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[LE] An easy way to make a consumable give an item upon consume?


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I tried to hunt down something like that in xEdit, but the best I could think of from my setup were CACO Cabbages, which is a more complex affair.


Is there a simple way to make it? Just one specific item to produce another specific item upon being consumed. Like, idk, eating a bowl of fire salts produces a bowl?

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That doesn't really tell me how to make it work :sad: I'm not a modder. I'm most an xEdit scrub moving crap around to modify it. My CK experience is limited to setting up planters.


I'd much rather know how to do it in xEdit too, as the two items come from two different mods and I want to make the change in a patch. Doing something like that in CK makes my head hurt, have to esmify espify crap and then it crashes 10 times before anything gets to happen. Very confusing and I'd fear it would break my install somehow.

Edited by Esteris
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