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Porting NPC ReWeHeighter- features worked but NPCS lose names/lootability


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Hi all,


I am basically one mod away from having my perfect skyrim SE, and that is using the oldrim npc height and weight distributor (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50846/)


I have it working to where it can do its job with the NPCs in SE, however the NPCs are no longer interactable and cant be looted.


This mod uses a java/SkyProc thing to make an esp patch. I just opened and saved the esp in CK, which made the npc size changes but I am not sure how to preserve their names and stuff?



If this works I will post a tutorial for it because I think it adds a lot to the game to have size distribution in general and differences between sexes and races in the game.

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