200335E.psc" Line 94
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Cannot call GetRef() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].qf_daymoyl_pillager_02068b61.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_Pillager_02068B61.psc" Line 89
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Cannot call Alpha() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].binding_meterupdate.StopUpdating() - "binding_MeterUpdate.psc" Line 82
[None].binding_meterupdate.OnUpdate() - "binding_MeterUpdate.psc" Line 87
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] daymoyl - Update 176.000000
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Cannot call SetActorValue() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].qf_daymoyl_worstdayofyourlif_0200335e.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_WorstDayOfYourLif_0200335E.psc" Line 95
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Cannot call BleedOutDuration() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.OnUpdate() - "daymoyl_MonitorScript.psc" Line 1136
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Cannot call SetActorValue() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].qf_daymoyl_pillager_02068b61.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_Pillager_02068B61.psc" Line 90
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp124"
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.OnUpdate() - "daymoyl_MonitorScript.psc" Line 1136
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Cannot call bDebugMode() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.OnUpdate() - "daymoyl_MonitorScript.psc" Line 1136
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp127"
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.OnUpdate() - "daymoyl_MonitorScript.psc" Line 1136
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call GetValue - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].GlobalVariable.GetValue() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].IAStartupQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "iastartupquestscript.psc" Line 149
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] daymoyl - Recovering Start
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp5"
[None].IAStartupQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "iastartupquestscript.psc" Line 149
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Cannot call Alpha() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].daymoyl_monitormeterupdate.StopUpdating() - "daymoyl_MonitorMeterUpdate.psc" Line 82
[None].daymoyl_monitormeterupdate.OnUpdate() - "daymoyl_MonitorMeterUpdate.psc" Line 87
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedbandit_020022f4.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedbandit_020022f4.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedbandit_020022f4.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedBandit_020022F4.psc" Line 97
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call GetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.GetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.GetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 64
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedDraugr_02001D91.psc" Line 91
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedlaw_02019421.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedlaw_02019421.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedlaw_02019421.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedLaw_02019421.psc" Line 53
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call GetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.GetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.GetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 64
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_HelpFromTemple_0201BF63.psc" Line 72
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].binding_meterupdate.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].binding_meterupdate.StopUpdating() - "binding_MeterUpdate.psc" Line 82
[None].binding_meterupdate.OnUpdate() - "binding_MeterUpdate.psc" Line 87
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call GetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.GetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.GetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 64
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_HelpFromInnkeeper_0201BF5C.psc" Line 85
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Cannot check to for a None item to be equipped
[ (00000014)].Actor.IsEquipped() - "<native>" Line ?
[None]._wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler.UpdateMeter() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 61
[None]._wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler.OnUpdate() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 48
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].HazardBase.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].HazardBase.OnUpdate() - "HazardBase.psc" Line 57
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 26
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call GetValue - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].GlobalVariable.GetValue() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].ecks_iadistributionscript.OnUpdate() - "ecks_iadistributionscript.psc" Line 6846
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedanimallai_020012c7.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedanimallai_020012c7.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedanimallai_020012c7.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedAnimalLai_020012C7.psc" Line 78
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeated_020012c6.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeated_020012c6.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeated_020012c6.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_Defeated_020012C6.psc" Line 67
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Cannot check to for a None item to be equipped
[ (00000014)].Actor.IsEquipped() - "<native>" Line ?
