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Strange disintegration bug - Certain NPCS won't turn to ash piles anymore


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I'm experiencing a strange bug that has only manifested as of this afternoon, for reasons I cannot fathom. For some reason, certain NPCs will not turn to ash piles anymore. It seems to effect most humanoid enemies (Raiders, Super Mutants, etc.), but not monsters like Mirelurks or Radroaches. The effect for the enemy turning to ash plays properly, and the corpse slowly fades away. However, no ash pile is left, and the body just vanishes for a few seconds. Then it re-appears, completely intact (unless it was gibbed, then the gibs re-appear). For a while, I thought this was an issue caused by a specific mod (This one, it's very good by the way.) With humans, a bloody skeleton can be seen jutting out of the body. Here are some images.

I've uninstalled basically every mod I can think of that might be causing this, and cleaned my save to boot. It may seem like a pithy thing, but it makes it too annoying for me to use any weapon that causes disintegration. Just kinda gets on my nerves.


Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? I've got nothing.

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