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Scripting problem?


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Hello I hope someone can help with the issue I have.

I am making a house mod and it has robot security, I set up a terminal and a button to turn the security off (In other words killing the robot) so I used the command Actor.Kill killer:ref.... After I filled all the parts it doesnt work the robot still lives.

I am not sure if I filled it currecty or its the right script.

Maybe anyone knows how can I acomplish my aim to kill that robot with a console command?

Also I am not quiet sure to what refrence is the killer:ref refering to so if anyone can explain that as well I would appriciate it too.


Thanks everyone very much! :D


Merci pour votre temps et que Dieu soit avec vous


Auf Wiedersehen



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english, french and german...good for you :P

anyway...I'd use ActorRef.kill and when you want ActorRef.resurrect

but someone smarter will help you so I'll save them some time...you should put your script here so people can know what's wrong

good luck :)

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Are you using the "result script" in the terminal or are you adding a script to the terminal?


If you are using the "result script" then




will work. "ActorRef" being exactly what your robot's ID is. I am not sure if it allows you to use numbers at the start of the ID, so check that too.




this is the REF of the killer


Use some dummy NPC (e.g. CG01DadREF) for Killer param


If I got any of this wrong please let me know, this is how I perceived the "Kill Actor" function on the G.E.C.K. Wiki


I hope this helps you

Edited by rotarydanimal
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Why kill the actor? What happens if the PC changes their mind? Better to make the Robot a persistent REF you can access by your script and place it in the world as INITIALLY DISABLED.


Then you either ENABLE OR DISABLE it through your script depending upon the PC's desires.

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disabling would not work if you want the robot to still be visible. the disable command makes the REF not render in the engine.

using the kill/resurrect functions is kinda like shutting the robot down and then reactivating it.


disable/enable functions would work if you wanted to switch from the robot to a static robot object, but then you have to figure out how to place the static exactly

where the robot was. that seems a little complicated to me.

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