[None]._wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler.UpdateMeter() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 61
[None]._wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler.OnUpdate() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 48
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddragon_020205d4.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddragon_020205d4.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddragon_020205d4.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedDragon_020205D4.psc" Line 68
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call GetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.GetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.GetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 64
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.OnUpdate() - "qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.psc" Line 184
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedbandit_020022f4.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedbandit_020022f4.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedBandit_020022F4.psc" Line 97
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.GetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 64
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_HelpFromTemple_0201BF63.psc" Line 72
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.GetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 64
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_HelpFromInnkeeper_0201BF5C.psc" Line 85
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"
[None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 26
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp11"
[None].ecks_iadistributionscript.OnUpdate() - "ecks_iadistributionscript.psc" Line 6846
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call GetValue - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].GlobalVariable.GetValue() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].GlobalVariable.GetValueInt() - "GlobalVariable.psc" Line 11
[None]._wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler.MeterDebug() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 280
[None]._wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler.UpdateMeter() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 62
[None]._wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler.OnUpdate() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 48
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedlaw_02019421.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedlaw_02019421.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedLaw_02019421.psc" Line 53
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp0"
[None].GlobalVariable.GetValueInt() - "GlobalVariable.psc" Line 11
[None]._wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler.MeterDebug() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 280
[None]._wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler.UpdateMeter() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 62
[None]._wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler.OnUpdate() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 48
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.GetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 64
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedDraugr_02001D91.psc" Line 91
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] [[_wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler <None>]][Debug] UpdateMeter failed RequiredWornFormList check.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddragon_020205d4.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddragon_020205d4.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedDragon_020205D4.psc" Line 68
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.GetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 64
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.OnUpdate() - "qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.psc" Line 184
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedanimallai_020012c7.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedanimallai_020012c7.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedAnimalLai_020012C7.psc" Line 78
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeated_020012c6.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeated_020012c6.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_Defeated_020012C6.psc" Line 67
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call GetValue - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].GlobalVariable.GetValue() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].GlobalVariable.GetValueInt() - "GlobalVariable.psc" Line 11
[None]._wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler.MeterDebug() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 280
[None]._wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler.UpdateMeter() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 62
[None]._wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler.OnUpdate() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 48
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp0"
[None].GlobalVariable.GetValueInt() - "GlobalVariable.psc" Line 11
[None]._wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler.MeterDebug() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 280
[None]._wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler.UpdateMeter() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 62
[None]._wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler.OnUpdate() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 48
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] [[_wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler <None>]][Debug] UpdateMeter failed RequiredWornFormList check.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddwemer_02003376.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddwemer_02003376.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddwemer_02003376.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedDwemer_02003376.psc" Line 60
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.onBeginState() - "daymoyl_MonitorScript.psc" Line 1010
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.BleedoutExpired() - "daymoyl_MonitorScript.psc" Line 1144
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.OnUpdate() - "daymoyl_MonitorScript.psc" Line 1136
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].daymoyl_monitormeterupdate.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].daymoyl_monitormeterupdate.StopUpdating() - "daymoyl_MonitorMeterUpdate.psc" Line 82
[None].daymoyl_monitormeterupdate.OnUpdate() - "daymoyl_MonitorMeterUpdate.psc" Line 87
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_HelpFromTemple_0201BF63.psc" Line 73
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_HelpFromInnkeeper_0201BF5C.psc" Line 86
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedDraugr_02001D91.psc" Line 92
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.OnUpdate() - "qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.psc" Line 185
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddwemer_02003376.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddwemer_02003376.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedDwemer_02003376.psc" Line 60
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_HelpFromInnkeeper_0201BF5C.psc" Line 86
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedDraugr_02001D91.psc" Line 92
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.OnUpdate() - "qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.psc" Line 185
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_HelpFromTemple_0201BF63.psc" Line 73
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: No Spell or Shout passed to HasSpell
[ (00000014)].Actor.HasSpell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None]._s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.checkPLSpells() - "_s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[None]._s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "_s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.psc" Line 254
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Cannot call SetValue() on a None object, aborting function call
[None]._s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.updateTokenID() - "_s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.psc" Line 222
[None]._s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "_s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.psc" Line 255
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call
[None]._s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.updateTokenID() - "_s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.psc" Line 224
[None]._s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "_s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.psc" Line 255
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp21"
[None]._s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.updateTokenID() - "_s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.psc" Line 224
[None]._s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "_s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.psc" Line 255
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (210C4C3A)>]: Loaded user settings.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: File "SkyUI.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].ecks_iadistributionscript.OnUpdate() - "ecks_iadistributionscript.psc" Line 6871
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:50PM] Error: Unable to call SetValue - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].GlobalVariable.SetValue() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].ecks_iadistributionscript.OnUpdate() - "ecks_iadistributionscript.psc" Line 6878
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:51PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:51PM] =====Wet and Cold is finished refreshing itself and searching for addons!=====
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:51PM] ************************************************************************************************************************
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:51PM] WARNING: (Immersive HUD) Please ignore the following error (Cannot cast from None to SKI_WidgetBase[]) is seems to be a lie! There is no error, but Papyrus seems to log one anyway.
