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Nifscope...combining with Blender


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Has anyone ever looked into the possibility of Combining the abilities of Blender (or something Akin to it.) into Nifskope? Instead of having to transfer your .nif to .obj into Blender (or whatever prgm. is used); then, converting it back to .nif; changing the Nistrips, adding in your Shaders and accounting for bone/skin weights. Just doing it all in one program; without all the rigamaroll. Just taking a .nif and straight editing it all in the same program. The time it would save would be immense. Okay, it would take a better brain than mine to construct such a program; but, I know we have people with "big" brains on this site. Yet, I'm not sure anyone has ever tried or considered it. Just food for thought.
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