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Mod compatibility?


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A good way to know if any mods are incompatible is if they basically edit the same thing, in which case it's safe to assume they may not work together. Also, huge overhaul mods such as OOO (Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul) changes a lot of things in the game and may conflict with most mods, but in that case, a lot of mods have a separate version made for OOO.


When you're going to try a mod, read its readme very thoroughly because a lot of mods will mention what mods they don't work with, if any.


Also, mods that simply add weapons or armor to the game don't usually conflict with anything, because they're just adding extra things.


Running a lot of custom race mods might not work so well, either.


Those are some of the biggest pointers I can give you.

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