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:51PM] ************************************************************************************************************************
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:51PM]
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:51PM] Error: Cannot cast from None to SKI_WidgetBase[]
[iHUDControlQuest (CC000805)].ihudwidgetscript.Initialize() - "iHUDWidgetScript.psc" Line 42
[iHUDControlQuest (CC000805)].ihudcontrolscript.startUp() - "iHUDControlScript.psc" Line 93
[iHUDMaintainanceQuest (CC002853)].iHUDMaintainanceScript.startUp() - "iHUDMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 22
[alias PlayerAlias on quest iHUDMaintainanceQuest (CC002853)].iHUDLoadScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "iHUDLoadScript.psc" Line 11
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:51PM] ************************************************************************************************************************
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:51PM] (Immersive HUD) See? That None object the error said could not be cast was in fact just cast and contained the widget I needed, and its element is: _root.WidgetContainer.4.widget. This seems to be an error in the Papyrus logging and should have no effect on your game. Please contact me if you believe otherwise. Thanks - Gopher
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:51PM] ************************************************************************************************************************
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:51PM] WidgetError: [_wl_oilmeter <_WL_OilMeterQuest (9301AE8A)>]: WidgetLoadFailure
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:51PM] WidgetError: [_wl_pollenmeter <_WL_PollenMeterQuest (9301B953)>]: WidgetLoadFailure
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:51PM] daymoyl - SKI_MeterWidget OnWidgetReset()
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:51PM] daymoyl - SKI_MeterWidget OnWidgetReset()
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:51PM] daymoyl - SKI_MeterWidget OnWidgetReset()
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:51PM] daymoyl - SKI_MeterWidget OnWidgetReset()
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:54PM] LazyTools: Found footwear Steel Shin Boots
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:54PM] LazyTools: Heel Monitor activated on Mexay
[03/17/2018 - 09:37:58PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None]._wetcoldbreathfrigid.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None]._wetcoldbreathfrigid.OnUpdate() - "_WetColdBreathFrigid.psc" Line ?
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:23PM] VM is freezing...
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:23PM] VM is frozen
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:23PM] Saving game...
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:24PM] VM is thawing...
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:25PM] Error: Method GetFormID not found on ks_ModConfigurationMenuScript. Aborting call and returning None
[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (D1000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.Cleanup() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line ?
[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (D1000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnUpdate() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 97
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:25PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp67"
[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (D1000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.Cleanup() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line ?
[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (D1000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnUpdate() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 97
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:25PM] Error: Unable to call GetFormID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None]._modlazytoolsmain.GetFormID() - "<native>" Line ?
[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (D1000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.Cleanup() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line ?
[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (D1000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnUpdate() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 97
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:25PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp67"
[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (D1000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.Cleanup() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line ?
[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (D1000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnUpdate() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 97
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:26PM] Error: Unable to call GetFormID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].OBIS_Patrol_MCMenuScript.GetFormID() - "<native>" Line ?
[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (D1000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.Cleanup() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line ?
[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (D1000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnUpdate() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 97
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:26PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp67"
[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (D1000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.Cleanup() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line ?
