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Face-Body Mismatch and Make-up Woes


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Hi there :) OK I am still having trouble with the lip color issue with NPC's in CK, but as for the face discoloration bug, i have a little trick that i do that seems to work for me.


1. Open your CK & make sure you edit your NPC the way you want, then save & exit CK.


2. Go to your skyrim install directory then cut & paste your NPC's .esm file to your desktop or a temporary folder.


3. Start skyrim without your NPC .esm active & make a new save game after your current save has loaded & then exit game.


4. Put your NPC .esm back in the skyrim install directory /DATA folder.


5. Make sure your NPC's .esm file is set to active in (data files) on skyrim launcher or in nexus mod manager.


6. Play skyrim, your NPC should now have no face or body discoloration :)


Knot sure if this will work for everyone but it has worked for me & is no threat to your save games or skyrim install.


Note: If your NPC disappears, you simply go back in to CK & place your NPC back in were you want them, If you look in your install directory you should see a folder called "Back Up" that has all the .bak files for your NPC's in there these files hold all of the changes you have made to your NPC (ie textures,color changes,stats,what armor they wear & so on) if those files stay there it will be like you NPC never left the game. But at-leased they will have normal skin color :)


Hope this helps. Now Kirby shale dance (>^^)> <(^^<) (>^^)> <(^^<)





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  • 8 months later...

This may be a very specific fix, but it worked for me.


My issues involved:

1) Can't change lip color

2) Upper-eye-socket color tints the whole forehead

3) Eyeliner makes a weird mark on the head


I'm not sure which mod caused it (and I know that's not helpful :tongue:), but I found a folder, and the texture files in the folder had the names of the parts I was having trouble with. For me, this folder was "tintmasks," located in:


Skyrim--> Data--> textures--> actors--> character--> Character assets --> tintmasks


I had nine files in there, including: 7 lips textures for some of the races, femalenordeyelinerstyle_01, and femaleuppereyesocket.


I simply dragged the folder "tintmasks" to my desktop and tried opening Creation Kit, and it completely fixed it, no issues.


As far as discolored face goes, ctrl+F4 worked for me, wish I could be more help there. It didn't work for me until I combined all my .esp files that had to do with changing characters (I'm not sure if that's necessary, though), so you can give that a shot.

THANK YOU! I've been struggling with this for quite some time and finally found some help from this post. My problem though is I've merged SEVERAL stand-alone followers who all seem to have their own tintmask files messing things up. SO.......after reading your post and another I found that talked about renaming the folder, all I did was search my textures folder for tintmask and then I selected all the folders that came up and mass renamed them to tintmaskHOLD.


Once I was done making my NPC's with awesome make-up, tattoos and the like and after exporting the face-gen, I just brought up the search that was still populated and MASS renamed them back. I had to be careful though because two mods had named the folder "tintmask" instead of the plural. I accidentally renamed two folders wrong and had to hunt them down, but in any event, THIS is the only sure way to keep this issue from messing up your NPC creation.


I've been making NPC's in mods for years now without any make-up just to avoid the issue! I can't tell you how relieved I am. Thanks for figuring this out and sharing it with the rest of us. Kudos will be given.

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