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ronnie shaw ?old guns


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Have you tried going to Sanctuary or another distant point, then sleeping or waiting a day or two, then going back? I'm guessing you didn't do a fresh save before starting the quest. You may have to use console commands. Here is a link to the page that has all the quest ID's https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_4_quests , once you have the quest Id, travel far away, save and exit, restart game and enter the console and type resetquest ( quest ID ) without brackets and hit enter. Personally I would save and exit again, then restart game and travel back to the castle. And please, before doing any of that, make a quick save in case it doesn't work. ​I just found this through the other link I gave you, it takes you to a page with quest stages for Old Guns, http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Old_Guns , this may be easier than my first suggestion. Look at the list to determine which stage you are having problems with. I still suggest moving away, maybe to the store near the castle, enter command console and type ( setstage [ stage number ] then hit enter, exit console and return to Ronnie. Don't use any brackets and only a single space between setstage and number. This should fix it. Just remember to save often, to avoid these problems, and bookmark that first link I gave you.

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