[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (D1000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnUpdate() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 97
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot call GetActorBase() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 51
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot place a None actor
[ (00000014)].Actor.PlaceActorAtMe() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 51
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot call Disable() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 52
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot call MoveTo() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 56
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot call SetAngle() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 57
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot call AddToFaction() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 60
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot call SetPlayerTeammate() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 61
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot call Enable() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot call AddSpell() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp10"
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot call GetActorBase() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 51
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot place a None actor
[ (00000014)].Actor.PlaceActorAtMe() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 51
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot call Disable() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 52
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot call MoveTo() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 56
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot call SetAngle() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 57
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot call AddToFaction() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 60
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot call SetPlayerTeammate() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 61
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot call Enable() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Error: Cannot call AddSpell() on a None object, aborting function call
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:30PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp10"
[Active effect 27 on (00000014)].Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.OnEffectStart() - "Aur_ShallowGraves_Script.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:41PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:41PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:41PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:42PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:42PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:42PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:42PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:42PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:42PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:42PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:42PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:42PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:42PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:42PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:42PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:42PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:42PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:42PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:43PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:43PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:43PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:43PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:43PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:43PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:43PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:43PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:43PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:43PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:43PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:43PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:44PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:44PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:44PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:45PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:46PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:46PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:46PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:46PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:46PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:46PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:46PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:46PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:46PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:38:46PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Cannot call GetRef() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].qf_daymoyl_worstdayofyourlif_0200335e.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_WorstDayOfYourLif_0200335E.psc" Line 94
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Cannot call SetActorValue() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].qf_daymoyl_worstdayofyourlif_0200335e.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_WorstDayOfYourLif_0200335E.psc" Line 95
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Cannot call GetRef() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].qf_daymoyl_pillager_02068b61.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_Pillager_02068B61.psc" Line 89
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Cannot call SetActorValue() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].qf_daymoyl_pillager_02068b61.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_Pillager_02068B61.psc" Line 90
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] daymoyl - Update 177.000000
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Cannot call Alpha() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].binding_meterupdate.StopUpdating() - "binding_MeterUpdate.psc" Line 82
[None].binding_meterupdate.OnUpdate() - "binding_MeterUpdate.psc" Line 87
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call GetValue - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].GlobalVariable.GetValue() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].IAStartupQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "iastartupquestscript.psc" Line 149
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp5"
[None].IAStartupQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "iastartupquestscript.psc" Line 149
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Cannot call Alpha() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].daymoyl_monitormeterupdate.StopUpdating() - "daymoyl_MonitorMeterUpdate.psc" Line 82
[None].daymoyl_monitormeterupdate.OnUpdate() - "daymoyl_MonitorMeterUpdate.psc" Line 87
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Cannot call BleedOutDuration() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.OnUpdate() - "daymoyl_MonitorScript.psc" Line 1136
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp124"
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.OnUpdate() - "daymoyl_MonitorScript.psc" Line 1136
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Cannot call bDebugMode() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.OnUpdate() - "daymoyl_MonitorScript.psc" Line 1136
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp127"
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.OnUpdate() - "daymoyl_MonitorScript.psc" Line 1136
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] daymoyl - Recovering Start
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedbandit_020022f4.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedbandit_020022f4.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedbandit_020022f4.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedBandit_020022F4.psc" Line 97
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call GetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.GetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.GetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 64
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedDraugr_02001D91.psc" Line 91
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call GetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.GetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.GetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 64
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_HelpFromTemple_0201BF63.psc" Line 72
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedlaw_02019421.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedlaw_02019421.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedlaw_02019421.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedLaw_02019421.psc" Line 53
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call GetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.GetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.GetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 64
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_HelpFromInnkeeper_0201BF5C.psc" Line 85
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].HazardBase.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].HazardBase.OnUpdate() - "HazardBase.psc" Line 57
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 26
