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import creature into creation kit


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Did you just create a texture and not a new nif .. if so then want to create a texture set and then apply to an existing model ... here i'll give a quick write up on that for yah, added how to get into the game as a new critter part of an existing Race. Now if want as a new race let me know and will post how to do that, just a couple more steps in addition to below. As to weapons are you after applying new look or just changing the basic stats of an existing one. If former I'd recommend creating your own nif for it but if want to do similar to what is listed below and apply a re-texture to an existing weapon can do it (have done this for about a dozen weapons in my game .. not posted yet .. for use my a new Dragur variant), then open an existing weapon and go to second tab and change the model used and 1stperson record (have to make one of these for the weapon). If can give me some idea what trying to do can give a detailed write up for you like below .. also thought someone did this for weapons, might want to ck the tutorial section around here.


Hope this helps .. if need more let me know.


Ok we have the CK up and running (for a new esp only check Skyrim.esm, for existing load and activate your esp) and you have made the dds texture that you want to apply either in GIMP or another program (e.g. Paint.net) from a similar dds file in the game. Now go through the following steps to get the textures applied in the game, will use the Korker as the example here.


1. Create a New Texture Set: In the Object Window click 'Texture Set' under the Miscellaneous tab. This brings up all the existing ones in the esm and/or esp.


1a. Optional: Filter the list to see if can find a set similar to what trying to create. In this case I put in *horker and got no hits so was not able to build on an existing set.


1b. Open Existing Set: Open any existing set that is available. It is recommended that pick one that is in the same genre as what going to be creating. Here I picked an actor type (e.g. BearCave) so would be in the same general area as the horker.


1c. Change the ID/Name ... Important: In the box at the top where BearCave is change to whatever makes sense to you for your mod .. I tend to put a number first (1..9) as this will garauntee that the new item will be listed near the top.


1d. Change Diffuse: In the section below the name block highlight the 'Diffuse' item (if not already done) and then go to the 'Edit' botton below and press, this will bring up the 'Select File' routine. Here go to where you placed the new dds (in this case in actor\horker) and double click the new texture to apply here. Back at the texture set dialogue you will see in the window that your new texture is now there vice the bear.


1e. Change Normal/Gloss: Do the same routine that did for 1d, except you are looking for a dds file that has a _n at the end normally. If did not create one then use the existing one for the actor (e.g. horker_n). If there is none then go through the process select as before but hit the cancel button in the 'Select File' box and that will remove the existing dds file and leave a blank.


1f. Subsurface Tint/Detail Map: Same as 1e but most actors do not have this so generally will be removing if in the template using to create your texture set.


1g. Click OK button and then Yes when asked if want to create a new record .. if did 1c that is otherwise whoops.


1h. Repeat for Each Added Set: If adding more (did 2 for the horker esp) just go through the steps above as aften as needed.


2. Creating Supprot Records: Once the texture set/s have been completed we will need to buildthe animal and its supporting records.


2a. Horker Race: Already exists so no modification needed as we are adding new members not creating a new Race .. that gets us into a ton of more work.


2b. Naked Variants/ArmorAddon: Here build the foundation of what adding to the Race (if building new one) and Skins.


2b1. Open existing 'NakedHorkerAA' and check it out. When I did this I noted that no female 'Bipedal Model' had been activated so i proceeded to do that. Clicked the selct button which brings up the 'Model Data' window .. once there you go to the 'Alternate Textures' part and for Horker:0 right click and select new. This takes you to the 'Texture Set' window where can pick your new texture to override the existing one in the game. Select it and you will see the change in the window, click OK, then back at the ArmorAddon just click OK also to make sure applied to the Naked ID.


2b2. Create the Variants. If want more variants, and who doesn't, then effectively will repeat '2b1' BUT this time CHANGE the 'ID' name to something different. Here Opened the basic 'NakedHorkerAA' added a B to the end for baby and ended up with 'NakedHorkerAAB'. As before hit the Select button to bring up the 'Model Data' window and then applied the texture you did for that variant as in 2b1 above. Will repeat this for as many different variants as want to add in be it 1 or 100.


Note: Why not give it a totally unique name you ask ... well if you are doing replacing in the 'Render Window' this will pretty much ensure that what want to use is gonna be near the vanilla creature and for use lazy folks that is nice.


2c. Skin/Armor Variants: In a similar manner to '2b' above we will now work on the Skin record which uses the Naked record (why always best to build it before this one).


2c1. Open an existing Skin/Armor record and as before give it a different ID. Since not building a new race can skip the race tab setting and leave it as is same for the name block unless want to change it to something else. The imortant thing need to do here is go to the model block. This is where you want to apply your 'Naked/ArmorAddon' created so when apply the skin to a 'ENC' record it will look correct. As before right click in the 'Model' block and select new, find the appropriate skin record and double click to apply .. then do not forget to delete the old reference that was there.


2c2. Create Variants. As above just repeat as often as needed.


NOTE: I did not need to do 2b or 2c for the female horker since just had to active the female portion of the vanilla horker to get what you wanted. Couldn't resist though and had to put a GrandMa Horker in, bigger tougher and overall bad girl then the rest of the herd .. that is a Grandma (was gonna be Mother in Law but didn't seem right). Just repeated steps above to create the basic Naked/Skin records for grandma for use as below.


3. ENC/Actor: These are the basic records you need to interact with the game world.


3a. Create Variant: Open an existing Actor record .. only one for the Horker so we open it and make the following basic changes:


ID: Give new name so do not fuin the vanilla record.


Template Data: Leave at NONE .. if you are making a large group of variants (look at Daugr) then would want to make a template Actor to fill in much of the data in the tabs for you and save some work.


Traits: Race; leave as is would change if into new races though

Skin: Apply the new skin data here that built in 2c

Height: Change to make larger or smaller

Death Item: if created a new treasure for the actor can apply it here.


Stats: Level: Can change this will impact calc of Health and rest.

Health/Magick/Stamina Offset: make them stronger or weaker


Other Tabs: Mod these based on what changing with the creature but not really part of the basic actor into the game thingee. Ones I play with are Factions, Inventory, and SpellList normally the rest I generally let the normal defaults for the base actor be the default.


Note: For the Horker the Enc record was placed directly on the map so could stop now if wanted but I didn't .. see below.


4. Leveled Character: variability in what shows at a placed 'M' marker is determined by this record. Since the horker in game for vanilla did not have one I put this together for you so different variants will show at spawn points versus the same baby, female, male, grandma every time.


4a. To create open any LChar record in the game and rename the ID, then delete all the existing options in the record and drag and drop your new records into the box. Just like above you can crate more then one LChar variant depending on the complexity of the new actor variants working on.


4b. Get into the Game: One final step is required, since can not place the LChar on the map, you need to make another Actor record ... the Lvl one. Here open an existing Lvl record change the ID name to be unique and then drop down to template and click the 'down arrow' and select the Lchar that just created above .. save and that is it. You can now place 'M' spawn markers vice specific actors for variability.

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