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Make objects disappear when activated


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So I have an idea I want to implament to my mod. The plan is that I want the settlement workshop to be covered in spiderwebs.

When you look at the spiderwebs you get the option to click (E to remove web). When you click to remove the web I want it to maybe play a sound(?) and disappear.

How do I do this? Do I need to use or make a papyrus script or is there an existing script I can use?

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Can use an OnActivate event on the spiderweb object, and call disable on the object, using the self.Disable().

Ok I will try. I have no coding knowledge so this will be fun haha :happy:

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So I have an idea I want to implament to my mod. The plan is that I want the settlement workshop to be covered in spiderwebs.

When you look at the spiderwebs you get the option to click (E to remove web). When you click to remove the web I want it to maybe play a sound(?) and disappear.

How do I do this? Do I need to use or make a papyrus script or is there an existing script I can use?

Didnt take long before I ran into some errors :/


So I made an invisible activator that works fine ( it removes itself after I activate it without having to use any script or anything so that is nice).

on the activator I have used this script;


Scriptname DisableCobweb1 extends ObjectReference
ObjectReference Property CobwebNROne Auto
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
I have directly linke the cobweb (with an uniqe object ID; CobwebNROne) on to the script and set it so that onActivate it should disable the object. The problem is that when I activate the activator it dissappears, but does not disable the cobweb. Do you understant what the problem is?
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yeah, that is some fun ideas (great for "halloween"/seasonal stuff)

cobwebs huh?

It'd be neat to have those as 'seasonal layers in the Player Mansion at Diamond City" etc.

have like a HUDui Decorum Menu or as a Transfer Settlement type thing.


you can also combine that with the keyframes on animation 2D-3D decal appliques,

to make "liquid metal doors", "lenticular posters" (which is really a layer effect and a keyed to incidence 360vid...)

"forcefields", "neon signs/backlit console computers" etc.

and "variable geometry/animated doors" such as a "torggler door" etc.

it is a very similar process to make those doors bound to the state set by both the button and the settlement-computer

(and you can leave the override preference as you like it - manual or the 'digital")




some experiments in FIFO just-in-time read-write occlusion planes

are also proving promising,

allowing us to make settlements even more complex and densely-packed with 'shtuff'.

already, you could place AB pairwise "any door to any where" door-refs that allow you to map

Exterior to Interior etc, which thanks to a decal-type door ref, can be 'arbitrarily thin, and very close" as that door-pair.

so that is next-level on top of that.


that is another way to make stuff 'disappear when activated/conditionally toggled".



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