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call GetValue - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].GlobalVariable.GetValue() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].ecks_iadistributionscript.OnUpdate() - "ecks_iadistributionscript.psc" Line 6846
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].binding_meterupdate.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].binding_meterupdate.StopUpdating() - "binding_MeterUpdate.psc" Line 82
[None].binding_meterupdate.OnUpdate() - "binding_MeterUpdate.psc" Line 87
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedanimallai_020012c7.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedanimallai_020012c7.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedanimallai_020012c7.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedAnimalLai_020012C7.psc" Line 78
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeated_020012c6.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeated_020012c6.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeated_020012c6.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_Defeated_020012C6.psc" Line 67
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddragon_020205d4.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddragon_020205d4.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddragon_020205d4.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedDragon_020205D4.psc" Line 68
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call GetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.GetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.GetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 64
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.OnUpdate() - "qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.psc" Line 184
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddwemer_02003376.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddwemer_02003376.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddwemer_02003376.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedDwemer_02003376.psc" Line 60
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].daymoyl_monitormeterupdate.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].daymoyl_monitormeterupdate.StopUpdating() - "daymoyl_MonitorMeterUpdate.psc" Line 82
[None].daymoyl_monitormeterupdate.OnUpdate() - "daymoyl_MonitorMeterUpdate.psc" Line 87
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.onBeginState() - "daymoyl_MonitorScript.psc" Line 1010
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.BleedoutExpired() - "daymoyl_MonitorScript.psc" Line 1144
[None].daymoyl_monitorscript.OnUpdate() - "daymoyl_MonitorScript.psc" Line 1136
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.GetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 64
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedDraugr_02001D91.psc" Line 91
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedbandit_020022f4.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedbandit_020022f4.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedBandit_020022F4.psc" Line 97
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.GetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 64
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_HelpFromTemple_0201BF63.psc" Line 72
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedlaw_02019421.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedlaw_02019421.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedLaw_02019421.psc" Line 53
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp11"
[None].ecks_iadistributionscript.OnUpdate() - "ecks_iadistributionscript.psc" Line 6846
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.GetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 64
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_HelpFromInnkeeper_0201BF5C.psc" Line 85
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeated_020012c6.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeated_020012c6.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_Defeated_020012C6.psc" Line 67
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedanimallai_020012c7.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedanimallai_020012c7.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedAnimalLai_020012C7.psc" Line 78
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.GetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 64
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.OnUpdate() - "qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.psc" Line 184
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddwemer_02003376.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddwemer_02003376.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedDwemer_02003376.psc" Line 60
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"
[None].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnUpdate() - "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" Line 26
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddragon_020205d4.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddragon_020205d4.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedDragon_020205D4.psc" Line 68
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedDraugr_02001D91.psc" Line 92
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_HelpFromTemple_0201BF63.psc" Line 73
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_HelpFromInnkeeper_0201BF5C.psc" Line 86
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call SetCurrentStageID - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.SetCurrentStageID() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.OnUpdate() - "qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.psc" Line 185
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeateddraugr_02001d91.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_DefeatedDraugr_02001D91.psc" Line 92
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfrominnkeeper_0201bf5c.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_HelpFromInnkeeper_0201BF5C.psc" Line 86
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_helpfromtemple_0201bf63.OnUpdate() - "QF_daymoyl_HelpFromTemple_0201BF63.psc" Line 73
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124
[None].qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.OnUpdate() - "qf_daymoyl_defeatedforsworn_0201f576.psc" Line 185
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Cannot check to for a None item to be equipped
[ (00000014)].Actor.IsEquipped() - "<native>" Line ?
[None]._wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler.UpdateMeter() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 61
[None]._wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler.OnUpdate() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 48
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Cannot check to for a None item to be equipped
[ (00000014)].Actor.IsEquipped() - "<native>" Line ?
[None]._wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler.UpdateMeter() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 61
[None]._wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler.OnUpdate() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 48
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call GetValue - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].GlobalVariable.GetValue() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].GlobalVariable.GetValueInt() - "GlobalVariable.psc" Line 11
[None]._wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler.MeterDebug() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 280
[None]._wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler.UpdateMeter() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 62
[None]._wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler.OnUpdate() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 48
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp0"
[None].GlobalVariable.GetValueInt() - "GlobalVariable.psc" Line 11
[None]._wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler.MeterDebug() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 280
[None]._wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler.UpdateMeter() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 62
[None]._wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler.OnUpdate() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 48
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call GetValue - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].GlobalVariable.GetValue() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].GlobalVariable.GetValueInt() - "GlobalVariable.psc" Line 11
[None]._wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler.MeterDebug() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 280
[None]._wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler.UpdateMeter() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 62
[None]._wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler.OnUpdate() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 48
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp0"
[None].GlobalVariable.GetValueInt() - "GlobalVariable.psc" Line 11
[None]._wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler.MeterDebug() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 280
[None]._wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler.UpdateMeter() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 62
[None]._wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler.OnUpdate() - "CommonMeterInterfaceHandler.psc" Line 48
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] [[_wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler <None>]][Debug] UpdateMeter failed RequiredWornFormList check.
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] [[_wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler <None>]][Debug] UpdateMeter failed RequiredWornFormList check.
