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Female Armor Request


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I love all the different types of female armor mods out there, from the ones that just make the vanilla armor fit the female body better to the ones that completely change the appearance of the female armor when equipped. All of them are so very amazing but they mainly fall into two categories every single time: better vanilla fit and skimpy. I was thinking that someone could create a mod that changes the appearance of the the female armor but not to something skimpy something....stylish instead. I know a lot of people love skimpy armor, and don't get me wrong I do to. In fact I rather enjoy wearing risque outfits and skimpy outfits myself, just look in my closet XD but I also occasionally like to wear stylish and cute outfits too. Anyways, I'm off topic here, basically what I am saying is that I think that someone should make a mod that makes the female armor look stylish and cute instead of skimpy and risque. I would do it myself but I have no idea how to create or even format a mod. So, I wanted to make this request here. Could someone please create a mod that makes the female armor look stylish and cute? It would be really cool if you did and would add one extra flavor to our armor mods Instead of just plan and spicy all the time it would be plan, mild and spicy.

Edited by Anabelle83
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