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: No Spell or Shout passed to HasSpell
[ (00000014)].Actor.HasSpell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None]._s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.checkPLSpells() - "_s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[None]._s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "_s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.psc" Line 254
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Cannot call SetValue() on a None object, aborting function call
[None]._s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.updateTokenID() - "_s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.psc" Line 222
[None]._s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "_s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.psc" Line 255
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call
[None]._s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.updateTokenID() - "_s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.psc" Line 224
[None]._s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "_s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.psc" Line 255
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp21"
[None]._s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.updateTokenID() - "_s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.psc" Line 224
[None]._s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "_s23LocationalDMGQuestScript.psc" Line 255
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: File "SkyUI.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].ecks_iadistributionscript.OnUpdate() - "ecks_iadistributionscript.psc" Line 6871
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:15PM] Error: Unable to call SetValue - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].GlobalVariable.SetValue() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].ecks_iadistributionscript.OnUpdate() - "ecks_iadistributionscript.psc" Line 6878
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:45PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None]._wetcoldbreathfrigid.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None]._wetcoldbreathfrigid.OnUpdate() - "_WetColdBreathFrigid.psc" Line ?
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:50PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:50PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:50PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:50PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:50PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:50PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:50PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:50PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:50PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:50PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:50PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:50PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:50PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:50PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:50PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:51PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:51PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:51PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:51PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:51PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:51PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:51PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:51PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:51PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:51PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:51PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:51PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:51PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:51PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:51PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:52PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:52PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:52PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:52PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:52PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:52PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:52PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:52PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:52PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:52PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:53PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:53PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:53PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:53PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:53PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:53PM] Error: Unable to call SetAlpha - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.SetAlpha() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 62
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:53PM] Error: Cannot call ClearActor() on a None object, aborting function call
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 63
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:53PM] Error: Unable to call DisableNoWait - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DisableNoWait() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 64
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:53PM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65
[03/17/2018 - 09:39:53PM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102
[None].DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.OnAnimationEvent() - "DLC2EncExplodingSpiderSCRIPT.psc" Line 65





And my mod list:




*Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
*Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm
*Sneak Tools.esp
*Cutting Room Floor.esp
*RLO - Interiors.esp
CCO - Oblivion Carry Weights.esp
*Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp
*Audio Overhaul Skyrim.esp
*Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp
*Book Covers Skyrim.esp
*Skyrim Enchanting Overhaul SE.esp
*Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp
*Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul - Skyrim.esp
*Blowing in the Wind SSE.esp
Blowing in the Wind - Lanterns of Skyrim Patch SSE.esp
*Civil War Aftermath.esp
*Beasts of Tamriel.esp
Helgen Reborn.esp
*AAE Ultimate Edition.esp
*Skyrim Revamped - Complete Enemy Overhaul.esp
*General Merge.esp
*RLO - Exteriors.esp
*Skyrim Chocolate.esp
*Skyrim Alchemy Fixed.esp
*OBIS SE.esp
*JKs Whiterun.esp
*Winterhold Restored.esp
*Settlements Expanded SE.esp
*Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package.esp
*Animal Tweaks.esp
*Encounter Overhauls Combined.esp
Ebony Mage Armor.esp
*Endgame NPC Overhaul.esp
*Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp
*Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
*Animation Merge.esp
*Animated Eating Redux.esp
Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Immersive Sounds Patch.esp
*Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Cutting Room Floor Patch.esp
*Unlimited Charge for Unique Items.esp
*Audio Overhaul Skyrim - MLU Patch.esp
Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Zim's Immersive Artifacts Patch.esp
*Audio Overhaul Skyrim - More Dangerous Traps Patch.esp
*Audio Overhaul Skyrim - RealisticWaterTwo Patch.esp
*Fort(ified) Dawnguard.esp
*Snowy AF Windhelm.esp
*Kato's Falkreath.esp
*Wheres Your Smelter.esp
*Solitude Docks.esp
*JK's Riverwood.esp
*Skyrim Better Roads and Bridges - All In One - Merged.esp
*Run For Your Lives.esp
*General Merge 2.esp
Joy of Perspective.esp
*Immersive War and Violence.esp
*Characters Enhanced.esp
*True Master Trainers (Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch).esp
*OpulentOutfits_2017-SSE Replacer.esp
*Populated Cities Towns Villages Legendary.esp
*The New Winking Skeever.esp
CCO - Permanent Birthsigns.esp
Better Shrouded Armour - SSE.esp
*Vigilant Voiced.esp
*Dragon Stalking Fix.esp
*Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp
*Simple AUA.esp
*Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp
*VioLens SE.esp
*VioLens SE - Book Menu.esp
*Audio Overhaul Skyrim - SkyTEST Patch.esp
Volkihar Knight.esp
Volkihar Knight - Light Armor Option.esp
Tribunal Robes for SSE.esp
Redguard Noble Armor.esp
*Black Mage Armor SE.esp
Aedric Weapons.esp
*Mors Arrows Be Gone.esp
*Vivid WeathersSE.esp
*Vivid Weathers Merge.esp
*Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Vivid Weathers Patch.esp
Vivid Weathers SE - Summer Season.esp
Vivid Weathers SE - AOS Patch.esp
Vivid Weathers SE - Bruma Patch.esp
Vivid Weathers SE - Classic.esp
Vivid Weathers SE - Falskaar.esp
Vivid Weathers SE - LightingDuringStorm Patch.esp
Vivid Weathers SE - Extended Snow.esp
*Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp
*Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp
*Dawnguard Delayed - Level 30.esp
*Character Creation Overhaul.esp
*CCO - Diverse Races And Genders.esp
*CCO - Dynamic Skill Progression.esp
Proper Aiming.esp
*Torch Brightness Radius - ELFX.esp
*Unlimited Training.esp
*Blowing in the Wind - RLO Major City Exteriors Patch SSE.esp
*Dragonborn Delayed - After Elder Knowledge.esp
*Dragon Souls To Attributes.esp
dD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.esp
*Clutter Merge.esp
*Enhanced Magic VSFX.esp
*Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Enhanced Magic VSFX Patch.esp
*The Wizard Warrior.esp
*LeftHandRings - Dawnguard.esp
RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Unsorted.esp
Moss Rocks.esp
*Semi-Open Guard Helmets SE.esp
*Populated Skyrim Civil War.esp
*Convenient Horses.esp
*Civil War Ambushes.esp
*Dragon Claw Stands.esp
Blacksmith Forge Water Fix SE USSEP.esp
Stormcloak Battle Armor Replacer.esp
Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
*Faction Crossbows.esp
*The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
*Blowing in the Wind - JK's Riverwood Patch SSE.esp
*Blowing in the Wind - JK's Whiterun Patch SSE.esp
*Blowing in the Wind - Helgen Reborn Patch SSE.esp
Nordic Wanderer.esp
Blowing in the Wind - SMIM Merged All Patch SSE.esp
*BQO Patch Merges.esp
*Gildergreen Regrown.esp
*Dwemer Certified.esp
OBIS SE Patrols Addon.esp
*Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp
*RLO - JK's Riverwood.esp
*Daedric Reaper Armor.esp
*Faster Spells and Projectiles - Apocalypse (Speed and Range).esp
Move it Dammit - Less Wait Time and Follow Me Closer.esp
BetterQuestObjectives - BCS Patch.esp
*Killable Children.esp
OBIS SE - NoticeBoard - Addon.esp
*Men of Winter.esp
Men of Winter - Compatibility Patch.esp
*RSChildren Patch - BS Bruma.esp
*Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Ordinator Patch.esp
*RLO - Effects.esp
*RLO - Illuminated Spells.esp
*RLO - CRF Patch.esp
*RLO - JK's Whiterun.esp
*SEO Ordinator Patch SE.esp
*Dwemer Certifed - Ordinator Patch.esp
*moonpath - optional no spiders.esp
*AK- Namira for Good Guys.esp
Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Thunderchild Patch.esp
*Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp
*Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp
*Customizable Camera.esp
*SkyHUD - iHUD Patch.esp
*dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
*Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Enhanced Blood Patch.esp
*dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp
*Daedric Dawnbreaker.esp
*Realistic Melee Range.esp
*Unique Uniques.esp
*Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Unique Uniques Patch.esp
*Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp
*Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
*more idle markers.esp
*Darkwater Crossing.esp
*RLO - IC Patch.esp
*Encounter Overhauls Combined - MLU.esp
*Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
*Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
*Realistic Water Patches.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - FlowingLakes.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Watercolor.esp
*RWT - People of Skyrim Patch.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp





I'd really appreciate any help.

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